2023-05-17 17:55
  • 刘旸
  • 刘旸 - 教授 博导-浙江大学-信息与电子工程学院-个人资料




1998至2002美国伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)博士,导师Karl Hess教授,学位论文“Simulating the Modulation Response of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers”\r
2003至2013美国斯坦福 (Stanford) 大学EE系,先后任职Research Associate,Lecturer,及Consulting Associate Professor,在Robert Dutton教授组进行微电子,光电及生物传感器件方面的科研工作;并在2011至2013年连续三年主讲斯坦福本科课程EE116“Semiconductor Device Physics”\r




Biosensors & Nanofluidic Devices:\r
· C. Gu, Z. Yu, X. Li, X. Zhu, Z. Cao, Z. Ye, C. Jin, and Y. Liu, “Experimental study of protein translocation through MoS2 nanopores,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.115, 223702, 2019 (abstract)\r
· X. Zhang, X. Zhu, Z. Cao, C. Gu, and Y. Liu, “Effect of introcahnnel ion transport on transient characteristics of nanochannels,” J. Phys. Chem. C, vol.122, pp 19180-8, 2018 (abstract)\r
· Z. Cao, Y. Zhu, Y. Liu, S. Dong, X. Chen, F. Bai, S. Song, and J. Fu, “Dielectrophoresis-based prootein enrichment for a highly sensitive immunoassay using Ag/SiO2 nanorod arrays,” Small, 1703265, 2018 (abstract)\r
· X. Zhu, X. Wang, Z. Cao, Z. Ye, C. Gu, C.H. Jin, and Y. Liu, “Nanopores incorporating ITO electrodes for electrical gating of DNA at different folding states,” IEDM Tech. Dig., 26.6.1-26.6.4, 2017\r
· X. Zhu, L. Guo, S. Ni, X. Zhang, and Y. Liu, “Transport-induced inversion of screening ionic charges in nanochannels,” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., vol.7, pp.5235-5241, 2016 (abstract)\r
· Y. Liu, L. Guo, X. Zhu, Q. Ran, and R. Dutton, “Suppression of ion conductance by electro-osmotic flow in nano-channels with weakly overlapping electrical double layers,” AIP Advances, 6, 085022, 2016 (abstract)\r
· Q. Ran, Y. Liu, and R. Dutton, “Field-effect control of ions beyond Debye-screening limit in nanofluidic transistors,” IEDM Tech. Dig., 29.1.1-29.1.4, 2015\r
· K.-H. Paik, Y. Liu, V. Tabard-Cossa, M. Waugh, D. Huber, J Provine, R. Howe, R. Dutton, and R. Davis, “Control of DNA capture by nanofluidic transistors,” ACS Nano, vol. 6, pp. 6767-6775, 2012 (abstract)\r
· K.-H. Paik, Y. Liu, V. Tabard-Cossa, D. Huber, J. Provine, R. Howe, R. Davis, and R. Dutton, “Experimental demonstration and analysis of DNA passage in nanopore-based nanofluidic transistors,” IEDM Tech. Dig.,30.6.1-30.6.4, 2011 (abstract)\r
· Y. Liu, Q. Ran, and R. Dutton, “Electrical modulation of ion concentration in dual-gated nanochannels,” IEDM Tech. Dig., p.371-4, 2010 (abstract, pdf)\r
· C. Heitzinger, Y. Liu, N. Mauser, C. Ringhofer, and R. Dutton, “Calculation of fluctuations in boundary layers of nanowire field-effect biosensors,” J. Comp. Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 7, p.2574, 2010 (abstract)\r
· Y. Liu, D. Huber, V. Tabard-Cossa, and R. Dutton, “Descreening of field effect in electrically gated nanopores,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 97, 143109, 2010 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, D. Huber, and R. Dutton, “Limiting and overlimiting conductance in field-effect gated nanopores,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 96, 253108, 2010 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu and R. Dutton, “Effects of charge screening and surface properties on signal transduction in field effect nanowire biosensors,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 106, 014701, 2009 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, K. Lilja, C. Heitzinger, and R. Dutton, “Overcoming the screening-induced performance limits of nanowire biosensors: a simulation study on the effect of electro-diffusion flow,” IEDM Tech. Dig. p.491-4, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, J. Sauer, and R. Dutton, 'Effect of electro-diffusion current flow on electrostatic screening in aqueous pores,' J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 103, 084701, 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r
· A. Talasaz, M. Nemat-Gorgani, Y. Liu, P. Stahl, R. Dutton, M. Ronaghi, and R. Davis, “Prediction of protein orientation upon immobilization on biological and nonbiological surfaces,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Vol. 103, p.14773-8, 2006 (abstract, pdf)\r
Electronic Devices:\r
· A. Jiang, Y. Yuan, N. Liu, L. Han, M. Xiong, Y. Sheng, Z. Ye, and Y. Liu, “Transparent capacitive-type fingerprint sensing based on zinc oxide thin-film transistors,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, in press, 2019 (abstract)\r
