蔡秀珊 女,2005年毕业于上海交通大学,获得控制理论与控制工程博士学位,现任电子工程系教授。主讲课程主讲本科课程:工程数学、概率论与数理统计主讲研究生课程:最优化理论与应用,非线性系统与混沌科研项目1. 一类微分包含系统的稳定性和反馈镇定(60774011),国家自然科学基金(2008.1-2010.12),项目主持人(已结题)2. 非线性控制系统有限时间镇定与跟踪设计研究(61074011),国家自然科学基金(2011.1-2013.12),项目主持人(在研)获奖情况1.“基于控制Lyapunov函数的非线性控制系统设计”获浙江省高校科研成果二等奖(2008年), 排名1 指导研究生情况1.现指导研究生3名专利 金属切削液清洁装置 金属切削液清洁装置 一种改进型汽车后轮独立控制的四轮驱动系统 一种适用于大空间搬运的高精度小型仓储机器人 非晶外表层的纳米晶材料制备方法 一种全自动西瓜采摘机 一种可移动的自动采集苹果机器人 一种轮式智能取物机器人 一种在移动中能实现避障控制的机器人 电力谐波检测仪 一种采用微分包含对机械系统进行统一控制的方法 一种全自动西瓜采摘机 一种适用于大空间搬运的高精度小型仓储机器人 一种用于辅助中风病人行走的辅助装置著作成果 微分包含控制系统理论研究领域
l 非线性系统的理论与应用l 智能信息处理""近期论文
[1]高虹.一类非线性系统的函数观测器设计.控制理论与应用.2013 (第9期):1207-1210 [2]CAI.Robust Stabilization for Nonlinear Differential Inclusion Systems Subject to Disturbances.自动化学报.2010 (第9期):1327-1331 [3]Yan-Hong Liu.Energy-based stabilisation and H∞ robust stabilisation of stochastic non-linear systems.IET Control Theory & Applications.2018,Vol.12 (No.2):318-325 [4]Junfeng Zhang.A novel approach to control synthesis of positive switched systems.IET Control Theory & Applications.2017,Vol.11 (No.18):3396-3403 [5]Xiushan Cai.Inverse optimal control for strict‐feedforward nonlinear systems with input delays.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.2018,Vol.28 (No.8):2976-2995 [6]Xiushan Cai.Inverse optimal control for strict-feedforward nonlinear systems with input delays.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.2018,Vol.28 (No.8):2976-2995 [7]Cai, X..Universal stabilisation design for general non-linear systems under wave partial differential equation actuator dynamics with time-varying moving boundary.Control Theory and Applications, IET.2016,Vol.10 (No.3):253-264 [8]Xiushan Cai.Nonlinear stabilization through wave PDE dynamics with a moving uncontrolled boundary.Automatica.2016,Vol.68 :27-38 [9]Xiushan Cai.Input-to-State Stability and Inverse Optimality of Linear Time-Varying-Delay Predictor Feedbacks.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.2018,Vol.63 (No.1):233-240 [10]Xiushan Cai.Nonlinear control under wave actuator dynamics with time- and state-dependent moving boundary.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control.2015,Vol.25 (No.2):222-251 [11]蔡秀珊.同时镇定一族带有不确定参数的多输入非线性系统.自动化学报.2009 (第2期):206-209 [12]吕干云.基于RVM和ANF的电压暂降检测识别.电力系统保护与控制.2011 (第12期):65-68 [13]蔡秀珊.鲁棒镇定受到干扰的非线性微分包含系统(英文).自动化学报.2010 (第9期) [14]Xiushan Cai.Predictor control for multi-input non-linear systems with time- and state-dependent input delays.IET Control Theory and Applications.2017,Vol.11 (No.4):495-503 [15]蔡秀珊.单边Lipschitz非线性时滞系统的函数观测器设计.控制与决策.2015 (第12期):2259-2264 [16]吕干云.利用三点法的电压暂降源定位方法.中国电机工程学报.2011 (第7期):36-40 [17]Yan-Hong Liu.Energy-based stabilisation and $H_\\infty $H∞ robust stabilisation of stochastic non-linear systems.IET Control Theory and Applications.2018,Vol.12 (No.2):318-325 [18]Cai, Xiushan.Control design for one-side Lipschitz nonlinear differential inclusion systems with time-delay..Neurocomputing.2015,Vol.165 :182-189 [19]胡荟.