2023-05-18 09:43
  • 朱松明
  • 朱松明 - 教授 博士生导师-浙江大学-生物系统工程与食品科学学院-个人资料




主要成果:主持/主参国家基金、国家863、国家科技支撑、农业部行业科技等省部级以上项目/课题30多项;发表论文250多篇,其中SCI收录120多篇,EI收录60多篇,授权发明专利20多项;曾获国家科技进步三等奖1项、国家级新产品1个、省部级二等奖1项、教育部霍英东基金优秀青年教师奖、国际水产养殖工程学会两年一度的唯一杰出论文奖等、美国食品科技学会George Stewart国际论文奖等。




1.Bao Weijun;Zhu Songming;Guo Shuirong;Wang Li;Huang Shixue;Fu Jingyi;Ye Zhangying*.2018.Particle size distribution mathematical models and properties of suspended solids in a typical freshwater pond.Environmental pollution 241:164-171.
2.Gang Liu;Zhangying Ye;Dezhao Liu;Songming Zhu*.2018.Inorganic nitrogen control,growth,and immunophysiological response of Litopenaeus vannamei(Boone,1931)in a biofloc system and in clear water with or without commercial probiotic.Aquaculture International(2018)26(4):981-999.
3.Zhao Jian,Bao Weijun,Zhang Fengdeng,Zhu Songming,Liu Ying,Lu Huanda,Shen Mingwei,Ye Zhangying*.2018.Modified motion influence map and recurrent neural network-based monitoring of the local unusual behaviors for fish school in intensive aquaculture.Aquaculture 493:165-175.
4.Liu Gang;Songming Zhu;Dezhao Liu;Zhangying Ye*.2018.Effect of the C/N ratio on inorganic nitrogen control and the growth and physiological parameters of tilapias fingerlings,Oreochromis niloticu reared in biofloc systems.Aquaculture Research 49(7):2429-2439.
5.Hao Wang;Songming Zhu;Hosahalli S Ramaswamy;Feifei Hu;Yong Yu*.2018.Effect of high pressure processing on rancidity of brown rice during storage.LWT-Food Science and Technology 93(2018):405-411.
6.Liu Dezhao;Li Jiawei;Li Changwei;Deng Yale;Zhang Zeqing;Ye Zhangying;Zhu Songming.2018.Poly(butylene succinate)/bamboo powder blends as solid-phase carbon source and biofilm carrier for denitrifying biofilters treating wastewater from recirculating aquaculture system.Scientific Reports 8(1):3289.
7.Wang,Shuo;Bao Weijun;Zhang Fengdeng;Qi Fanyu;Nan Songjian;He Jinsong;Zhu Songming;Ye Zhangying.2018.Disinfection kinetics of slightly acidic electrolyzed water to freshwater under the condition of dynamic hybrid.Journal of Cleaner Production 174:1136-1146.
8.Lin Xiaochang;Han Zhiying*;Yu Hongjun;Ye Zhangying;Zhu Songming;Zhu Jun.2018.Struvite precipitation from biogas digestion slurry using a two chamber electrolysis cell with a magnesium anode.Journal of Cleaner Production 174:1598-1607.
9.Li Huanhuan,Jiang X,ramaswamy,Ramaswamy HS,Zhu S,Yu Y*.2018.High-pressure treatment effects on density profile,surface roughness,hardness,and abrasion resistance of Paulownia wood boards.Transactions of the ASABE 61(3):1181-1188.
10.Yu Yong;Jiang Youping;Ramaswamy H.;Zhu Songming;Li Huanhuan*.2018.High pressure processing treatment of fresh-cut carrots:effect of presoaking in calcium salts on quality parameters.Journal of Food Quality 2018:7863670.
11.Zhao J,Li Y H,Zhang F D,Zhu S M,Liu Y,Lu H D,Ye Z Y*.2018.Semi-supervised learning-based live fish identification in aquaculture using modified deep convolutional generative adversarial networks.Transactions of the ASABE 61(2):699-710.
12.Han Zhiying;Chen Shixia;Lin Xiaochang;Yu Hongjun;Duan Li'an;Ye Zhangying;Jia Yanbo;Zhu Songming;Liu Dezhao.2018.Performance and membrane fouling of a step-fed submerged membrane sequencing batch reactor treating swine biogas digestion slurry.Journal of environmental science and health Part A,Toxic/hazardous substances&environmental engineering 53(1):65-72.
