2023-05-18 12:54
  • 高海燕
  • 高海燕 - 研究员-中南大学-粉末冶金研究院-个人资料




2009年获中南大学材料学博士学位,2015年被聘为中南大学粉末冶金研究院研究员。曾参与“973”基础研究项目(2009CB623400),国家自然科学基金重点项目(20636020),国家自然科学基金专项基金项目(50823006)及多项国家自然科学基金项目(50323008,  51071178, 51504296)的研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项(51404301,51774336),主持湖南自然科学基金项目2项(11JJ4036,18JJxxxx),在国内外权威及核心期刊 《Intermetallics》,《Desalination》,《Powder Metallurgy》,《Advanced Powder Technology》,《Journal  of Materials Engineering and Performance》,《Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramic》、《Materials at high temperature》、《Transactions  of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》、《材料研究学报》及《中国有色金属学报》等刊物上公开发表学术论文50余篇,EI收录30余篇,SCI收录20余篇,获发明专利4项。参与撰写《中国材料工程大典 第14卷》;承担粉末冶金及材料化学专业《材料表面科学与工程》课程的本科教学工作,并获“比亚迪优秀教师奖”。 获2018年湖南省自然科学奖二等奖




[1] Haiyan Gao, Wei Xie, Huibin Zhang, Weijun Shen, Yuehui He.Modification of the reactive synthesis of porous FeAl with addition of Si, Materials at high temperature, 2018,15,159-205.
[2] Xie W,Gao H Y,He Y H,Xie B N,Liu C. T. Fabrication of a graded pore-sized porous FeAl intermetallic membrane, Powder Metallurgy, 2016.,59(5), 308-313.
[3] Gao H Y,He Y H,Shen P Z,Jiang Y,Liu C. T. Effect of pressure on pore structure of porous FeAl intermetallics, Advanced Powder Technology,2015, 26(3), 882~886.
[4] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Jin Zou, Peizhi Shen, Nanping Xu, Yao Jiang, Baiyun Huang, C.T. Liu. Mechanical properties of porous Fe-Al intermetallics. Powder Metallurgy,2014,57 (5):246-252.
[5] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Jin Zou, Nanping Xu, C. T. Liu. Pore structure control for porous FeAl intermetallics, Intermetallics, 2013,.32, 423-428.
[6] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Peizhi Shen, Jin Zou, Nanping Xu, Baiyun Huang, C. T. Liu. Tortuosity factor for porous FeAl intermetallics fabricated by reactive synthesis, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22, 2179-2183.
[7] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Peizhi Shen, Jin Zou, Yao Jiang, Nanping Xu, C. T. Liu. Congeneous and heterogeneous brazing of porous FeAl alloy, Powder Metallurgy, 2011,54(2):142 -147.
[8] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Peizhi Shen, Jin Zou, Yao Jiang, Nanping Xu, C. T. Liu. Effect of the Al content on the pore structure of porous FeAl alloy, Powder Metallurgy,2009, 52(2):158-163.
[9] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Peizhi Shen, Jin Zou, Yao Jiang, Nanping Xu, C. T. Liu. Porous FeAl intermetallics fabricated by elemental powder reactive synthesis, Intermetallics,2009, 17:1041-1046.
[10] Haiyan Gao, Yuehui He, Peizhi Shen, Jin Zou, Yao Jiang, Nanping Xu, C. T. Liu. Effect of heating rate on the pore structure of porous FeAl alloy, Powder Metallurgy,2008, 51(2):171-175.

