2023-05-18 09:11
  • 申有青
  • 申有青 - 教授 博导-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料




申有青,教育部教授、浙江大学求是教授、生物纳米工程中心主任。于91、95年分别获浙江大学理学学士和博士学位,获首届《全国优博论文奖》;02年获加拿大McMaster University工学博士学位。02年起任美国怀俄明大学(University of Wyoming)助理教授,07年被破格晋升为tenure的副教授,08年受邀回国任浙江大学求是学者教授和生物纳米工程中心主任,获08年的杰青资助, 入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、教育部教授。主要从事功能高分子合成及其应用于纳米药物的研究。在美国执教期间主持美国国家科学基金等项目10余项, 回国后主持国家杰青、973前期及基金委重大项目课题和重点项目、国家重大科学研究计划项目(首席科学家)等。在Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Biomedical Engineering、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.和Adv. Mater.等国际著名学术期刊上发表SCI论文280余篇,H-因子60,出版RSC和Wiley著作各1部,获10余项中美专利,工作三次被美国Chemical& Engineering News报道。\r
兼美国化学会Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research(IECR)副主编, 中国药学会纳米药物专业委员会副主任委员、中国医药生物技术协会生物纳米技术分会副主任委员及多个期刊编委,入选美国Fellow of American Institute of Biological and Medical Engineering (2018)。2015年起连续入选中国高被引学者材料科学榜。




Y. Shen (Editor-in-Chief) Materials Research Series: Biomaterials Engineering, Nature-Springer Publisher (totally 26 volume, 1 volumn in press, 3 volumes to be published in 2019)\r
Y.L. Zhao and Y. Shen (ed): Biomedical Nanomaterials. John Wiley & Sons Ltd (ISBN 978-3-527-33798-9), 2016\r
Y. Shen (Ed): Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine. London: Royal Society of Chemistry Publisher (ISBN 978-1-84973-620-6), 2013.\r
Q.H Sun, M Radosz, Y. Shen*, Chapter 3: Rational design of translational nanocarriers, in Functional Polymers for Nanomedicine. YQ Shen (ed). Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK, p31-62.\r
B. Zhang, K. Wang, J. Si, M. Sui, Y. Shen, Charge-reversal polymers for biodelivery, in Bioinspired and Biomimetic Polymer Systems for Drug and Gene Delivery Edited by Gu, Zhongwei, (2015), 223-241.\r
J. Green, M Radosz*, and Y. Shen, Chapter 13. Near-critical micellization for nanomedicine: Enhanced drug loading, reduced burst release, in Functional polymers for nanomedicine. YQ Shen (ed). Royal Society of Chemistry, London, UK, p281-301.\r
J.B. Tang, DC Zhu, Y. Shen* (2012). Self-assembly of polymers into soft nanoparticles and nanocapsules in Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials (ISBN 978-0-470-74640-0), J.W. Steed and P.A. Gale (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp 3541-3562.\r
Y. Shen,* H. Tang, and M. Radosz, E. A. Van Kirk, W. J. Murdoch, pH-responsive nanoparticles for drug delivery. Invited chapter in Drug Delivery Systems- Methods in Molecular Medicine, Kewal Jain (ed), Humana Press, 2008, 437:183-216.\r
Q. Zhou, S.Q. Shao, J.Q. Wang, C. Xu, J.J. Xiang, Y. Piao, Z.X. Zhou, Q.S. Yu, J.B. Tang, X.R. Liu, Z.H. Gan, Z. Gu,* and Y.Q. Shen*, Enzyme-Activatable Polymer-Drug Conjugate Augments Tumour Penetration and Treatment Efficacy, Nature Nanotechnology, 2019, 14, 799-809. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41565-019-0485-z.\r
X-C. Jiang, J.-J. Xiang, H. H. Wu, T. Y. Zhang, D. P. Zhang, Q. H. Xu, X.L. Huang, X.L. Kong, J.H. Sun, Y.L. Hu, K. Li, Y. Tabata, Y. Q. Shen*, J. Q. Gao*, Neural Stem Cells Transfected with Reactive Oxygen Species-Responsive Polyplexes for Effective Treatment of Ischemic Stroke, Advanced materials, 10.1002/adma.201807591\r
Q. Zhou, Y. Wang, J.J. Xiang, Y. Piao, Z.X. Zhou*, J.B. Tang, X.R. Liu, Y. Shen*, Stabilized calcium phosphate hybrid nanocomposite using a benzoxaborole-containing polymer for pH-responsive siRNA delivery, Biomaterials Science 2018, 6, 3178-3188\r
X. Sun, G. Wang, H. Zhang, S. Hu, X. Liu, J. Tang, Y. Shen*, The blood clearance kinetics and pathway of polymeric micelles in cancer drug delivery, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 6179-6192.\r
H. Yan, D. Zhu, Z. Zhou, X. Liu, Y. Piao, Z. Zhang, X. Liu, J. Tang, Y. Shen*, Facile synthesis of semi-library of low charge density cationic polyesters from poly(alkylene maleate)s for efficient local gene delivery, Biomaterials 2018, 178, 559-569.\r
N. Qiu, J. Gao, Q. Liu, J. Wang, Y. Shen*, Enzyme-responsive charge-reversal polymer-mediated effective gene therapy for intraperitoneal tumors, Biomacromolecules 2018, 19, 2308-2319.\r
D. Zhu, H. Yan, Z. Zhou, J. Tang, X. Liu, R. Hartmann, W.J. Parak, N. Feliu*, Y. Shen*, Detailed investigation on how the protein corona modulates the physicochemical properties and gene delivery of polyethylenimine (PEI) polyplexes, Biomaterials Science 2018, 6, 1800-1817.\r
H.P. Jiang, S.J. Wang, X.F. Zhou, L.Y. Wang, L.D. Ye, Z.X. Zhou, J.B. Tang, X.R. Liu, L.S. Teng, Y. Shen, New path to treating pancreatic cancer: TRAIL gene delivery targeting the fibroblast-enriched tumor microenvironment, Journal of Controlled Release 2018, 286, 254-263.\r
Y. Zhou, F. Huang, Y. Yang, P. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Tang, Y. Shen, K. Wang, Paraptosis-inducing nanomedicine overcomes cancer drug resistance for a potent cancer therapy, Small 2018, 14, online.\r
Z. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Z. Zhou*, Y. Piao, N. Kalva, X. Liu, J. Tang, Y. Shen*, Synthesis of enzyme-responsive phosphoramidate dendrimers for cancer drug delivery, Polymer Chemistry 2018, 9, 438-449.\r
H. Zhang*, Y. Zhu*, Y. Shen*, Microfluidics for cancer nanomedicine: From fabrication to evaluation, Small 2018, e1800360-e1800360.\r
H. Zhang, C. Fu, Y. Yi, X. Zhou, C. Zhou, G. Ying, Y. Shen*, Y. Zhu*, A magnetic-based SERS approach for highly sensitive and reproducible detection of cancer-related serum microRNAs, Analytical Methods, 2018, 10, 624-633.\r
W. Yu, M. Ye, J. Zhu, Y. Wang, C. Liang, J. Tang, H. Tao, Y. Shen, Zinc phthalocyanine encapsulated in polymer micelles as a potent photosensitizer for the photodynamic therapy of osteosarcoma, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 14 (2018) 1099-1110.

