2023-05-18 09:28
  • 谢涛
  • 谢涛 - 教授 博导-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料




近年来从事多功能智能高分子材料基础及应用研究,在形状记忆高分子、仿生智能高分子、3D和4D打印等方向取得了多项重要研究成果。近年来作为通讯作者在包括Nature,Science Advances,Advanced Materials,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Functional Materials等期刊发表多篇学术论文。拥有超过70项美国,德国,日本,中国及世界专利。研究成果多次被国际权威科学媒体广泛报道,其中包括麻省理工技术综述(两次),英国皇家化学会会刊《化学世界》,美国化学会会刊,美国材料研究协会在线《MRS 360》(三次)。多次组织国际学术会议并在作为非组织人时做邀请报告,其中包括美国化学会年会、美国材料研究协会年会、国际响应刺激材料年会。曾获美国Conte国家高分子研究中心杰出研究奖(2001年),美国通用汽车公司最高科学奖(Campbell奖)(2011年),美国制造工程师协会2011年年度创新奖及2013年研发100奖(R&D100 Award)。2016年获得国家杰出青年科学基金。




Peng WJ, Zhang GG, Zhao Q, Xie T.* Autonomous off-equilibrium morphing pathways of a supramolecular shape-memory polymer. Adv. Mater., 2021, 2102473.\r
Xu Y, Li Y, Zheng N*, Zhao Q, Xie T.* Transparent origami glass. Nat. Commun, 2021, 12, 4261.\r
You DQ,# Chen GC,# Liu C,# Ye X, Wang SL, Dong MY, Sun MY, He JX, Yu XW, Ye GC, Wu JJ, Wu JJ, Zhao Q,* Xie T, Yu MF,* and Wang HM.*\r
rinting of multi-responsive membrane for accelerated in vivo bone healing via remote regulation of stem cell fate. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 2103920.\r
Deng SH,# Huang LM,# Wu JJ, Pan PJ, Zhao Q,* Xie T. Bioinspired dual mode temporal communication via digital programmable phase change materials. Adv. Mater., 2021, 2008119.\r
Chen GC, Jin BJ, Zhao Q, Xie T*. Photo-driven metallo-supramolecular stress-free reversible shape mempry polymer. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2021, 9, 6827-6830.\r
Ni C, Chen D, Zhang Y, Xie T, Zhao Q.* Autonomous shapeshifting hydrogels via temporal programming of photoswitchable dynamic network. Chem. Mater., 2021, 33, 2046-2053.\r
Zheng N, Xu Y, Zhao Q, Xie T.* Dynamic covalent polymer networks: A molecular platform for designing functions beyond chemical recycling and self-healing. Chem. Rev., 2021, 121, 1716-1745.\r
Choi Y S, Hsueh Y Y, Koo J, Yang Q, Avila R, Hu BW, Xie ZQ, Lee G, Zheng N, Liu C, Xu YM, Lee Y J, Zhao WK, Fang J, Deng YJ, Lee S M, Vázquez-Guardado A, Stepien I, Yan Y, Song J W, Haney C, Oh Y S, Liu WT, Yun H J, Banks A, MacEwan M R, Ameer G A, Ray W Z, Huang YG, Xie T, Franz C K, Li S,* Rogers J A.* Stretchable, dynamic covalent polymers for soft, long-lived bioresorbable electronic stimulators designed to facilitate neuromuscular regeneration. Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, 5990.\r
Xie T and Vogt B D. A virtual special issue on self-healing materials. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 49277-49280.\r
Miao WS, Zou WK, Jin BJ, Ni CJ, Zheng N, Zhao Q, Xie T.* On demand shape memory polymer via light regulated topological defects in a dynamic covalent network. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 4257.\r
Liu KK,# Zhang Y,# Cao HQ, Liu HN, Geng YH, Yuan WH, Zhou J, Wu ZL, Shan GR, Bao YZ, Zhao Q,* Xie T, Pan PJ.* Programmable reversible shape transformation of hydrogels based on transient structural anisotropy. Adv. Mater., 2020, 32, 2001693.\r
Zou WK,# Jin BJ,# Wu Y, Song HJ, Luo YW, Huang FH, Qian J, Zhao Q,* Xie T.* Light-triggered topological programmability in a dynamic covalent polymer network. Sci. Adv., 2020, 6, eaaz2362.\r
Peng WJ,# Zhang GG,# Liu J,* Nie S, Wu Y, Deng SH, Fang GQ, Zhou J, Song JZ, Qian J, Pan PJ, Zhao Q, Xie T.* Light-coded digital crystallinity patterns toward bioinspired 4D transformation of shape-memory polymers. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 30, 2000522.\r
Fang ZZ,# Song HJ,# Zhang Y, Jin BJ, Wu JJ, Zhao Q,* Xie T.* Modular 4D printing via interfacial welding of digital light-controllable dynamic covalent polymer networks. Matter, 2020, 2, 1187-1197.\r
Miao WS, Zou WK,* Luo YW, Zheng N, Zhao Q, Xie T.* Structural tuning of polycaprolactone based thermadapt shape memory polymer. Polym. Chem., 2020, 11, 1369.\r
Park J K, Nan KW, Luan HW, Zheng N, Zhao SW, Zhang H, Cheng X, Wang HL, Li K, Xie T, Huang YG, Zhang YH,* Kim S,* Rogers JA.* Remotely triggered assembly of 3D mesosrtuctures through shape-memory effects. Adv. Mater., 2019, 31, 1905715.\r
Zhang Y, Huang LM, Song HJ, Ni CJ, Wu JJ,* Zhao Q, Xie T.* 4D printing of a digital shape memory polymer with tunable high performance. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 32408-32413.\r
Hou YK, Fang GQ, Jiang YB, Song HJ, Zhang YH,* Zhao Q.* Emulsion lyophilization as a facile pathway to fabricate stretchable polymer foams enabling multishape memory effect and clip application. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 32423-32430.\r
Deng SH, Wu JJ,* Dickey MD, Zhao Q, Xie T.* Rapid open‐air digital light 3D printing of thermoplastic polymer. Adv. Mater., 2019, 31, 1903970.\r
Song HJ, Fang ZZ, Jin BJ, Pan PJ, Zhao Q,* Xie T.* Synergetic chemical and physical progrmming for reversible shape memory effect in a dynamic covalent network with two crystalline phases. ACS Macro Lett., 2019, 8, 682.