· H. Xu, Z. Ye, N. Liu, Y. Wang, N. Zhang, Y. Liu, “Low-power transparent RFID circuits using enhancement/depletion logic gates based on deuterium-treated ZnO TFTs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 38, pp.1383-1386, 2017 (abstract)\r
· Z. Ye, H. Xu, T. Liu, N. Liu, Y. Wang, N. Zhang, Y. Liu, “Highly stable atomic layer deposited zinc oxide thin film transistors incorporating triple O2 annealing,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp.4114-4122, 2017 (abstract)\r
· Z. Ye, Y. Yuan, H. Xu, Y. Liu, J. Luo, M. Wong, “Mechanism and origin of hysteresis in oxide thin film transistor and its application on 3D non-volatile memory,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 64, pp. 438-446, 2017 (abstract)\r
· J. Sato-Iwanaga, Y. Liu, R. Dutton, H. Tsuchiya, and T. Yokogawa, “Theoretical considerations on efficiency degradation due to thermal effect in a planaer GaN-based LED with a GaN substrate,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 53, 102101, 2014 (abstract)\r
· J. Sato-Iwanaga, A. Inoue, H. Sorada, T. Takagi, A. Rothschild, R. Loo, S. Biesemans, C. Ito, Y. Liu, R. Dutton, and H. Tsuchiya, “Optimized design of Si-cap layer in strained-SiGe channel p-MOSFETs based on computational and experimental approaches,” Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 91, p.1-8, 2014 (abstract) \r
· K.-H. Shih, A. Pan, Y. Liu, and C. O. Chui, 'A systematic approach for hydrodynamic model calibration in the quasi-ballistic regime,' Solid-State Electronics, vol. 87, pp. 90-97, 2013 (abstract) \r
· C.-Y. Chen, Y. Liu, R. Dutton, J. Sato-Iwanaga, A. Inoue, H. Sorada, “Numerical study of flicker noise in p-type Si0.7Ge0.3/Si hetero-structure MOSFETs,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. 55, p.1741, 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r
· J. Hu, Y. Liu, C.Z. Ning, R. Dutton, and S.-M. Kang, “Fringing field effects on electrical resistivity of semiconductor nanowire-metal contacts,” App. Phys. Lett. Vol. 92, 083503, 2008 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, S. Cao, and R. Dutton, “Numerical investigation of low frequency noise in MOSFETs with high-k gate stacks,” Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD), p.99-102, 2006 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, A. Shanware, L. Colombo, and R. Dutton, “Modeling of charge trapping induced threshold voltage instabilities in high-k gate dielectric FETs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 27, p.489-491, 2006 (abstract, pdf)\r
· J.-H. Chun, Y. Liu, C. Duvvury, and R.W. Dutton, “Implementation of temperature dependent contact resistance model for the analysis of deep submicron devices under ESD,” IEDM Tech. Dig., Dec., 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r
Optoelectronic Devices: \r
· Y. Liu, Z. Wang, M. Han, S. Fan, and R. Dutton, “Mode-locking of monolithic laser diodes incorporating coupled-resonator optical waveguides,” Optics Express, Vol. 13, p.4539-4553, 2005 (abstract, pdf)\r
· G. Veronis, W. Suh, Y. Liu, M. Han, Z. Wang, R.W. Dutton, and S. Fan, “Coupled optical and electronic simulations of electrically pumped photonic-crystal-based light-emitting diodes,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 97, p.044503, 2005 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, W.-C. Ng, K.D. Choquette, and K. Hess, “Numerical investigation of self-heating effects of oxide-confined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 41, p. 15, 2005 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, K.D. Choquette, and K. Hess, “The electrical turn-on characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 83, p.4104, 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r
· W.-C. Ng, Y. Liu, and K. Hess, “Resonant-wavelength control and optical-confinement analysis for graded SCH VCSELs using a self-consistent effective-index method,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 21, p. 555, 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, W.-C. Ng, B. Klein, and K. Hess, “Effects of spatial non-uniformity of optical transverse modes on the modulation response of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 39, p.99, 2003 (abstract, pdf)\r
· Y. Liu, W.-C. Ng, F. Oyafuso, B. Klein, and K. Hess, “Simulating the modulation response of VCSEL’s: the effects of diffusion capacitance and spatial hole-burning,” IEE Proc.-Optoelectronics, Vol. 149, p.182, 2002 (abstract, pdf)

