2023-05-17 17:47
  • 韩劲松
  • 韩劲松 - 教授 博士生导师-浙江大学-计算机科学与技术-个人资料




韩劲松,网络空间安全研究中心教授,博导。2007年在香港科技大学计算机科学与工程学系获博士学位。研究工作主要集中在物联网安全、可信认证、智能感知、和移动计算等方面。近年来已出版英文专著两部;在国际一流期刊与重要国际会议上发表论文40余篇;获得美国专利2项,中国专利10余项;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目三项,并担任多个重要项目的主要负责人,如国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题、973计划子课题、香港创新及科技基金重点项目等。获2019 IEEE信息通信年会(INFOCOM)最佳论文奖、2011年香港信息及通讯科技奖最佳研究与创新奖,获选“高校计算机专业优秀教师奖励计划”,2018年ACM西安优博指导教师,2018-2020 IEEE信息通信年会杰出程序委员会委员(Distinguished TPC member of INFOCOM)。
Jinsong Han,Wei Xi,Kun Zhao,Zhiping Jiang,Device-Free Object Tracking Using Passive Tags,Springer International Publishing,ISBN 978-3-319-12645-6,2014.
Jinsong Han,Anonymous and Trustworthy Computing in Peer-to-Peer Systems,LAMBERT Academic Publishing,VDM Publishing House Ltd.,ISBN:978-3-8443-2352-8,2011.
获2019 IEEE信息通信年会(INFOCOM)最佳论文奖




Kaiyan Cui,Yanwen Wang,Yuanqing Zheng,Jinsong Han,ShakeReader:'Read'UHF RFID using Smartphone,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2021.
Weiye Xu,Jianwei Liu,Shimin Zhang,Yuanqing Zheng,Feng Lin,Jinsong Han,Fu Xiao,Kui Ren,RFace:Anti-Spoofing Facial Authentication Using COTS RFID,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2021.
Ming Gao,Feng Lin,Weiye Xu,Muertikepu Nuermaimaiti,Jinsong Han,Wenyao Xu,Kui Ren:
Deaf-aid:mobile IoT communication exploiting stealthy speaker-to-gyroscope channel,the 26th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom),2020.
Fei Wang,Jinsong Han,Feng Lin*,and Kui Ren,WiPIN:Operation-free Passive Person Identification Using Wi-Fi Signals,IEEE Global Communications Conference(GLOBECOM'19),Waikoloa,USA,December 2019.(Best Paper Award,大会最佳论文)[PDF]
Fei Wang,Sanping Zhou,Jinsong Han,Dong Huang,Person-in-WiFi:Fine-grained Person Perception usingWiFi,IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2019.[PDF]
Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Yuqin Yang,Ge Wang,Han Ding,Xin Li,Kui Ren,Butterfly:Environment-Independent Physical-Layer Authentication for Passive RFID,ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing(Ubicomp),2019.[PDF][Slides]
Cui Zhao,Zhenjiang Li,Ting Liu,Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Wei Xi,and Ruowei Gui,“RF-Mehndi:A Fingertip Profiled RF Identifier”,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2019.(Best Paper Award,大会最佳论文,第一作者赵衰为本人在西安交通大学指导的博士生)[PDF][Slides]
Ge Wang,Haofan Cai,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Xin Li,Han Ding,Jizhong Zhao,Towards Replay-resilient RFID Authentication,ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom),2018.[PDF]
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Yanyong Zhang,Fu Xiao,Wei Xi,Ge Wang,Zhiping Jiang,Preventing Unauthorized Access on Passive Tags,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2018.
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Fu Xiao,Ge Wang,Nan Yang,Wei Xi,Jian Xiao,“Trio:Utilizing Tag Interference for Refined Localization of Passive RFID”,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2018.