13.Yong Yu;Xiuping Jiang;Hosahalli Ramaswamy;Songming Zhu and Huanhuan Li*.2018.Effect of high-pressure densification on moisture sorption properties of paulownia wood.BioResources 13(2):2473-2486.
14.Ye Zhangying;Wang Shuo;Gao Weishan;Nan Songjian;Zhu Songming;He Jinsong;Dezhao Liu*.2018.Inactivation mechanism and apoptotic-like changes in aeromonas hydrophila induced by slightly acidic electrolyzed water in freshwater.Transactions of the ASABE 2018,61(1):305-314.
15.Wei Sun,Songming Zhu,H.S.Ramaswamy,Yong Yu,Jianping Li*.2018.Thermal conductivity of selected foods at high pressure processing conditions.Transactions of the ASABE(2018,61(1):317-325.
16.Mingming Shi,Yunjie Ruan,Jianping Li,Zhangying Ye,Gang Liu,Songming Zhu*.2018.Numerical study of dense solid-liquid flow in hydrodynamic vortex separator applied in recirculating biofloc technology system.Aquacultural Engineering 79:24-34.
17.Liu Gang;Zhangying Ye;Dezhao Liu;Jian Zhao;Elayaraja Sivaramasamy;Yale Deng;Songming Zhu*.2018.Influence of stocking density on growth,digestive enzyme activities,immune responses,antioxidant of Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings in biofloc systems.Fish and Shellfish Immunology(录用)
18.Zhangying Ye,Jian Zhao,Weishan Gao,Shuo Wang,Weijun Bao,Ying Liu,Mingwei Shen,Songming Zhu.2018.Spontaneous collective behaviors-based appetite assessing for natatory fish in a recirculating aquaculture system.Aquaculture(录用)
19.Liu Gang;Zhangying Ye;Dezhao Liu;Xishan Guo;Songming Zhu*.2018.Influence of stocking density on growth,digestive enzyme activity,immunity,and cortisol levels of subadult half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis in a recirculating aquaculture system.North American Journal of Aquaculture(录用)
20.Bao Weijun;Zhu Songming;Guo Shuirong;Wang Li;Fang Han;Ke Bin;Ye Zhangying*.2018.Assessment of water quality and the fish production in the intensive pond aquaculture system.Transactions of the ASABE(录用)
21.Wei Sun,Jianping Li,H.S.Ramaswamy,Yong Yu,Chunfang Wang,Songming Zhu*.2018.Adiabatic compression heating of selected organic solvents under high pressure processing.High Pressure Research(录用)
22.Menglong Xu,Songming Zhu,H.S.Ramaswamy,and Yong Yu*.2017.Effect of high pressure treatment and short term storage on changes in main volatile compounds of Chinese liquor.Scientific Reports 7:17228-
23.Jian Zhao,Wei Jun Bao,Feng Deng Zhang,Ying Liu,Hao FeiLin,Songming Zhu,Zhangying Ye*.2017.Assessing appetite of the swimming fish based on spontaneous collective behaviors in a recirculating aquaculture system.Aquacultural Engineering 78:196-204(Part:B)
24.Liu Gang,Zhu Songming,Liu Dezhao,Guo Xishan,Ye Zhangying*.2017.Effects of stocking density of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei(Boone)on immunity,antioxidant status,and resistance against Vibrio harveyi in a biofloc system.Fish and Shellfish Immunology 67:19-26.
25.Menglong Xu;Songming Zhu;Yong Yu*.2017.Quality assessment of Chinese liquor with different ages and prediction analysis based on gas chromatography and electronic nose.Scientific Reports 7:6541-
26.Ye Zhangying,Wang Shuo,Chen Tao,Gao Weishan,Zhu Songming,He Jinsong,Han Zhiying*.Inactivation mechanism of escherichia coli induced by slightly acidic electrolyzed water.Scientific Reports 7:6279.
27.Deng Ya-Le;Ruan Yun-Jie*;Zhu Song-Ming;Guo Xi-Shan;Han Zhi-Ying;Ye Zhang-Ying;Liu Gang;Shi Ming-Ming.2017.The impact of DO and salinity on microbial community in poly(butylene succinate)denitrification reactors for recirculating aquaculture system wastewater treatment.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Express 7(1):113.
28.Songming Zhu,Chunfang Wang,Hosahalli Ramaswamy,Yong Yu*.2017.Transient phase transitions during high pressure treatment of frozen carrot juice and influence on Escherichia coli inactivation.LWT-Food Science and Technology 79:119-125.