机器人三维路径规划问题的一种改进蚁群算法.计算机工程与科学.2012 (第11期):153-157 [20]CAI.Simultaneous Stabilization for a Collection of Multi-input Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Parameters.自动化学报.2009 (第2期):206-209 [21]吕干云.基于多分类支持向量机的电压暂降源识别.电力系统保护与控制.2010 (第22期) [22]Junfeng Zhang.Absolute exponential L1-gain analysis and synthesis of switched nonlinear positive systems with time-varying delay.Applied Mathematics and Computation.2016,Vol.284 :24-36 [23]蔡秀珊.具有零动态仿射非线性系统控制Lyapunov函数的构造.控制理论与应用.2007,第24卷 (第3期):391-395 [24]Leipo.Robust stabilization of stochastic differential inclusion systems with time delay.控制理论与应用(英文版).2012 (第1期):77-81 [25]Xiushan Cai.Control of discrete-time nonlinear systems actuated through counter-convecting transport dynamics.Journal of Control and Decision.2014,Vol.1 (No.1):34-50 [26]Wei Zhang.Robust stability criteria for systems with interval time-varying delay and nonlinear perturbations.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.2010,Vol.234 (No.1):174-180 [27]Xiu-Shan CAI.Simultaneous H∞ Stabilization for a Set of Nonlinear Systems.Acta Automatica Sinica.2012,Vol.38 (No.3):473-481 [28]蔡秀珊.一类非线性系统输出反馈的半全局实用镇定.控制理论与应用.2005 (第3期):386-391 [29]林葱.校园一卡通系统的设计与管理.科技广场.2006 (第7期):57-59 [30]Xiu-Shan CAI.Robust Stabilization for Nonlinear Differential Inclusion Systems Subject to Disturbances.Acta Automatica Sinica.2010,Vol.36 (No.9):1327-1331 [31]林葱.校园一卡通系统的总体设计和实现.科技情报开发与经济.2007,第17卷 (第3期):213-215 [32]林葱.校园一卡通系统的总体设计和实现.中国教育信息化·高教职教.2007 (第7期):49-52 [33]林葱.基于校园网络的一卡通系统设计.信息技术与信息化.2006 (第2期):33-35 [34]Leipo Liu.Robust stabilization of linear differential inclusion system with time 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(No.3):735-743 [41]Cai, Xiushan.OBSERVER DESIGN FOR A CLASS OF NONLINEAR SYSTEM IN CASCADE WITH COUNTER-CONVECTING TRANSPORT DYNAMICS.KYBERNETIKA.2016,Vol.52 (No.1):76-88 [42]Stabilization of discrete nonlinear systems based on control Lyapunov functions.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.2008,Vol.19 (No.1):131-133 [43]Liu, Yan-Hong.Energy-based stabilisation and H-infinity robust stabilisation of stochastic non-linear systems.IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS.2018,Vol.12 (No.2):318-325 [44]Xiushan Cai.Universal stabilisation design for a class of non-linear systems with time-varying input delays.Control Theory and Applications, IET.2015,Vol.9 (No.10):1481-1490 [45]Xiushan Cai.Input-to-state stabilisation for a general nonlinear system with time-varying input delay..IET Control Theory & Applications.2017,Vol.11 (No.16):2793-2800 [46]Xiushan Cai.Inverse optimal design of input-to-state stabilisation for affine nonlinear systems with input delays.International Journal of 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