2023-05-18 09:31
  • 叶笃毅
  • 叶笃毅 - 教授-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料




[1] Ye D*., Haifeng Xu, Xianfeng Feng, Yuandong Xu, Lei Xiao (2016), Depth-sensing indentation-based studies of surface mechanical behavior and fatigue damage evolution of an austenitic stainless steel subjected to cyclic straining, Materials Science and Engineering:-A 650 (2016): 38-51
[2] Hao H., Ye D*., Chen C. (2014), Strain ratio effects on low-cycle fatigue behavior and deformation microstructure of 2124-T851 aluminum alloy, Material Science and Engineering-A, 605, 151-159.
[3] Hao H., Ye D*, Yingzhen Chen, Mi Feng, Jianzhong Liu A study on the mean stress relaxation behavior of 2124-T851 aluminum alloy during low-cycle fatigue at different strain ratios, Materials & Design, 67( 15) 272-279
[4] Xiao L., Ye D*., Chen C., Liu J., Zhang L. (2014), Instrumented indentation measurements of residual stresses around a crack tip under single tensile overloads, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 78(2014) 44-51
[5] Xiao L., Ye D*., Chen C.(2014), A further study on representative models for calculating the residual stress based on the instrumented indentation technique, Computational Materials Science, 82( 2014) 476–482
[6] Ye D*., Mi F., Liu J., Xu Y., Chen Y., Xiao L. (2013), Use of instrumented indentation testing to study local mechanical properties of 304L SS welded joints subjected to low-cycle fatigue loadings,Material Science and Engineering-A,564(2013) 76-84
[7] Ye D*., Cha H., Xiao L., Xu Y. (2012). A study of fatigue mesoscopic elasto-plastic properties of a nickel-base superalloy by instrumented microindentation measurements,Journal of Nuclear Materials 420 (2012) 525–536
[8] Ye D*., Xiao L., Cha H., Xu P., Xu Y. (2011). Use of instrumented micro-indentation to study the mesoscopic elasto-plastic behavior of GH4145/SQ superalloy during high-temperature cyclic straining,Material Science and Engineering-A, 528,6825-6837.
[9] Ye D*., Xu X., Xiao L., Cha H. (2010). Effects of low-cycle fatigue on static mechanical properties, microstructures and fracture behavior of 304 stainless steel,Material Science and Engineering-A, 527,4092-4102.
[10] Ye D*., Hertel, O. and Vormwald, M. (2008): A unified expression of elastic-plastic notch stress-strain calculation in bodies subjected to multiaxial cyclic loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, 6177-6189.
[11] Ye D*., Zheng, J. (2008): A Model for the Determination of Residual Fatigue-Life of a Nickel-Based. ASME-Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 130, 031010 1-8.
[12] Ye D*., Zheng, J. (2008): High temperature low-cycle fatigue, deformation microstructure and final fracture behavior of a nickel-base superalloy. Key Engineering Materials 378-379, 249-270(invitated paper for the special issue on Progress in Understanding the Fatigue Behavior of Metallic Materials ).
[13] Ye D*., Matsuoka, S. and Nagashima, N. (2007): Determination of fatigue mesoscopic mechanical properties of an austenitic stainless steel using depth-sensing indentation (DSI) technique. Material Science and Engineering-A, 456,120-129.
[14] Ye D*., Matsuoka, S., Nagashima, N. and Suzuki, N. (2006): The Low cycle fatigue, deformation and final fracture behaviour of an austenitic stainless steel. Material Science and Engineering-A, 415/1-2,104-117. (has been cited 39 times in SCI-paper published by others)
[15] Ye D*. (2005), Effect of cyclic straining at elevated-temperature on static mechanical properties, microstructures and fracture behaviour of nickel-based superalloy GH4145/SQ. International Journal of Fatigue 27/9,1102-1114.
[16] Ye D*., Matsuoka S., Nagashima, N. and Suzuki, N. (2005): Multi-scale deformation behaviour investigation of 18Cr-8Ni stainless steel subjected to low-cycle fatigue loading. Materials Characterization 55/2,106-117.
[17] Ye D*. (2005). Investigation of cyclic deformation behaviour in the surface layer of 18Cr-8Ni austenitic stainless steel based on Vickers microhardness measurement, Materials Chemistry and Physics 93/2-3, 495-503.
[18] Ye D*., Wang, Z. and Yin, X. (2005): An investigation of the effect of high-temperature cyclic straining and creep loading on tensile mechanical properties of GH4145/SQ alloy. Journal of Materials Science 40,483-494.
[19] Ye D*., Matsuoka, S., Suzuki, N. and Maeda, Y. (2004): Further investigation of Neuber’s rule and the equivalent strain energy density (ESED) method, International Journal of Fatigue 26: 447-455.
[20] Ye D*., Ping Dehai, Wang, Z., Xu, H., Mei, X., etal (2004): Low cycle fatigue behavior of nickel-based superalloy GH4145/SQ at elevated temperature. Material Science and Engineering-A 373: 54-64.

