2023-05-18 13:13
  • 路婵
  • 路婵 - 博士 教授-中南大学-湘雅公共卫生学院-个人资料




[1] 2002年9月–2006年6月,中南大学,供热、供燃气、通风与空调工程专业,博士
[2] 2007年9月–2010年6月,中南大学,制冷与低温工程,硕士
[3] 2010年9月–2018年6月,中南大学,热能与动力工程专业,学士
[1] 2010年10月-至今,中南大学,湘雅公共卫生学院劳动卫生与环境卫生系,教授,硕士生导师
[2] 2013年10月–2014年10月,香港大学,机械工程系,国际室内空气质量与气候学会ISIAQ(International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate)品牌国际学术会议“Indoor Air 2014”会议秘书;访问学者
[3] 2003年04月-2010年03月,美国德克萨斯大学,工程与计算机科学学院,访问学者
1. 国际学术会议INDOOR AIR 2020 Best Poster奖(2020)




1. Yanlin Liu, Chan Lu *, Miaomiao Deng, Dan Norbäck, Shujie Sun. The effect of prenatal and early-postnatal exposure to classical air pollution on childhood pneumonia in China.Indoor and Built Environment. (Accepted)
2. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao,…, Qihong Deng *. Onset and remission of eczema at pre-school age in relation to prenatal and postnatal air pollution and home environment across China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 755 (Part 1): 142467.
3. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Furry pet-related wheeze and rhinitis in pre-school children across China: Associations with early life dampness and mould, furry pet keeping, outdoor temperature, PM10 and PM2.5. Environment International, 2020,144:106033.
4. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck *, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Common cold among young adults in China without a history of asthma or allergic rhinitis - associations with warmer climate zone, dampness and mould at home, and outdoor PM10 and PM2.5. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 749: 141580.
5. Chan Lu, Dan Norbäck, YuguoLi, Deng Q *. Early-life exposure to air pollution and childhood allergic diseases: an update on the link and its implications. Expert Review of Clinical Immunology, 2020, 16: 813-827.
6. Wenwen Zhang, Yuguang Xiang, Chan Lu, Cuiyun Ou, Qihong Deng *. Numerical modeling of particle deposition in the conducting airways of asthmatic children. Medical Engineering and Physics, 2020, 76: 40-46. 期刊亮点论文(Editor’s choice)
7. Chan Lu, Werishe Zhang, Xiangrong Zheng, Jingchi Sun, Lv Chen, Qihong Deng *. Combined effects of ambient air pollution and home environmental factors on low birth weight. Chemosphere, 2020, 240: 124836.
8. Chan Lu #, Lanqin Cao #, Dan Norbäck, Yuguo Li,Jing Chen, Qihong Deng *. Combined effects of traffic air pollution and homeenvironmental factorsonpreterm birth in China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 184:109639.
9. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, Qihong Deng *. Sources of indoor particulate matter (PM) and outdoor air pollution in China in relation to asthma, wheeze, rhinitis, and eczema among pre-school children: Synergistic effects between antibiotics use and PM10 and second hand smoke. Environment International, 2019, 125: 252-260.
10. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yiping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, …, QihongDeng *. Onset and remission ofchildhood wheeze and rhinitis across China– Associations with early life indoor and outdoor air pollution. Environment International, 2019, 123: 61-69.
11. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Juan Wang, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, …, QihongDeng *. Asthma and rhinitis among Chinese children — Indoor and outdoor air pollution and indicators ofsocioeconomic status (SES). Environment International, 2018, 115: 1-8.
12. Chan Lu, Yufeng Miao, Ji Zeng, WeiJiang, Yongming Shen, Qihong Deng *. Prenatal exposure toambient temperature variationincreases the risk of common cold in children. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2018, 154: 221-227.
13. Wei Jiang#, Chan Lu #, Yufeng Miao, Yuguang Xiang, Lv Chen, Qihong Deng *. Outdoor particulate air pollution and indoor renovation associated with childhoodpneumonia in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2018, 174: 76-81.
14. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yiping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang, Hua Qian, Yuexia Sun, Jan Sundell, Juan Wang, Wei Liu, Qihong Deng. Lifetime-ever pneumonia among pre-school children across China — Associations with pre-natal and post-natal early life environmental factors. Environmental Research, 2018, 167: 418-427.
15. Qiong Zhong, ChanLu *, Weishe Zhang, Xiangrong Zheng, Qihong Deng*. Preterm birth and ambienttemperature: Strongassociation during night-time and warm seasons. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2018, 78: 381-390.
16. Fei'er Chen, …, Dan Norbäck, Cong Liu, Haidong Kan, Qihong Deng, ..., Chan Lu, …, Jan Sundell, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, …, Zhuohui Zhao *.The effects of PM2.5 on asthmatic and allergic diseases or symptoms in preschool children of six Chinese cities, based on China, Children, Homes, and Health (CCHH) project. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 232: 329-337.
17. 路婵, 胡旭, 缪玉峰, 姜伟, 向宇光, 邓启红 *. 生命早期环境污染暴露增加儿童过敏与感染风险. 科学通报, 2018, 63: 954-967.
18. Qihong Deng *, Linjing Deng, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Yuguo Li, Dan Norbäck. Parental stress and air pollution increase childhood asthma in China. Environmental Research, 2018, 165: 23-31.