29.Yong Yu;Fang Pan;Hosahalli Ramaswamy;Songming Zhu;Liang Yu;Qiuting Zhang*.2016.Effect of soaking and single/two cycle high pressure treatment on water absorption,color,morphology and cooked texture of brown rice Journal of Food Science and Technology-mysore 54(6):1655-1664.
30.Li JP;Sun W;Ramaswamy HS;Yu Y;Zhu SM;Wang J;Li HH*.2017.High pressure extraction of astaxanthin from shrimp waste(Penaeus Vannamei Boone):Effect on yield and antioxidant activity.Journal of Food Process Engineering 40(2):e12353
31.Zhangying Ye,Shuo Wang,Weishan Gao,Haijun Li,Luowei Pei,Mingwei Shen,Songming Zhu*.2017.Synergistic effects of micro-electrolysis-photocatalysis on water treatment and fish performance in saline recirculating aquaculture system.Scientific Reports 7:45066.
32.Lu C;Wu KQ;Fu LF;Guo XS;Zhu SM.2017.Reduced graphene oxide modified Y-branched TiO2 nanotubes photoelectrode:preparation and photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of ammonia.Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 33(2):262-268.
33.Ann-Julie Duguay,Hosahalli Ramaswamy*,Mohammad Reza Zareifard,Songming Zhu,Stefan Grabowski,and Michèle Marcotte.2017.Electrical conductivity of cabbage and daikon radish as affected by electrical voltage,frequency,salt concentration and temperature.Journal of Food Process Engineering 40(1):12315-12315.
34.Zhu Songming;Lin Suli;Ramaswamy Hosahalli;Yu Yong;Zhang Qiuting*.2017.Enhancement of functional properties of rice bran proteins by high pressure treatment and their correlation with surface hydrophobicity.Food and Bioprocess Technology 10(2):317-327.
35.Xu ML;Yu Y;Ramaswamy HS;Zhu SM*.2017.Characterization of Chinese liquor aroma components during aging process and liquor age discrimination using gas chromatography combined with multivariable statistics.Scientific Reports 7:39671-
36.Wu Keq*;Fu Linfeng;Guo Xishan;Zhu Songming.2017.The fabrication of all solid-state ammonium ion selective electrodes used in aquaculture.2017 IEEE SENSORS:1290-1292.
37.Zhiying Han,Changwei Li,Rong Fan,Xiaochang Lin,Dezhao Liu,Shuo Wang,Songming Zhu,Zhangying Ye*.2017.Ammonia nitrogen removal using oyster shell as alkalinity-releasing media in a biological nitrification system.Transaction of ASABE 60(5):1721-1728.
38.Mingming Shi,Yunjie Ruan,Binxin Wu,Zhangying Ye*,Songming Zhu.2017.Performance evaluation of hydrodynamic vortex separator at different hydraulic retention times applied in recirculating biofloc technology system.Transactions of the ASABE 60(5):1737-1747.
39.Yu Yong;Zhang Fengming;Zhu Songming;Li Huanhuan*.2017.Effects of High-Pressure Treatment on Poplar Wood:Density Profile,Mechanical Properties,Strength Potential Index,and Microstructur.BioResources 12(3):6283-6297.
40.Qiuting Zhang,Lingyan Ge,H.S.Ramaswamy,Songming Zhu,Liang Yu,Yong Yu*.2017.Modeling equilibrium moisture content of brown rice as affected by high-pressure processing.Transactions of the ASABE 60(2):551-559.
41.Zhu S.M.,Hu F.F.,Ramaswamy H.S.,Yu Y.,Yu L.,Zhang Q.T.*.2016.Effect of high pressure treatment and degree of milling on gelatinization and structural properties of brown rice.Food and Bioprocess Technology 9(11):1844-1853.
42.Li Huanhuan;Zhang Fengming;Ramaswamy HS;Zhu Songming;Yu Yong*.2016.High-pressure treatment of chinese fir wood:effect on density,mechanical properties,humidity-related moisture migration,and dimensional stability.BioResources 11(4):10497-10510.
43.Zhu SM;Hu FF;Zhang QT;Yu Y*;Ramaswamy HS.2016.A novel color parametric technique for kinetic evaluation of thermal degradation and stability of fresh-cut yacon slices.International Journal of Food Engineering 12(8):729-737.
44.Zhu SM,Shi MM,Ruan YJ*,Guo XS,Ye ZY,Han ZY,Deng YL,Liu G.2016.Applications of computational fluid dynamics to modeling hydrodynamics in tilapia rearing tank of recirculating biofloc technology system.Aquacultural Engineering 74:120-130.
