2009.01—起: 浙江大学求是特聘教授(IEEE Fellow);\r
2016.01—起: 信电学院“电磁信息与电子集成创新研究所”所长;\r
2009.01—起: 上海交通大学兼职教授、兼职博士生导师;\r
2005.04—2008.12 上海交通大学: 教授(电院责任教授I至2007年底),博士生导师,上海交通大学微波与射频技术研究中心主任;\r
1998.12—2005.10 新加坡国立大学研究科学家;\r
1996.11—1998.12 德国Duisburg大学(洪堡学者: AvH Scholar): 研究员(Research Fellow) (含在德四个月德语学习);\r
1993.01—1996.10 西北工业大学电子工程系: 副教授;\r
1992.01—1994.12 西安交通大学攻读博士学位:工学博士(电磁场与微波技术);\r
1991.01—1992.12 西北工业大学电子工程系: 讲师;\r
1989.01—1990.12 西北工业大学电子工程系: 助教;\r
1986.08—1989.01 西安电子科技大学硕士生,电磁场与微波技术专业硕士;
1.射频、微波与毫米波集成器件与电路/光电混合集成 \r
2.计算电磁学和多物理场计算方法及软件开发 \r
3. 大型平台、电子信息系统、射频通道电磁兼容与综合电磁防护 \r
I. International Book and Book Chapters (Invited)\r
1. Wen-Yan Yin,Wen-Sheng Zhao, and Wen-Chao Chen, One Chapter of 'Electrothermal Modeling of Carbon Nanotube-Based TSVs ' in the Book of Carbon Nanotube for Interconnects: Process, Design, and Applications, Spinger, 2016.\r
2. Wen-Yan Yin and Wen-Sheng Zhao, One Chapter of 'Modeling and Characterization of On-Chip Interconnects' in the Book: Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Edited by John Webster, 2013.\r
3. W.S. Zhao and Wen-Yan Yin, One Chapter of 'Carbon-Based Interconnects for RF Nanoelectronics' in the Book: Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Edited by John Webster, 2012.\r
4. K. Kang, Wen-Yan Yin, and L. W. Li, Device Modeling in CMOS Integrated Circuits (One Book) LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-8383-4714-1, 2010.\r
5. Wen-Yan Yin and Le-Wei Li, Integrated Microwave Circuits and Antennas, Integrated Inductors & Transformers for RFICs & MMICs (One Chapter), ISBN 978-81-7895-280-2, Research SIGNPOST, pp. 1-62, 2010.\r
6. L. Liu, K. B. Kang, Wen-Yan Yin, Y. Chen, and S. Matitsine, One Chapter of Microwave Dielectric Properties of Carbon Nanotube in the Book: Carbon Nanotubes, Edited by Jose Mauricio Marulanda, ISBN: 978-953-307-054-4, Publisher INTECH, Mar. 2010.\r
7. L. W. Li and Wen-Yan Yin, 'Complex media in RF engineering,' invited one chapter in Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, John Wiley Sons, Inc. 2004.\r
II. International Journals\r
1. J. Wang, Y. S. Xia, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Study on SAR distribution of human body on the vehicle platform using a modified FDTD method,” IEEE Trans. Electromagetic Compatibility, vol. 60, no.4, pp. 840-848, 2018.\r
2. C. Ning, J. Jin, K. Yang, and Wen-Yan Yin, “A novel electromagnetic bandgap power plane etched with multiring CSRRs for suppressing simultaneous switching noise,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol.60, no.3, pp. 733-737, 2018.\r
3. J. Jin, W.S. Zhao, D.W. Wang, H.S. Chen, E.P. Li, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Investigation of carbon nanotube-based through-silicon vias for PDN applications,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 60, no.3, pp. 738-7846, 2018.\r
4. Y.Q. Wu, Y. N. Hao, J. Liu, C.X. Zhao, Y. H. Xu, Wen-Yan Yin, and K. Kang, “An improved ultrawideband open-short de-embedding method applied up to 220 GHz,” IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Tech., vol. 8, no.2, pp. 269-276, 2018.\r
5. L.F. Qiu, L.S. Wu, Wen-Yan Yin, and J.F. Mao, “Hybrid non-uniform-Q lossy filters with substrate integrated waveguide and microstrip resonators,” IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagat., vol.12, no.1, pp. 92-98, 2018.\r
6. J. Z. Wang, T. Huang, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Mn0.5Co2.5O4 nanofibers intercalated into graphene frameworks with mesoporous structure for batteries and supercapacitors,” Energy Technology, vol. 5, no.11, pp. 2055-2064, 2017.\r
7. D.W. Wang, W.S. Zhao, H. Xie, J. Hu, L. Zhou, W.C. Chen, P.Q. Gao, J.C. Ye, Y. Xu, H.S. Chen, E.P. Li, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Tunable THz multiband frequency-selective surface based on hybrid metal-graphene structures, ” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1132-1137, 2017.\r