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Alex X.Liu,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,Panlong Yang,Zhiping Jiang,“Counting Human Objects Using Backscattered Radio Frequency Signals”,Accepted to appear at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC).(JCR Q1;CCF A)[PDF]
Ge Wang,Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Wei Xi,Han Ding,Zhiping Jiang,Jizhong Zhao,“Verifiable Smart Packaging with Passive RFID”,Accepted to appear at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC).(JCR Q1;CCF A)[PDF]
Han Ding,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Jian Xiao,Xingjun Zhang,Ge Wang,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,“Close-Proximity Detection for Hand Approaching Using Backscatter Communication”,Accepted to appear at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC).(JCR Q1;CCF A)[PDF]
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Alex X Liu,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,Panglong Yang,Zhiping Jiang,“Counting Human Objects Using Backscattered Radio Frequency Signals”,Accepted to appear at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC).(JCR Q1;CCF A,通信作者)
Han Ding,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Jian Xiao,Xingjun Zhang,Ge Wang,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,“Close-proximity Detection for Hand Approaching using Backscatter Communication”,Accepted to appear at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC).(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Ge Wang,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Wei Xi,Han Ding,ZhipingJiang,Jizhong Zhao,“Verifiable smart packaging with passive RFID”,Accepted to appear at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC).(JCR Q1;CCF A,通信作者)
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Longfei Shangguan,Zheng Yang,Zimu Zhou,Panlong Yang,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,“A Platform for Free-weight Exercise Monitoring with RFIDs”,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC),Vol.16,No.2,Pages 3279-3293,2017.(JCR Q1;CCF A,通信作者)
Jinsong Han,Han Ding,Chen Qian,Wei Xi,Zhi Wang,Zhiping Jiang,Longfei Shangguan,and Jizhong Zhao,'CBID:A Customer Behavior Identification System using Passive Tags',IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(TON),Vol.24,No.5,Pages 2885-2898,2016.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Xing Wang,Dan Ma,Jizhong Zhao,Wei Xi,Zhiping Jiang,Zhi Wang,'Twins:Device-free Object Tracking using Passive Tags',IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(TON),Vol.24,No.3,Pages 1605-1617,2016.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Panlong Yang,Dan Ma,Zhiping Jiang,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,“GenePrint:Generic and Accurate Physical-Layer Identification for UHF RFID Tags”,IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(TON),Vol.24,No.2,Pages 846-858,2016.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Peng Cheng,Xiang Lian,Lei Chen,Jinsong Han,Jizhong Zhao,“Task Assignment on Multi-Skill Oriented Spatial Crowdsourcing”,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),Vol.28,No.8,Pages 2201-2215,2016.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Lei Yang,Yong Qi,Jinsong Han,Cheng Wang,Yunhao Liu,“Shelving Interference and Joint Identification in Large-scale RFID Systems”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Vol.26,No.11,Pages 3149-3159,2015.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Lei Yang,Yi Guo,Xuan Ding,Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,Cheng Wang,Changwei Hu,“Unlocking Smart Phone through Handwaving Biometrics”,IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC),Vol.14,No.5,Pages 1044-1055,2015.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Yubo Yan,Panlong Yang,Xiang-Yang Li,Yafei Zhang,Jianjiang Lu,Lizhao You,Jiliang Wang,Jinsong Han,Yan Xiong,“WizBee:Wise ZigBee Coexistence via Interference Cancellation with Single Antenna”.IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC),Vol.14,NO.12,Pages 2590-2603,2015.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Longfei Shangguan,Zhenjiang Li,Zheng Yang,Mo Li,Yunhao Liu,Jinsong Han,“OTrack:Towards Order Tracking for Tags in Mobile RFID Systems”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Vol.25,No.8,Pages 2114-2125,2014.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Yunhao Liu,Yiyang Zhao,Lei Chen,Jian Pei,and Jinsong Han,“Mining Frequent Trajectory Patterns for Activity Monitoring Using Radio Frequency Tag Arrays”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Vol.23,No.11,Pages 2138-2149,2012.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Jinsong Han,Yiyang Zhao,Yan Shun Cheng,Tse Lung Wong,Chun Hung Wong,“Improving Accuracy for 3D RFID Localization”,International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,Vol.2012,Article ID 865184,9 Pages,2012.
