2023-05-18 12:11
  • 吴昀昭
  • 吴昀昭 - 研究员 博导--吴昀昭-个人资料








1. Wu Y., The ‘super blood wolf Moon’ from space. Nature Astronomy. 2019, 3(204).
2. Wu Y., Z. Wang, Y. Lu. Space weathering of the Moon from in situ detection.Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2019, 19(4): 51(10pp).
3. Lu Y., Y. Wu*, G. Michael, et al. Young wrinkle ridges in Mare Imbrium: Evidence for very recent compressional tectonism. Icarus. 2019, 329: 24-33.
4. Wu Y., Z. Wang, W. Cai, et al. The Absolute Reflectance and New Calibration Site of the Moon. The Astronomical Journal. 2018, 155(5): 213(18pp).
5. Wu Y., B. Hapke. Spectroscopic observations of the Moon at the lunar surface. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2018, 484: 145-153.
6. Wu Y., L. Li, X. Luo, et al. Geology, tectonism and composition of the northwest Imbrium region. Icarus. 2018, 303: 67-90.
7. Chen Y., C. Li, X. Ren, J. Liu, Y. Wu*, et al. The thickness and volume of young basalts within Mare Imbrium. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2018, 123(2): 630-645.
8. Wang Z., Y. Wu*, D. T. Blewett, et al. Submicroscopic metallic iron in lunar soils estimated from the in situ spectra of the Chang’E-3 mission. Geophysical Research Letters. 2017, 44(8): 3485-3492.
9. Zhang X., Y. Wu*, Z. Ouyang, et al. Mineralogical Variation of the Late Stage Mare Basalts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 2016, 121(10): 2063-2080.
10. Zhang X., Z. Ouyang, Y. Wu*, et al. Study of the continuum removal method for the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) and its application to Mare Humorum and Mare Nubium. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2016, 16(7): 136-145.
11. Tang X, X. Luo, Y. Jiang, A Xu, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, W. Cai, Y. Wu*. Estimation of lunar FeO abundance based on imaging by LRO Diviner. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2016, 16(2): 29-34.
12. Wu Y., S. Besse, J. Li, et al. Photometric correction and in-flight calibration of Chang’E-1 Interference Imaging Spectrometer (IIM) data. Icarus. 2013, 222(1): 283-295.
13. Wu Y. Major elements and Mg# of the Moon: Result from Chang’E-1 Interference Imaging Spectrometer(IIM) data. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta. 2012, 93: 214-234.
14. Wu Y., B. Xue, B. Zhao, et al. Global Estimate of Lunar Iron and Titanium Contents from the Chang’E-1 IIM data. Journal of Geophviscal Research. 2012, 117: 1-23.
15. Wu Y., Y. Zheng, Y. Zou, et al. A preliminary experience in the use of Chang’E-1 IIM data. Planetary and Space Science. 2010, 58(14):1922-1931.
16. Wu Y., X. Zhang, B. Yan, et al. Global absorption center map of the mafic minerals on the Moon as viewed by CE-1 IIM. Science in China Series G. 2010, 53(12): 2160-2171.
17. Wu Y., H. Lu, Q. Liu, et al. Inversion of the asymmetry factor for desert areas of China. Science in China Series D. 2010, 53(4): 561-567.
18. Wu Y., X. Xu, Z. Xie, et al. Absolute Calibration of the Chang’E-1 IIM camera and its preliminary application. Science in China Series G. 2009, 52(12): 1842-1848.
19. Wu Y., P. Gong, Q. Liu, et al. Retrieving photometric properties of desert surfaces in China using the Hapke model and MISR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2009, 113(1): 213-223.
20. Wu Y., J. Ji, J. Chen, et al. A mechanism study of reflectance spectroscopy for investigating heavy metals in soil. Soil Science Society of American Journal. 2007, 71: 918-926.
21. Wu Y., J. Ji, J. Chen, et al. Feasibility of reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of soil mercury contamination. Environment Science and Technology. 2005, 39: 873-878.
22. Wu Y., J. Ji, J. Chen, et al. Possibilities of reflectance spectroscopy for the assessment of heavy metal contamination on in suburban soils. Applied Geochemistry. 2005, 20:1051-1059.