8. L.Q. Jing, Z. J. Wang, R. Maturi, B. Zheng, H.P. Wang, Y.H. Yang, L.Shen, R. Hao, Wen-Yan Yin, E.P. Li, and H.S. Chen,” Gradient chiral metamirrors for spin-selective anomalous reflection,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, vol.11, no.6, 2017.\r
9. Q. L. Gu, P. Zhang, Y.Ru H.Song, W.S. Zhao, and Wen-Yan Yin, “A comparative study on electrothermal characteristics of nanoscale multiple gate MOSFETs,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 78, pp. 362-369, 2017.\r
10. M. L. Zai, H. L. Peng, D.M. Li, D.W. Wang, H. Xie, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Characterization of graphene metasurfaces over an ultrawide terahertz band using a 1-step leapfrog hybrid implicit-explicit FDTD method,” Inter. J. Numerical Modelling Electronic Networks, Devices, and Fields, vol.30, no.6, 2017.\r
11. J.Z. Wang, J. Yang, Wen-Yan Yin, ad S. Hirano, “Carbon-coated graphene/antimony composite with a sandwich-like structure for enhanced sodium storage,” J. Materials Chemistry A, vol. 5, pp. 39, pp. 20623-20630, 2017.\r
12. K. Kang, X. Cao, Y.Q. Wu, Z.Z. Gao, Z.X. Tan, Y. L. Ban, L.S. Sun, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Wideband model for on-chip interconnects with different shielding structures,” IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Tech., vol.7, no.10, pp. 1702-1712, 2017.\r
13. Y.S. Li, Y. Li, Q. Min, K. Wu, E.X. Liu, R. Hao, H.S. Chen, C. Zhuo, Wen-Yan Yin, Z.Y., Wang, H.C. Yu, and E.P. Li, “Electromagnetic characteristics of multiport TSVs using L-2L de-embedding method and shielding TSVs,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, no.5, pp. 1541-1548, 2017.\r
14. J. Wang, X. Han, K. Yang, Y.S. Xia, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Hybrid FDTD method for studying electromagnetic coupling effects of transmission line networks,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, no.5, pp. 1650-1653, 2017.\r
15. S.C. Li, W.C Chen, Y.D. Luo, J. Hu, P.Q. Guo, J.C. Ye, K.Kang, H.S. Chen, E.P.Li, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Fully coupled multiphysics simulation of crosstalk effect in bipolar resistive random access memory,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.64, no.9, pp. 3647-3653, 2017.\r
16. P. Zhang, W.C. Chen, J. Hu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Electrothermal effects on hot carrier injection in n-type SOI FinFET under circuit-speed bias,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, no.9, pp. 3802-3807, 2017.\r
17. L. F. Qiu, L.S. Wu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Absorptive bandstop filter with prescribed negative group delay and bandwidth,” IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Lett., vol. 27, no.7, pp. 639-641, 2017.\r
18. S. C. Du, W. Lu, A. Ali, P. Zhao, K. Shehzad, H.W. Guo, L. L. Ma, X.M. Liu, X.D. Pi, P.; H.H. Fang, Z. Xu, C. Gao, Y.P. Dan, P.H. Tan, H.T. Wang, C.T. Lin, J. Y. Yang, S.R. Dong, Z. Y. Li, E. P. Li, Wen-Yan Yin, J. K. Luo, B. Yu, T. Hasan, Y. Xu, W.D. Hu, and X.F. Duan, “Broadband fluorographene photodetector,” Advanced Materials, vol.29, no.22, 1700463, 2017.\r
19. K.Shehzad, T.J. Shi, A. Qadir, X. Wan, H.W. Guo, A. Ali, W.P. Xuan, H. Xu, Z.Z. Gu, X.S Peng, J. Xie, L.T.Sun, Q.Y. He, Z. Xu, C. Gao, Y.S. Rim, Y.P. Dan, T. Hasan, P.H. Tan, E.P. Li, Wen-Yan Yin, Z. Y. Cheng, B. Yu, Y. Xu, J.K. Luo,and X.F. Duan, “Designing an efficient multimode environmental sensor based on graphene-silicon heterojunction,” Advanced Materials Tech., vol.2, no.4, 1600262, 2017.\r
20. X.L. Peng, R. Hao, W.C. Chen, H.S. Chen, Wen-Yan Yin, and E.P. Li, “An active absorber based on nonvolatile floating-gate graphene structure,” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol.16, no.2, pp. 189-195, 2017.\r