Yunhao Liu,Jinsong Han,and Jilong Wang,“Rumor Riding:Anonymizing Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Vol.22,No.3,Pages 464-475,2011.(JCR Q1;CCF A,学生一作,通信作者)
Jinsong Han,Jizhong Zhao,Min Xi,and Xingming Sun,“Removing Dubious Feedback from Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Peer-to-Peer Systems”,International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing,Vol.8,No.1/2,Pages 106-113,2011.
Jinsong Han,Jun Miao,Jizhong Zhao,Jinpeng Huai,and Lionel M.Ni,“Efficient Data Retrieving in Distributed Data-streaming Environments”,Ad Hoc&Sensor Wireless Networks,Vol.10,No.2-3,Pages 135-151,2010.
Xiaoqiu Shi,Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,and Lionel M.Ni,“Popularity Adaptive Search in Hybrid P2P Systems”,Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing(JPDC),Vol.69,No.2,Pages 125-134,2009.(JCR Q2;CCF B)
Xiang Lian,Lei Chen,Jeffrey Xu Yu,Jinsong Han,Jian Ma,“Multiscale Representations for Fast Pattern Matching in Stream Time Series”,IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),Vol.21,No.4,Pages 568-581,2009.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Jinsong Han and Yunhao Liu,“Mutual Anonymity for Mobile P2P Systems”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Vol.19,No.8,Pages 1009-1019,2008.(JCR Q1;CCF A)
Li Lu,Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,Lei Hu,Jinpeng Huai,Lionel M.Ni and Jian Ma,“Pseudo Trust:Zero-knowledge Authentication in Anonymous P2Ps”,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),Vol.19,No.10,Pages 1325-1337,2008.(JCR Q1;CCF A,通信作者)
Kaiyan Cui,Yanwen Wang,Yuanqing Zheng,Jinsong Han,ShakeReader:'Read'UHF RFID using Smartphone,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2021.
Weiye Xu,Jianwei Liu,Shimin Zhang,Yuanqing Zheng,Feng Lin,Jinsong Han,Fu Xiao,Kui Ren,RFace:Anti-Spoofing Facial Authentication Using COTS RFID,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2021.
Jianwei Liu,Wenfan Song,Leming Shen,Jinsong Han,Xian Xu and Kui Ren,MandiPass:Secure and Usable User Authentication via Earphone IMU,IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS),2021.
Jianwei Liu,Xiang Zou,Feng Lin,Jinsong Han,Xian Xu and Kui Ren,Leveraging Multiple Hand Biometrics for Attack-Resilient User Authentication Using COTS RFID,IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS),2021.
Ming Gao,Feng Lin,Weiye Xu,Muertikepu Nuermaimaiti,Jinsong Han,Wenyao Xu,Kui Ren:
Deaf-aid:mobile IoT communication exploiting stealthy speaker-to-gyroscope channel,the 26th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom),2020.
Fei Wang,Jinsong Han,Feng Lin*,and Kui Ren,WiPIN:Operation-free Passive Person Identification Using Wi-Fi Signals,IEEE Global Communications Conference(GLOBECOM'19),Waikoloa,USA,December 2019.(Best Paper Award,大会最佳论文)
Fei Wang,Sanping Zhou,Jinsong Han,Dong Huang,Person-in-WiFi:Fine-grained Person Perception usingWiFi,IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2019.