45.Zhao Jian;Gu Zhaobin;Shi Mingming;Lu Huanda;Li Jianping;Shen Mingwei;Ye Zhangying*;Zhu Songming.2016.Spatial behavioral characteristics and statistics-based kinetic energy modeling in special behaviors detection of a shoal of fish in a recirculating aquaculture system.Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 127:271-280.
46.Ruan,Yunjie;Deng,Yale;Timmons,Micheal;Guo,Xishan;Lu,Huifeng;Han,Zhiying;Ye,Zhangying;Shi,Mingming;Zhu,Songming*.2016.Simultaneous ammonia and nitrate removal in an airlift reactor using poly-(butylene succinate)as carbon source and biofilm carrier.Bioresource Technology 216:1004-1013.
47.Zhu S.M.,Xu M.L.,Ramaswamy H.S.,M.Y.Yang*,Yu Y*.2016.Effect of high pressure treatment on the aging characteristics of Chinese liquor as evaluated by electronic nose and chemical analysis.Scientific Reports 6:30273-30282.
48.Zhu SM,Shen JZ,Ruan YJ*,Guo XS,Ye ZY,Deng YL,Shi MM.2016.The effects of different seeding ratios on nitrification performance and biofilm formation in marine recirculating aquaculture system biofilter[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(14):14540-14548.
49.Ann-Julie Duguay,Hosahalli Ramaswamy*,Reza Zareifard,Songming Zhu,Stefan Grabowski,and Michèle Marcotte.2016.Ohmic heating behavior of cabbage and daikon radish.Food and Bioprocess Technology 9:430–440.
50.Weiming Cai;Nurhan T.Dunford*;Ning Wang;Songming Zhu;Huinong He.2016.Audible sound treatment of the microalgae Picochlorum oklahomensis for enhancing biomass productivity Bioresource Technology 202:226-230.
51.Su GM;Zhu SM;Xu ML;Ramaswamy HS;Lin Y;Yu Y*.2016.Pressure Degradation Kinetics of Anthocyanin Pigment and Visual Color of Chinese Bayberry Juice.International Journal of Food Properties 19(2):443-453.
52.Ruan Y,Lu C,Guo X*,Deng Y,Zhu S.2016.Electrochemical treatment of recirculating aquaculture wastewater using a Ti/RuO2-IrO2 anode for synergetic total ammonia nitrogen and nitrite removal and disinfection.Transactions of the ASABE 59(6):1831-1840.
53.Ye ZY,Zhao J,Han ZY,Zhu SM,Li JP,Lu HD*,Ruan YJ*.2016.Behavioral characteristics and statistics-based imaging techniques in the assessment and optimization of tilapia feeding in a recirculating aquaculture system.Transactions of the ASABE 59(1):345-355.
54.Yong Yu,Lingyan Ge,H Ramaswamy,Chunfang Wang,Yao Zhan,Songming Zhu*.2016.Effect of high-pressure processing on moisture sorption properties of brown rice.Drying Technology 34(7):783-792.
55.Han ZY;Wang L;Duan L;Zhu SM*;Ye ZY;Yu HJ.2015.The electrocoagulation pretreatment of biogas digestion slurry from swine farm prior to nanofiltration concentration.Separation and Purification Technology 156:817-826.
56.Wang Chunfang,Lin Yi,Ramaswamy H.,Ge Lingyan,Hu Feifei,Zhu Songming,Yu Yong*.2015.Storage stability of Chinese bayberry juice after high pressure or thermal treatment.Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 39:2259-2266.
57.Yu Y;Ge LY;Zhu SM;Zhan Y;Zhang QT*.2015.Effect of presoaking high hydrostatic pressure on the cooking properties of brown rice.Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore 52(12):7904-7913.
58.Cai Weiming,Zhu Songming*,Ning Wang,He Huinong,Ying Beihua.2015.Design of an experimental platform to investigate the effects of audible sounds on plant growth.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 8(5):162-169.
59.Ruan Yun-Jie,Guo Xi-Shan,Ye Zhang-Ying,Liu Ying,Zhu Song-Ming*.2015.Bacterial Community Analysis of Different Sections of a Biofilter in a Full-Scale Marine Recirculating Aquaculture System.North American Journal of Aquaculture 77:318-326.
60.Zhu Song-Ming,Deng Ya-Le,Ruan Yun-Jie,Guo Xi-Shan,Shi Ming-Ming,Shen Jia-Zheng.2015.Biological denitrification using poly(butylene succinate)as carbon source and biofilm carrier for recirculating aquaculture system effluent treatment.Bioresource Technology 192:603-610.