21. X. Li, L. Lin, L.S. Wu, Wen-Yan Yin, and J.F. Mao, “A bandpass graphene frequency selective surface with tunable polarization rotation for THz applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagat., vol.65, no.2, pp. 662-672, 2017.\r
22. Y.M. Yu, K. Kang, Y.M. Fan, C.X. Zhao, H. H. Liu, Y.Q. Wu, Y.L. Ban, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Analysis and Design of Inductorless Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier With Noise Cancellation Technique,” IEEE Access, vol.5, pp. 9389-9397, 2017.\r
23. Z. Yang, P. Q. Gao, J. He, W.C. Chen, W. Y. Yin, Y.H. Zeng, W. Guo, J.C. Ye, and Y. Cui, “Tuning of the contact properties for high-efficiency Si/PEDOT:PSS heterojunction solar Cells,” ACS Energy Lett., vol.2, pp. 556-562, 2017.\r
24. Z. X. Liang, H. Xie, Y. Guo, J. Wang, E. P. Li, Z. G. Zhao, H. J. Zhou, H.S. Chen, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Improved Hybrid Leapfrog ADI-FDTD Method for simulating near-field coupling effects among multiple thin wire monopole antennas on a complex platform,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 618-626, 2017.\r
25. W. J. Wang, Z. G. Zhao, R. Xu, H. J. Zhou, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Massively parallel simulation of large scale electromagnetic problems using one high performance computing scheme and domain decomposition method,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, 2017 (accepted).\r
26. K. Yang, C. Ning, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Characterization of near-field coupling effects from complicated three-dimensional structures in rectangular cavities using fast integral equation method,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 639-645, 2017.\r
27. D. G. Alessandro, W.S. Zhao, G.F. Wang, and Wen-Yan Yin,” Near-field radiated from carbon nanotube and graphene-based nanointerconnects,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 646-653, 2017.\r
28. L. Zhou, S.W. Zheng, Y. J. Hua, L. Lin, S. Zhang, Z. G. Zhao, H. J. Zhou, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Investigation on failure mechanisms of GaN HEMT caused by high-power microwave (HPM) pulses,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, 2017.\r
29. D. Li, T.W. Li, R. Hao, H. S. Chen, Wen-Yan Yin, H.C. Yu, and E.P. Li, “A low-profile broadband bandpass frequency selective surface with two rapid band edges for 5G near-field applications,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 59, no.2, pp. 670-676, 2017.\r
30. R. J. Li, B. Zheng, X. Lin, R. Hao, S. S. Lin, Wen-Yan Yin, E. P. Li, and H.S. Chen, “Design of ultracompact graphene-based superscatterers,” IEEE J. Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.23, no.1, 2017.\r
31. Y. D. Luo, W. C. Chen, M.Z. Cheng, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Electrothermal characterization in 3-D resistive random access memory arrays,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.63, no. 12, pp. 4720-4728, 2016.\r
32. H.A. Madni, B. Zheng, Y. H. Yang, H.P. Wang, X.M. Zhang, Wen-Yan Yin, E. P. Li, and H.S. Chen, “Non-contact radio frequency shielding and wave guiding by multi-folded transformation optics method,” Scientific Reports,vol.6, 36846, 2016.\r
33. L.Lin, L. Zhou, Y. Zhu, Y. J. Hua, J. F. Mao, Wen-Yan Yin, “ Improvement in cavity and model designs of LDMOS power amplifier for suppressing metallic shielding cover effects, ” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 58, no.5, pp. 1617-1628, 2016.\r
34. W. Chen, R. Cheng, D.W. Wang, H. Song, H. Chen, E. Li, W. Y. Yin, and Y. Zhao, “Electrothermal effects on hot-carrier reliability in SOI MOSFETs – AC vs circuit-speed random stress,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol.63,no. 9, pp. 3669-3676, 2016.\r
35. Y. H. Yang, L. Q. Jing, B. Zheng, R. Hao, Wen-Yan Yin, E.P. Li, C. M. Soukoulis, and H.S. Chen, “Full-polarization 3D metasurface cloak with preserved amplitude and phase,” Advanced Materials,vol.28, no.32, 6866, 2016.\r
