1993至1998中国科技大学本科\r\r1998至2002美国伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)博士,导师Karl Hess教授,学位论文“Simulating the Modulation Response of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers”\r\r2003至2013美国斯坦福 (Stanford) 大学EE系,先后任职Research Associate,Lecturer,及Consulting Associate Professor,在Robert Dutton教授组进行微电子,光电及生物传感器件方面的科研工作;并在2011至2013年连续三年主讲斯坦福本科课程EE116“Semiconductor Device Physics”\r\r2013年12月起入职浙大信电系任教授,博导。\r\rIEEE高级会员,国际电子器件大会(IEDM)技术程序委员会成员(2016-2017)。研究领域
Biosensors & Nanofluidic Devices:\r\r· C. Gu, Z. Yu, X. Li, X. Zhu, Z. Cao, Z. Ye, C. Jin, and Y. Liu, “Experimental study of protein translocation through MoS2 nanopores,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.115, 223702, 2019 (abstract)\r\r· X. Zhang, X. Zhu, Z. Cao, C. Gu, and Y. Liu, “Effect of introcahnnel ion transport on transient characteristics of nanochannels,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol.122, pp 19180-8, 2018 (abstract)\r\r· Z. Cao, Y. Zhu, Y. Liu, S. Dong, X. Chen, F. Bai, S. Song, and J. Fu, “Dielectrophoresis-based prootein enrichment for a highly sensitive immunoassay using Ag/SiO2 nanorod arrays,” Small, 1703265, 2018 (abstract)\r\r· X. Zhu, X. Wang, Z. Cao, Z. Ye, C. Gu, C.H. Jin, and Y. Liu, “Nanopores incorporating ITO electrodes for electrical gating of DNA at different folding states,” IEDM Tech. Dig., 26.6.1-26.6.4, 2017\r\r· X. Zhu, L. Guo, S. Ni, X. Zhang, and Y. Liu, “Transport-induced inversion of screening ionic charges in nanochannels,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol.7, pp.5235-5241, 2016 (abstract)\r\r· Y. Liu, L. Guo, X. Zhu, Q. Ran, and R. Dutton, “Suppression of ion conductance by electro-osmotic flow in nano-channels with weakly overlapping electrical double layers,” AIP Advances, 6, 085022, 2016 (abstract)\r\r· Q. Ran, Y. Liu, and R. Dutton, “Field-effect control of ions beyond Debye-screening limit in nanofluidic transistors,” IEDM Tech. Dig., 29.1.1-29.1.4, 2015\r\r· K.-H. Paik, Y. Liu, V. Tabard-Cossa, M. Waugh, D. Huber, J Provine, R. Howe, R. Dutton, and R. Davis, “Control of DNA capture by nanofluidic transistors,” ACS Nano, vol. 6, pp. 6767-6775, 2012 (abstract)\r\r· K.-H. Paik, Y. Liu, V. Tabard-Cossa, D. Huber, J. Provine, R. Howe, R. Davis, and R. Dutton, “Experimental demonstration and analysis of DNA passage in nanopore-based nanofluidic transistors,” IEDM Tech. Dig.,30.6.1-30.6.4, 2011 (abstract)\r\r· Y. Liu, Q. Ran, and R. Dutton, “Electrical modulation of ion concentration in dual-gated nanochannels,” IEDM Tech. Dig., p.371-4, 2010 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· C. Heitzinger, Y. Liu, N. Mauser, C. Ringhofer, and R. Dutton, “Calculation of fluctuations in boundary layers of nanowire field-effect biosensors,” J. Comp. Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 7, p.2574, 2010 (abstract)\r\r· Y. Liu, D. Huber, V. Tabard-Cossa, and R. Dutton, “Descreening of field effect in electrically gated nanopores,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 97, 143109, 2010 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, D. Huber, and R. Dutton, “Limiting and overlimiting conductance in field-effect gated nanopores,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 96, 253108, 2010 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu and R. Dutton, “Effects of charge screening and surface properties on signal transduction in field effect nanowire biosensors,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 106, 014701, 2009 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, K. Lilja, C. Heitzinger, and R. Dutton, “Overcoming the screening-induced performance limits of nanowire biosensors: a simulation study on the effect of electro-diffusion flow,” IEDM Tech. Dig. p.491-4, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, J. Sauer, and R. Dutton, 'Effect of electro-diffusion current flow on electrostatic screening in aqueous pores,' J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 103, 084701, 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· A. Talasaz, M. Nemat-Gorgani, Y. Liu, P. Stahl, R. Dutton, M. Ronaghi, and R. Davis, “Prediction of protein orientation upon immobilization on biological and nonbiological surfaces,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Vol. 103, p.14773-8, 2006 (abstract, pdf)\r\rElectronic Devices:\r\r\r· A. Jiang, Y. Yuan, N. Liu, L. Han, M. Xiong, Y. Sheng, Z. Ye, and Y. Liu, “Transparent capacitive-type fingerprint sensing based on zinc oxide thin-film transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, in press, 2019 (abstract)\r\r· H. Xu, Z. Ye, N. Liu, Y. Wang, N. Zhang, Y. Liu, “Low-power