61.Ye,Zhangying;Qi,Fanyu;Pei,Luowei;Shen,Yuejun;Zhu,Songming;He,Dong;Wu,Xufeng;Ruan,Yunjie*;He,Jinsong*.2014.Using Slightly Acidic Electrolyzed Water for Inactivation and Preservation of Raw Frozen Shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei)in the Field Processing.Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30(6):1-7.
62.Zhou Chennan,Zhang Xueyin,Huang Xinxin,Guo Xishan*,Cai Qiang and Zhu Songming.2014.Rapid detection of chloramphenicol residues in aquatic products using colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay.Sensors 14(11):21872-21888.
63.Su Guangming,Ramaswamy Hosahalli,Zhu Songming*,Yu Yong,Hu Feifei,Xu Menglong.2014.Thermal characterization and ice crystal analysis in pressure shift freezing of different muscle(shrimp and porcine liver)versus conventional freezing method.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 26:40-50.
64.Zhou Chennan,Pei Luowei,Zhao Jian,Gao Weishan,Qi Fanyu,Ye Zhangying*,Zhu Songming.2014.Effect of irrigating with slightly acidic electrolyzed water on lettuce photosynthesis under mild water stress.Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30(5):789-795.
65.Su GM,Yu Y,Hu FF,Xu ML,Zhu SM*.2014.Kinetics of Escherichia coli inactivation in frozen suspension by high pressure and its application in frozen chicken meat.Journal of Food Engineering 142:23-30.(SCI,IF=2.576)
66.Zhu SM;Zhou MS;Yu Y;Li JP;He JS.2014.Coagulation of egg white of soft-shell turtle(pelodiscus sinensis)at high pressure or high temperature.International Journal of Food Properties 17(10):2332-2343.
67.Cai W.,He H.,S.Zhu*,Wang N.2014.Biological Effectof Audible Sound Controlon Mung Bean(Vigna radiate)Sprout.BioMed Research International 2014:931740.
68.Zhu,SM;Su,GM;He,JS;Ramaswamy,HS;Le Bail;Yu,Y.2014.Water phase transition under pressure and its application in high pressure thawing of agar gel and fish.Journal of Food Engineering 125(1):1-6.(SCI,IF=2.576)
69.Yu,Yong;Lin,Yi;Zhan,Yao;He,Jingsong;Zhu,Songming*.2013.Effect of high pressure processing on the stability of anthocyanin,ascorbic acid and color of Chinese bayberry juice during storage.Journal of Food Engineering 119(3):701-706.
70.He,Jin-Song;Mu,Tai-Hua;Guo,Xishan;Zhu,Songming;Azuma,Norihiro.2013.Comparison of the gel-forming ability and gel properties of alpha-lactalbumin,lysozyme and myoglobin in the presence of beta-lactoglobulin under high pressure.Food Hydrocolloids 33(2):415-424.
71.Seyhun N,Ramaswamy HS,Zhu SM,Sumnu G,Sahin S.2013.Ohmic tempering of frozen potato puree.Food and bioprocess technology 6(11):3200-3205
72.Guo,Xishan*;Zhang,Xueyin;Cai,Qiang;Shen,Tao;Zhu,Songming.2013.Developing a novel sensitive visual screening card for rapid detection of pesticide residues in food.Food Control 30(1):15-23.
73.Guo,XS;Jian,JM;Lin,LW;Zhu,HY;Zhu,SM.2013.O-2 plasma-functionalized SWCNTs and PEDOT/PSS composite film assembled by dielectrophoresis for ultrasensitive trimethylamine gas sensor.Analyst 138(18):5265-5273.
96.苏光明,Ramaswamy H.,于勇,胡菲菲,徐梦龙,朱松明*.2014.牛肉高压冷冻过程中的热变化和冰晶形态的研究.农业机械学报45(3):206-214.
农业部设施农业装备与信息化重点实验室主任、农业部设施农业装备与智能调控创新团队首席、农业部农业科研杰出人才、浙江省高层次人才特聘专家、 浙江省设施水产养殖工程与装备产业重点科技创新团队首席,中国农业工程学会特种水产工程分会副理事长,中国食品科技学会食品机械分会副理事长、浙江省农业工程学会理事长,《Transactions of the ASABE》、《Applied Engineering in Agriculture》的Associate Editor,《Aquacultural Engineering》、《农业工程学报》等期刊编委。