36. Na Li, J.F. Mao, W. S. Zhao, M. Tang, W.C. Chen, and W.Y. Yin, “Electrothermal co-simulation of 3-D carbon-based heterogeneous interconnects,” IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manufact. Tech., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 518-526, 2016.\r
37. W. S. Zhao, J. Zheng, Y. Hu, S.L. Sun, G.F. Wang, L.X. Dong, L.Y. Yu, L. L. Sun, Wen-Yan Yin, “ High-frequency analysis of Cu-carbon nanotube composite through-silicon vias,” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol.15, no.3., pp. 506-511, 2016.\r
38. W.S. Zhao, R. Zhang, Y. Fan, W. Y. Yin, G.F. Wang, and K. Kang, “High-frequency modeling of Cu-graphene heterogeneous interconnects,” Inter. J. Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 157–165, 2016.\r
39. L. F. Qiu, L. S. Wu, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao, “A flat-passband microstrip filter with nonuniform-Q dual-mode resonators,” IEEE Microwave Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 183-185, 2016.\r
40. W. C. Chen, W. Y. Yin, W. S. Zhao, R. Hao, E.P. Li, K. Kang, and J. Guo, “Scaling analysis of high gain monolayer MoS2 photodetector for its performance optimization,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1608-1614, 2016.\r
41. Y. Xu, C. Cheng, S. Du, J. Yang, B. Yu, J. Luo, W. Y. Yin, E.P. Li, S. Dong, P. Ye, and X. Duan, “Contacts between two- and three-dimensional materials: Ohmic, Schottky, and p-n heterojunctions,” ACS Nano, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 4895-4919, 2016.\r
42. L. Zhou, S. Zhang, W. Y. Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Investigating a thermal breakdown model and experiments on a silicon-based low-noise amplifier under high-power microwave pulses,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compatibility, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 487-493, 2016.\r
43. Z. Z. Cao, K. Kang, Z.D. Jiang, Y.Q. Wu, C.X. Zhao, Y.L. Ban, L.L. Sun, Q. Xue, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Analysis and equivalent-circuit model for CMOS on-chip multiple coupled inductors in the millimeter-wave region,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 62, no. 12, pp.3957-3964, 2015.\r
44. W. Chen, Wen-Yan Yin, E. Li, M. Cheng, and J. Guo, “Electrothermal investigation on vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotube contacted phase change memory array for 3-D ICs,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,vol. 62, no. 10, pp.3258-3263, 2015.\r
45. W. Chen, X. Li, Wen-Yan Yin, S. Lin, Z. Zhao, E. Li, and H. Zhou, “Modeling and simulation of graphene gated graphene-GaAs Schottky junction field effect solar cell for its performance enhancement,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 62, no. 11, pp.3760-3766, 2015.\r
46. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and Z. Chen, “Implementation of CPML for one-step leapfrog WCS-FDTD method,” IEEE Microwave Wireless Components Lett., vol.25, no.8, pp. 496-498, 2015.\r
47. H. T. Chen, S.D. Zhang, A.K. Soh, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Phase field modeling of flexoelectricity in solid dielectrics, ” J. Appl. Phys., vol.118, 034106, 2015.\r
48. Y.F. Dong, P.G. Liu, Wen-Yan Yin, G.S. Li, and B. Yi, “Planar electromagnetic band-gap structure based on graphene, ” Physics E-Low Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, vol.70, pp. 176-182, 2015.\r
49. X. Li, W. Chen, S. Zhang, Z. Wu, P. Wang, Z. Xu, H. Chen, Wen-Yan Yin, H. Zhong, and S. Lin, “18.5% efficient graphene/GaAs van der Waals heterostructure solar cell,” Nano Energy, 16, pp. 310-319, 2015.\r
50. Y. Zhu, K. Kang, Y. Wu, C.Zhao, Y.Ban, L.L.Sun, Wen-Yan Yin, and Q.Xue, “An equivalent circuit model with current return path effects for on-chip interconnects up to 80GHz,”IEEE Trans. Components, Packaging, and Manufact. Tech. , vol. 5, no. 9, pp. 1320-1330, 2015.\r