19. Xiangrong Zheng, Weishe Zhang, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Dan Norbäck, Qihong Deng *. An epidemiological assessment of the effect of ambient temperature on the incidence of preterm births: Identifying windows of susceptibility during pregnancy. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2018, 74: 201-207.
20. Chan Lu, Linling Deng, Cuiyun Ou, Hong Yuan, Xiang Chen, Qihong Deng *. Preconceptional and perinatal exposure to traffic-related air pollution and eczema in preschool children. Journal of Dermatological Science, 2017, 85:85-95. 期刊亮点论文(Editor’s choice)、期刊高被引
21. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Yuguo Li, Lv Chen, Yanrong He, Jan Sundell, Dan Norbäck. Association between prenatal exposure to industrial air pollution and onset of early childhood ear infection in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2017, 157: 18-26.
22. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Wei Jiang,Jinping Zhao, Linjing Deng, Yuguang Xiang. Association of outdoor air pollution and indoor renovation with early childhood ear infection in China. Chemosphere, 2017, 169: 288-296.
23. Yufeng Miao, Runhuai Wang, Chan Lu, Jinping Zhao, Qihong Deng *. Lifetime cancer risk assessment for inhalation exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24: 312-320.
24. Yufeng Miao, Yongming Shen, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Ji Zeng, Qihong Deng *. Maternal exposure to ambient air temperature during pregnancy and early childhood pneumonia. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2017, 69: 288-293.
25. Dan Norbäck #,*, Chan Lu #, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang,Hua Qian, Jan Sundell, Qihong Deng *. Common cold among pre-school children in China — associations with ambient PM10 and dampness, mould, cats, dogs, rats and cockroaches in the home environment. Environment International, 2017, 103: 13-22.
26. Ji Zeng, Chan Lu (论文主要作者), Qihong Deng *. Prenatal exposure to diurnal temperature variation andearlychildhood pneumonia. Journal of Thermal Biology 2017, 65: 105-112.
27. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Yichen Yu, Yuguo Li, Jan Sundell, DanNorbäck. Early life exposure to traffic-related air pollution and allergic rhinitis in preschool children. Respiratory Medicine, 2016, 121: 67-73.
28. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Yuguo Li, Jan Sundell, DanNorbäck. Exposure to outdoor air pollution during trimesters of pregnancy and childhood asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema. Environmental Research, 2016, 150: 119-127 期刊高被引、ESI %高被引
29. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Yuguo Li, Jan Sundell, Dan Norbäck *. Outdoor air pollution,meteorological conditions, and indoor factors in dwellings inrelation to sick buildingsyndrome (SBS) among adults in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 560-561: 186-196.
30. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Cuiyun Ou, Lv Chen, Hong Yuan. Preconceptional, prenatal and postnatal exposure to outdoor and indoor environmental factors on allergic diseases/symptoms in preschool children. Chemosphere, 2016, 152: 459-467.
31. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Chuck Wah Francis Yu. Characterizing ambient concentration of PM10 in urbanenvironment of central south China. Indoor and Built Environment, 2015, 24: 324-339.
32. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Dan Norbäck, Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Yinping Zhang, Weiwei Liu, Hong Yuan, Jan Sundell. Early life exposure to ambient air pollution and childhood asthma in China. Environmental Research, 2015, 143: 83-92.
33. Qihong Deng *, Chan Lu (学生第一作者), Cuiyun Ou,Weiwei Liu. Effects of early life exposure to outdoor air pollution and indoor renovation on childhood asthma in China. Building and Environment, 2015, 93: 84-91.
34. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Chuck Wah Francis Yu. Strategies for reduction of episodic risk of PM10 by controlling industrial and traffic emissions of SO2 and NO2 and meteorological parameters. Indoor and Built Environment, 2015, 24: 473-488.
35. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Chuck Wah Francis Yu, Jan Sundell, Cuiyun Ou. Effectsof ambient air pollution on the prevalence of pneumonia in children Implication for National Ambient Air Quality Standards in China. Indoor and Built Environment, 2014, 23: 259-269.
36. 路婵, 邓启红*, 欧翠云, 刘蔚巍, Jan Sundell. 大气污染对儿童鼻炎发病率的影响. 科学通报, 2013, 58: 2577-2583.
37. Yinping Zhang *, Baizhan Li *, Chen Huang, ..., Qihong Deng, Zhuohui Zhao, ..., Chan Lu, …, Dan Norbäck, Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Jan Sundell *. Ten cities cross-sectional questionnaire survey of children asthma and other allergies in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013, 58: 4182-4189.
38. Chan Lu, Qihong Deng *, Weiwei Liu, Boliang Huang, Lingzhi Shi. Characteristics of ventilation coefficient and its impact in urban air pollution. Journal of Central South University, 2012, 19: 615-622.
39. Qihong Deng *, Guangxing He, Chan Lu (学生主要作者), Weiwei Liu. Urban Ventilation — A New Concept and Lumped Model. International Journal of Ventilation, 2012, 1: 131-140.
1. 国际学术期刊Indoor and Built Environment(SCI),助理编辑(Assistant Editor)
2. 国际学术期刊BMC Pediatrics(SCI),副主编(\"Global and public health and healthcare\"主题主编)
1. 国际室内空气质量与气候学会(ISIAQ)重要国际学术会议 “Indoor Air 2014” 大会秘书。(2014年7月7-12日,香港)。
2. 担任国际室内空气质量与气候学会(ISIAQ)权威学术会议 “Healthy Buildings Asia 2019” 大会秘书长。

