2023-05-18 10:35
  • 郑文强
  • 郑文强 - 副教授-浙江工业大学-理学院-个人资料




2015/07至今,浙江工业大学,理学院应用物理系,讲师 \r
2009/09-2015/07,中国科学技术大学,近代物理系,博士,导师:彭新华 \r
2005/09-2009/07,合肥工业大学,应用物理系,学士 \r
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,利用原子相干调控技术提升光存储器的存储时间和效率,主持




Xin Bi, Limeng Ruan, Zehua Liu, Kan Li, Yi Ruana, Wenqiang Zheng*, and Qiang Lin. Quantitative analysis of magnetic cobalt particles with an optically pumped atomic magnetometer. Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 084101 (2021). (通讯作者)\r
H. Y. Wang, J. Pan, W.Q. Zheng*, and X.H. Peng. Algorithmic cooling based on cross-relaxation and decoherence-free subspace. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 63.7 (2020). (通讯作者)\r
W.Q. Zheng, S. R. Su, G. Y. Zhang, X. Bi, and Q. Lin. Vector magnetocardiography measurement with a compact elliptically polarized laser-pumped magnetometer, Biomedical Optics Express, 11(2): 649-659, (2020).\r
S. R. Su, G.Y. Zhang, X. Bi, X. He, W. Q. Zheng*, and Q. Lin. Elliptically polarized laser-pumped Mx magnetometer towards applications at room temperature. Optics Express, 27, 33027 (2019). (通讯作者)\r
W. Q. Zheng, H. Y. Wang, T. Xin, X. F. Nie, D. W. Lu, J Li. Optimal bounds on state transfer under quantum channels with application to spin system engineering. Phys. Rev. A 100, 022313 (2019).\r
Bai, M., Huang, Y., Zhang, G., Zheng, W., Lin, Q., and Hu, Z. Fast backward singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm for magnetocardiographic signal reconstruction from pulsed atomic magnetometer data. Optics Express, 27(21), 29534 (2019).\r
H. Y. Wang, Z. H. Ma, S. J. Wu, W. Q. Zheng, Z. Cao, Z. K. Li, S.-M. Fei, X. H. Peng, V. Vedral, J. F. Du. Uncertainty equality with quantum memory and its experimental verification. npj Quantum Information 5, 39 (2019).\r
P. X. Miao, W.Q. Zheng,# S. Y. Yang, B. Wu, B. Cheng, J. H. Tu, H. L. Ke, W. Yang, J. Wang, J. Zhong Cui, and Q. Lin. Wide-range and self-locking atomic magnetometer based on free spin precession. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 36. 4 (2019). (通讯作者).\r
W.Q. Zheng, Z.H. Ma, H.Y. Wang, S.M. Fei, and X.H. Peng. Experimental demonstration of observability and operability of robustness of coherence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120. 230504 (2018).\r
X.F. Nie, J.H. Huang, Z.K. Li, W. Q. Zheng, C.H. Lee, X.H. Peng, J. F. Du. Experimental demonstration of nonlinear quantum metrology with optimal quantum state. Science Bulletin, 63. 469 (2018).\r
X.-W. Yao, H. Y. Wang, Z. Y. Liao, M.-C. Chen, J. Pan, J. Li, K. C. Zhang, X. C. Lin, Z. H. Wang, Z. H. Luo, W. Q. Zheng, J. Z. Li, M. S. Zhao, X. H. Peng, and D. Suter, Quantum Image Processing and Its Application to Edge Detection: Theory and Experiment, Phys. Rev. X, 7, 031041 (2017).\r
H. Y. Wang, W. Q. Zheng, N. K. Yu, K. R. Li, D. W. Lu, T. Xin, C. Li, Z. F. Ji, D. Kribs, B. Zeng*, X. H. Peng* and J. F. Du, Quantum state and process tomography via adaptive measurements, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron., 59, 100313 (2016).\r
W.Q. Zheng, Y.F. Yu. et al. Hybrid magic state distillation for universal fault-tolerant quantum computation. Phys. Rev. A 91,022314 (2015). \r
W.Q. Zheng, D. Z. Xu, X. H. Peng, X. Y. Zhou, J. F. Du, and C. P. Sun. Experimental demonstration of the quantum Zeno effect in NMR with entanglement-based measurements. Phys. Rev. A 87.032112 (2013). \r
X. H. Peng, Z. H. Luo, W.Q. Zheng, S. P. Kuo, D. Suter, J. F. Du. Experimental Implementation of Adiabatic Passage between Different Topological Orders. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 080404 (2014). \r
H.Y. Wang, W.Q. Zheng, Y.F. Yu, M. Jiang, X. H. Peng, and J. F. Du, Determining an n-qubit state by a single apparatus through a pairwise interaction. Phys. Rev. A 89, 032103(2014). \r
Z.K. Li, H. Zhou, C.Y. Ju, H.W. Chen, W.Q. Zheng, D.W. Lu, X. Rong, C.K. Duan, X. H. Peng, and J. F. Du, Experimental Realization of a Compressed Quantum Simulation of a 32-Spin Ising Chain. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 220501 (2014). \r
Z. Wu, S. J. Li, W.Q. Zheng, X. H. Peng, and M. Feng. Experimental demonstration of simplified quantum process tomography. J. Chem. Phys. 138, 024318 (2013). \r
Z. Wu, J. Li, W.Q. Zheng, J. L, M. Feng and X. H. Peng. Experimental demonstration of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in homonuclear multispin systems. Phys. Rev. A 84, 042312 (2011).