51. Lin, L. Zhou, R. Wang, L. Tong, and, Wen- Yan Yin, “Electrothermal effects on performance of GaAs HBT power amplifier during power versus time (PVT) variation at GSM/DCS bands,”IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 1951-1963, 2015.\r
52. Y. Guo, T. Zhang, Wen-Yan Yin, and X. H. Wang, “Improved hybrid FDTD method for studying tunable graphene frequency-selective surfaces (GFSS) for THz-wave applications,” IEEE Trans. Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 358-367, 2015.\r
53. M. L. Zhai, H. L. Peng; X. H. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Z. Chen, and Wen Yan Yin “The conformal HIE-FDTD method for simulating tunable graphene-based couplers for THz applications,” IEEE Trans.Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 368-376, 2015.\r
54. R. Zhang, W. S. Zhao, J. Hu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Electrothermal characterization of multilevel Cu-graphene heterogeneous interconnects in the presence of an electrostatic discharge (ESD),” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp.205-209, 2015.\r
55. D. W. Wang, W.S. Zhao, X. Q. Gu, W. C. Chen, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Wideband modeling of graphene-based structures at different temperatures using hybrid FDTD method,” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 250-258, 2015.\r
56. R. Zhang, W. S. Zhao, Wen-Yan Yin, and Z. G. Zhao, “Impacts of diamond heat spreader on the thermo-mechanical characteristics of high-power AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” Diamond and Related Materials, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 25-31, 2015.\r
57. X. C. Wang, W. S. Zhao, J. Hu, and Wen–Yan Yin, “Reconfigurable terahertz leaky-wave antenna using graphene-based high-impedance surface,” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 62-69, 2015.\r
58. W. S. Zhao, D. W. Wang, G.F. Wang, L.L. Sun, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Electrical modeling of on-chip Cu-graphene heterogeneous interconnects,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.6, no.1. pp. 74-76, 2015.\r
59. M. L. Zhai, Wen-Yan Yin, Z. Z. Chen, H. Nie, and X. H. Wang, “Modeling of ultra-wideband indoor channels with the modified leapfrog ADI-FDTD method,” Inter. Journal of Numerical Modelling-Electronic Networks Devices and Fields, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 50-64, 2015.\r
60. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and Z. Z. Chen, “Broadband modeling surface plasmon polaritons in optically pumped and curved graphene structures with an improved leapfrog ADI-FDTD method,” Optics Comm., vol. 334, no. 1, pp. 152-155, 2015.\r
61. L. Zhou, S. Zhang, Wen-Yan Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Immunity analysis and experimental investigation of a low-noise amplifier using a transient voltage suppressor diode under direct current injection of HPM pulses,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility , vol.56, no.6, 2014.\r
62. L. Lin, Wen-Yan Yin , and L. Zhou,“Study on ESD effects of gaAs HBT power amplifiers for DCS/GSM dual band handsets,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol.56, no.5, pp. 1013-1019, 2014.\r
63. W. Zhou, L. Zhou, L. Lin, Wen-Yan Yin , and J. F. Mao, “Electrothermal stress interactions of LDMOS FET induced by DCI RF-pulses,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility , vol.56, no.5, pp. 1178-1184, 2014.\r
64. X. Wang, K. L. Wu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “A compact gysel power divider with unequal power-dividing ratio using one resistor,” IEEE Trans. Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 1480-1486, 2014.\r