transparent RFID circuits using enhancement/depletion logic gates based on deuterium-treated ZnO TFTs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 38, pp.1383-1386, 2017 (abstract)\r\r· Z. Ye, H. Xu, T. Liu, N. Liu, Y. Wang, N. Zhang, Y. Liu, “Highly stable atomic layer deposited zinc oxide thin film transistors incorporating triple O2 annealing,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp.4114-4122, 2017 (abstract)\r\r· Z. Ye, Y. Yuan, H. Xu, Y. Liu, J. Luo, M. Wong, “Mechanism and origin of hysteresis in oxide thin film transistor and its application on 3D non-volatile memory,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp. 438-446, 2017 (abstract)\r\r· J. Sato-Iwanaga, Y. Liu, R. Dutton, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Yokogawa, “Theoretical considerations on efficiency degradation due to thermal effect in a planaer GaN-based LED with a GaN substrate,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 53, 102101, 2014 (abstract)\r\r· J. Sato-Iwanaga, A. Inoue, H. Sorada, T. Takagi, A. Rothschild, R. Loo, S. Biesemans, C. Ito, Y. Liu, R. Dutton, and H. Tsuchiya, “Optimized design of Si-cap layer in strained-SiGe channel p-MOSFETs based on computational and experimental approaches,” Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 91, p.1-8, 2014 (abstract) \r\r· K.-H. Shih, A. Pan, Y. Liu, and C. O. Chui, 'A systematic approach for hydrodynamic model calibration in the quasi-ballistic regime,' Solid-State Electronics, vol. 87, pp. 90-97, 2013 (abstract) \r\r· C.-Y. Chen, Y. Liu, R. Dutton, J. Sato-Iwanaga, A. Inoue, H. Sorada, “Numerical study of flicker noise in p-type Si0.7Ge0.3/Si hetero-structure MOSFETs,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 55, p.1741, 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· J. Hu, Y. Liu, C.Z. Ning, R. Dutton, and S.-M. Kang, “Fringing field effects on electrical resistivity of semiconductor nanowire-metal contacts,” App. Phys. Lett. Vol. 92, 083503, 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, S. Cao, and R. Dutton, “Numerical investigation of low frequency noise in MOSFETs with high-k gate stacks,” Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), p.99-102, 2006 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, A. Shanware, L. Colombo, and R. Dutton, “Modeling of charge trapping induced threshold voltage instabilities in high-k gate dielectric FETs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 27, p.489-491, 2006 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· J.-H. Chun, Y. Liu, C. Duvvury, and R.W. Dutton, “Implementation of temperature dependent contact resistance model for the analysis of deep submicron devices under ESD,” IEDM Tech. Dig., Dec., 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r\rOptoelectronic Devices: \r\r· Y. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Han, S. Fan, and R. Dutton, “Mode-locking of monolithic laser diodes incorporating coupled-resonator optical waveguides,” Optics Express, Vol. 13, p.4539-4553, 2005 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· G. Veronis, W. Suh, Y. Liu, M. Han, Z. Wang, R.W. Dutton, and S. Fan, “Coupled optical and electronic simulations of electrically pumped photonic-crystal-based light-emitting diodes,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 97, p.044503, 2005 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, W.-C. Ng, K.D. Choquette, and K. Hess, “Numerical investigation of self-heating effects of oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 41, p. 15, 2005 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, K.D. Choquette, and K. Hess, “The electrical turn-on characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, p.4104, 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· W.-C. Ng, Y. Liu, and K. Hess, “Resonant-wavelength control and optical-confinement analysis for graded SCH VCSELs using a self-consistent effective-index method,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 21, p. 555, 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, W.-C. Ng, B. Klein, and K. Hess, “Effects of spatial non-uniformity of optical transverse modes on the modulation response of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 39, p.99, 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r\r· Y. Liu, W.-C. Ng, F. Oyafuso, B. Klein, and K. Hess, “Simulating the modulation response of VCSEL’s: the effects of diffusion capacitance and spatial hole-burning,” IEE Proc.-Optoelectronics, Vol. 149, p.182, 2002 (abstract, pdf) 相关热点
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