2023-05-17 18:11
  • 任其龙
  • 任其龙 - 院士 教授-浙江大学-化学工程与生物工程学院-个人资料







· Huabin Xing, Xu Zhao, Qiwei Yang, Baogen Su, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on the Absorption of Ethylene and Acetylene in Ionic Liquids. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52 (26), 9308-9316.\r
· Qiwei Yang, Kun Yu, Huabin Xing, Baogen Su, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang, Qilong Ren, The effect of molecular solvents on the viscosity, conductivity and ionicity of mixtures containing chloride anion-based ionic liquid, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2013, 19(5), 1708-1714.\r
· Qiwei Yang, Huabin Xing, Baogen Su, Zongbi Bao, Jun Wang, Yiwen Yang, Qilong Ren. The essential role of hydrogen-bonding interaction in the extractive separation of phenolic compounds by ionic liquid, AIChE Journal, 2013,59(5), 657–1667.\r
· Di Duan, Baogen Su, Zhiguo Zhang, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang, Qilong Ren. Synthesis, characterization and structure effects of polyethylene glycol bis(2-isopropoxyethyl) dimethyl diphosphates on lanthanides extraction with supercritical carbon dioxide, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2013, 81, 103-111.\r
· Huabin Xing, Xu Zhao, Rulong Li, Qiwei Yang, Baogen Su, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Improved Efficiency of Ethylene/Ethane Separation Using a Symmetrical Dual Nitrile-Functionalized Ionic Liquid, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Article ASAP.\r
· Huabin Xing, Xiao Zhang, Qiwei Yang, Ruiyang Liu, Zongbi Bao, Baogen Su, Yiwen Yang, Qilong Ren. Separation of long chain fatty acids with different number of unsaturated bonds by fractional extraction: Experimental and COSMO-RS study, Food Chemistry, 2013, 143, 411-417.\r
· Di Duan, Baogen Su, Huabin Xing, Yun Su, Yiwen Yang, Qilong Ren. Solubilities of novel ethylene oxide diphosphate-based chelating agents in supercritical carbon dioxide, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2013, 355, 1-7.\r
· Ruisi Liang, Zongbi Bao, Baogen Su, Huabin Xing, Qiwei Yang, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Feasibility of Ionic Liquids as Extractants for Selective Separation of Vitamin D3 and Tachysterol3 by Solvent Extraction, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61 (14), 3479-3487.\r
· Huabin Xing, Yan Yan, Qiwei Yang, Zongbi Bao, Baogen Su, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Effect of Tethering Strategies on the Surface Structure of Amine-Functionalized Ionic Liquids: Inspiration on the CO2 Capture, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2013, 117 (31), 16012-16021.\r
· Qilong Ren, Di Duan, Hai Zhang, Baogen Su, Zhiguo Zhang, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang. Solubility of novel open-chain crown ether bridged diphosphates in supercritical carbon dioxide, The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 2013, 67, 40-47.\r
· Xiaolei Ni, Huabin Xing, Qiwei Yang, Jun Wang, Baogen Su, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Selective Liquid–Liquid Extraction of Natural Phenolic Compounds Using Amino Acid Ionic Liquids: A Case of α-Tocopherol and Methyl Linoleate Separation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research . 2012,51(18), 6480-6488.\r
· Rulong Li, Huabin Xing, Qiwei Yang, Xu Zhao, Baogen Su, Zongbi Bao, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Selective Extraction of 1-Hexene Against n-Hexane in Ionic Liquids with or without Silver Salt, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012, 51 (25), 8588-8597.\r
· Hai Zhang, Rulong Li, Baogen Su, Huabin Xing, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Solubilities of the Triethylene Glycol and Tripropylene Glycol Derivatives Terminated with Phosphoryl Groups in Supercritical CO2, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2012, 57 (7), 1991-1995.\r
· Ruisi Liang, Zongbi Bao, Baogen Su, Huabin Xing, and Qilong Ren. Solubility of Vitamin D3 in Six Organic Solvents at Temperatures from (248.2 to 273.2) K, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2012, 57 (8), 2328-2331.\r
· Qianqian Xu, Baogen Su, Xinyi Luo, Huabin Xing, Zongbi Bao, Qiwei Yang, Yiwen Yang, and Qilong Ren. Accurate Measurements of Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients Using Gas Chromatography with Static-Wall-Coated Open-Tubular Columns, Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84 (21), 9109-9115.\r
· Junjie Wei, Baogen Su, Ruisi Liang, Huabin Xing, Zongbi Bao, Qiwei Yang, Yiwen Yang, Qilong Ren, Ionic liquid bmimCl/formamide mixture as the polar phase of nonaqueous microemulsions, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2012, 414, 82-87. \r
· Cao, Y. F.; Xing, H. B.*; Yang, Q. W.; Su, B. G.; Bao, Z. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Yang, Y. W.; Ren, Q. L.High performance separation of sparingly aqua-/lipo-soluble bioactive compounds with a ionic liquid-based biphasic system. Green Chem. 2012, accepted.\r
· Cao, Y.; Xing, H.; Yang, Q.; Bao, Z.; Su, B.; Yang, Y.; Ren, Q., Separation of Soybean Isoflavone Aglycone Homologues by Ionic Liquid-Based Extraction. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2012, 60 (13), 3432-3440.\r
· Zhao, X.; Xing, H.; Yang, Q.; Li, R.; Su, B.; Bao, Z.; Yang, Y.; Ren, Q., Differential Solubility of Ethylene and Acetylene in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids: A Theoretical Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012, 116 (13), 3944-3953.\r
· Yang, Q.; Xing, H.; Su, B.; Yu, K.; Bao, Z.; Yang, Y.; Ren, Q., Improved separation efficiency using ionic liquid-cosolvent mixtures as the extractant in liquid-liquid extraction: A multiple adjustment and synergistic effect. Chemical Engineering Journal 2012, 181, 334-342.