65. W. S. Zhao and Wen-Yan Yin, “Comparative study on multilayer graphene nanoribbon (MLGNR) interconnects,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility , vol. 56, no.3, pp. 638-645, 2014.\r
66. X. Q. Gu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Terahertz wave responses of dispersive few-layer graphene (FLG) and ferroelectric film composite,” Optics Commun., vol. 319, no.70-74, 2014.\r
67. W. S. Zhao, G. F. Wang, L. L. Sun, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Repeater insertion for carbon nanotube interconnects,” Micro & Nano Lett., vol. 9, no.5, pp.337-339, 2014.\r
68. Y. F. Liu, W.S. Zhao, Z. Yong, Y. Fang, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Electrical modeling of three-dimensional carbon-based heterogeneous interconnects,” IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology, vol.13, no.3, pp.488-495, 2014.\r
69. D. D. Zhang, L. Zhou, L. S. Wu, L. F. Qiu, Wen-Yan Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Novel bandpass filters by using cavity-loaded dielectric resonators in a substrate integrated waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol.62, no.5, pp.1173-1182, 2014.\r
70. X. Yuan, Wen-Yan Yin, and X. H. Wang, “Optimized conformal FDTD (2,4) method for calculating reflected and diffracted electromagnetic fields of perfectly conducting wedges” IEEE Trans.Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol.56, no.2, pp.466-474, 2014.\r
71. R. Zhang, W. S. Zhao, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Investigation on thermo- mechanical responses in high power multi-finger AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol.54, no.3, pp.575-581,2014.\r
72. X. Q. Gu, S. Y. Wang, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Optical responses of planar composites consisting of monolayer graphene sheets and axially helicoidal (bi)anisotropic films,” Optics Commun., vol.313, no.9-14, 2014.\r
73. W. S. Zhao, L. L. Sun, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Electrothermal modelling and characterisation of submicron through-silicon carbon nanotube bundle vias for three-dimensional ICs,” Micro & Nano Lett., vol.9, no.2, pp.123-126, 2014.\r
74. M. L. Zhai, Wen-Yan Yin, X. H. Wang, Z. Z. Chen, and J. Wang, “Implementation of perfectly matched layer (PML) for the WCS-FDTD method using DSP techniques,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagat. Lett., vol.13, no. 479-482, 2014.\r
75. J. Y. Zhao, Wen-Yan Yin, M. D. Zhu, and W. Luo, “TDEFIE-PMCHW method combined with an adaptive marching-on-in-order procedure for studying on time- and frequency-domain responses of some composite structures, ” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1220-1230, 2013.\r
76. L. Zhou, Wen-Yan Yin, W. F. Zhou, and L. Lin, “Experimental Investigation and Analysis of the LDMOS FET Breakdown Under HPM Pulses, ” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 909-916, 2013.\r
77. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and Z. Chen, “One-step leapfrog ADI-FDTD method for simulating electromagnetic wave propagation in general dispersive media,”Opt. Express, vol. 21, no. 18, pp. 20565-20576, 2013.\r
78. M. D. Zhu, X. L. Zhou, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Efficient evaluation of double surface integrals in time-domain integral equation formulations,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. , vol. 61, no. 9, pp.4653-4664, 2013.\r
79. L. Zhou, Wen-Yan Yin, J. Wang and L. S. Wu, “Dielectric resonators with high Q-factor for tunable low phase noise oscillators,” IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 1008-1015, 2013.\r
80. Q. L. Zhang, Wen-Yan Yin, L. S. Wu and B. Z. Wang, “Design of a compact rat-race coupler employing electromagnetic bandgap (EBG)-loaded and composite right/left-handed (CRLH) half-mode substrate integrated waveguides (HMSIWs), ” J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., vol.27, no.8, pp. 1028-1035, 2013.\r
81. H. L. Peng, R. Tao, Wen-Yan Yin, and J. F. Mao, “A novel compact dual-band antenna array with high isolations realized using the neutralization technique, ” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 4, pp.1956-1962, 2013.\r
82. L. S. Wu, B. Xia, Wen-Yan Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Collaborative design of a new dual-bandpass 180 degrees hybrid coupler,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1053-1066, 2013.\r
83. H. L. Peng, L. S. Wu, Wen-Yan Yin, D. Huo, and J. F. Mao, “Compact tunable bandpass filter with a fixed out-of-band rejection based on Hilbert fractals,” IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 391-400, 2013.\r
84. W. Shen, Wen-Yan Yin, X. W. Sun and L. S. Wu, “Substrate-integrated waveguide bandpass filter with planar resonators for system-on-package,” IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 253-261, 2013.\r
85. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and Z. Z. Chen, “Matrix Exponential FDTD Modeling of Magnetized Graphene Sheet,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett.,vol. 12, pp. 1129-1132, 2013.\r
86. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and Z. Z. Chen, “On the source implementation for the leapfrog ADI-FDTD method,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 1-3, 2013.\r
87. J. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, Y. S. Xia, “A novel conformal surface current technique for large problems based on high-performance parallel fdtd method,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagation Lett.,vol.12, pp. 11-14, 2013.\r
88. Q. L. Zhang, B. Z. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and L. S. Wu, “Design of a minia turized dual-band double-folded substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter with controllable bandwidths,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research-PIER.,vol. 136, pp. 211-223, 2013.\r
89. J. Wang and Wen-Yan Yin, “Development of a novel FDTD (2, 4)-compatible conformal scheme for electromagnetic computations of complex curved PEC objects,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 61, no. 1, pp.299-309, 2013.\r
90. L. S. Wu, J. F. Mao, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Miniaturization of Rat-Race Coupler With Dual-Band Arbitrary Power Divisions Based on Stepped-Impedance Double-Sided Parallel-Strip Line,” IEEE Trans. Compon. Packag. Manuf. Technol., vol. 2, no. 12, pp. 2017-2030, 2012.\r
91. W. Jiang, L. Zhou, A. M. Gao, W. Shen, Wen-Yan Yin, and J. F. Mao, “Compact dual-mode dual-band balun filter using double-sided parallel-strip line,” Electronics Lett., vol. 48, no. 21, pp.1351-1352, 2012.\r
92. W. Luo, Wen-Yan Yin, M. D. Zhu, J. Y. Zhao, and J. F. Mao, “Investigation on time- and frequency-domain responses of some complex composite structures in the presence of high-power electromagnetic pulses,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1006-1016, 2012.\r
93. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, Y. Q. Yu, Z. Chen, J. Wang, and Y. Guo, “A convolutional perfect matched layer (CPML) for one-step leapfrog ADI-FDTD method and its applications to EMC problems,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1066-1076, 2012.\r
94. L. S. Wu, B. Xia, J. F. Mao, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Half-mode substrate integrated waveguide ring for two-way power division of balanced circuit,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett.,vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 333-335, 2012.\r
95. S. C. Yang, Z. Z. Chen(David) Y. Q. Yu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “An unconditionally stable one-step arbitrary-order leapfrog ADI-FDTD method and Its numerical properties,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1995-2003, 2012.\r
96. X. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, and K. L. Wu, “A dual-band coupled-line coupler with an arbitrary coupling coefficient,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 945-951, 2012.\r
97. J. P. Cui, W. S. Zhao, Wen-Yan Yin, and J. Hu, “Signal transmission analysis of multilayer graphene nano-ribbon (MLGNR) interconnects,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. , vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 126-132, 2012.\r
98. W. S. Zhao, Wen-Yan Yin, and Y. X. Guo, “Electromagnetic compatibility-oriented study on through silicon single-walled carbon nanotube bundle via (TS-SWCNTBV) arrays,” IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat. , vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 149-157, 2012.\r
99. X. H. Wang, Wen-Yan Yin, Z. Z. Chen, and S. C. Yang, “One-step leapfrog ADI-FDTD method including lumped elements and its stability analysis,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propagation Lett., vol.11, pp. 1406-1409, 2012.\r
100. W. Jiang, W. Shen, L Zhou, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Miniaturized and high-selectivity substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) bandpass filter loaded by complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs),” JEMWA., vol.26, no.11-12, pp. 1448-1459, 2012.\r
101. L. Y. Kong, J. Wang, and Wen-Yan Yin, “A novel dielectric conformal FDTD method for computing sar distribution of the human body in a metallic cabin illuminated by an intentional electromagnetic pulse(TEMP),” Progress In Electromagnetics Research-PIER,vol. 126, pp. 355-373, 2012.\r
102. M. D. Zhu, X. L. Zhou W. Luo, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Hybrid tdie-tdpo method using weighted laguerre polynomials for solving transient electromagnetic problems,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research-PIER, vol. 126, pp. 375-398, 2012.\r
103. L. Liu, Z. H. Yang, L. B. Kong, Wen-Yan Yin, and S. Wang, “Microwave tunable dielectric properties of multilayer CNT membranes for smart applications,” Applied Physics A-materials Science & Processing, vol. 108, no. 4, pp.843-848, 2012.\r
104. S. C. Yang, Z. Chen, Y. Q. Yu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “Efficient unconditionally stable one-step leapfrog ADI-FDTD method,” IEEE Trans. Antenna Propag., vol. 60, no. 4, 1995-2003, Apr. 2012.\r
105. S.C. Yang, Z. Z. Chen, Y.Q. Yu, and Wen-Yan Yin, “The unconditionally stable one-step leapfrog adi-fdtd method and its comparisons with other FDTD methods”, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Compon. Lett., vol.21, no.12, pp.640-642, 2011.\r
106. L. Liu, L.B. Kong, Wen-Yan Yin, and S. Matitsine, “Characterization of single and multiwalled carbon nanotube composites for electromagnetic shielding and tunable applications,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 53, no.4, pp.943-49, 2011.\r
107. W.S. Zhao, Wen-Yan Yin, X.P. Wang and X.L. Xu, “Frequency- and temperature-dependent modeling of coaxial through-silicon vias for 3-D ICs”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 10, pp. 3358-3368, 2011.\r
108. H. Li, N. Srivastava, J.F. Mao, Wen-Yan Yin, and K. Banerjee, “Carbon nanotube vias: does ballistic electron-phonon transport imply improved performance and reliability”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices., vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 2689-2701, 2011.\r
109. W.Shen, Wen-Yan Yin and X.W.Sun, “Miniaturized dual-band substrate integrated waveguide filter with controllable bandwidths,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Compon. Lett., vol.21, no.8, pp.418-420, 2011.\r
110. G.Q. Liu, L.S. Wu and Wen-Yan Yin, “Miniaturised dual-band rat-race coupler based on double-sided parallel stripline”, Electronics Lett., vol.47, no.14, pp.800-801, 2011.
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