Ge Wang,Chen Qian,Kaiyan Cui,Han Ding,Haofan Cai,Wei Xi,Jinsong Han,Jizhong Zhao,“A(Near)Zero-cost and Universal Method to Combat Multipaths for RFID Sensing”,International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP),2019.[PDF]
Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Yuqin Yang,Ge Wang,Han Ding,Xin Li,Kui Ren,“Butterfly:Environment-Independent Physical-Layer Authentication for Passive RFID”,ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing(Ubicomp),2019.(CCF A)
Cui Zhao,Zhenjiang Li,Ting Liu,Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Wei Xi,and Ruowei Gui,“RF-Mehndi:A Fingertip Profiled RF Identifier”,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),大会最佳论文,2019.(CCF A,第一作者赵衰为本人在西安交通大学指导的博士生)
Ge Wang,Haofan Cai,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Xin Li,Han Ding,Jizhong Zhao,“Towards Replay-resilient RFID Authentication”,ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking(MobiCom),2018(CCF A通信作者)
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Yanyong Zhang,Fu Xiao,Wei Xi,Ge Wang,Zhiping Jiang,“Preventing Unauthorized Access on Passive Tags”,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2018.(CCF A)
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Fu Xiao,Ge Wang,Nan Yang,Wei Xi,Jian Xiao,“Trio:Utilizing Tag Interference for Refined Localization of Passive RFID”,IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications(INFOCOM),2018.(CCF A)
Han Ding,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Ge Wang,Wei Xi,Kun Zhao,and Jizhong Zhao,“RFIPad:Enabling Cost-efficient and Device-free In-air Handwriting using Passive Tags”,IEEE ICDCS 2017.(CCF B,通信作者)
Ge Wang,Chen Qian,Longfei Shangguan,Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Nan Yang,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,“HMRL:Relative Localization of RFID Tags with Static Devices”,IEEE SECON 2017.(CCF B,通信作者)
Wei Xi,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Kun Zhao,Sheng Zhong,Xiang-Yang Li,Jizhong Zhao,“Instant and Robust Authentication and Key Agreement among Mobile Devices”,ACM CCS 2016.(CCF A)
Ge Wang,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Wei Xi,Han Ding,Zhiping Jiang,Jizhong Zhao,“Verifiable smart packaging with passive RFID”,UbiComp,2016.(CCF A,通信作者)
Han Ding,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Ge Wang,Zhiping Jiang,Jizhong Zhao,Wei Xi,“Device-free detection of approach and departure behaviors using backscatter communication”,UbiComp,2016.(CCF A,通信作者)
Zhiping Jiang,Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Wei Xi,Kun Zhao,Han Ding,Shaojie Tang,Jizhong Zhao,Panlong Yang,“VADS:Visual Attention Detection with a Smartphone”,IEEE INFOCOM 2016.(CCF A)
Han Ding,Longfei Shangguan,Zheng Yang,Jinsong Han,Zimu Zhou,Panlong Yang,Wei Xi,Jizhong Zhao,“FEMO:A Platform for Free-weight Exercise Monitoring with RFIDs”,ACM Sensys 2015.(CCF B)
Kun Zhao,Chen Qian,Wei Xi,Jinsong Han,Xue Liu,Zhiping Jiang,Jizhong Zhao“EMoD:Efficient Motion Detection of Device-free Objects Using Passive RFID Tag”,IEEE ICNP 2015.(CCF B)
Han Ding,Jinsong Han,Alex X Liu,Jizhong Zhao,Panlong Yang,Wei Xi,Zhiping Jiang,“Human Object Estimation via Backscattered Radio Frequency Signal”,IEEE INFOCOM,2015.(CCF A,通信作者)
Peng Cheng,Xiang Lian,Zhao Chen,Rui Fu,Lei Chen,Jinsong Han,Jizhong Zhao,“Reliable Diversity-Based Spatial Crowdsourcing by Moving Workers”,PVLDB,2015(CCF A)
Jinsong Han,Chen Qian,Xing Wang,Dan Ma,Jizhong Zhao,Pengfeng Zhang,Wei Xi,Zhiping Jiang,“Twins:Device-free Object Tracking using Passive Tags”,IEEE INFOCOM,2014.(CCF A)
Jinsong Han,Han Ding,Chen Qian,Dan Ma,Wei Xi,Zhi Wang,Zhiping Jiang,Longfei Shangguan,'CBID:A Customer Behavior Identification System Using Passive Tags',IEEE ICNP,2014.(CCF B)
Wei Xi,Xiang-Yang Li,Chen Qian,Jinsong Han,Shaojie Tang,Jizhong Zhao,Kun Zhao,'KEEP:Fast Secret Key Extraction Protocol for D2D Communication',IEEE/ACM IWQoS Symposium,2014.(CCF B)
Dan Ma,Chen Qian,Wenpu Li,Jinsong Han,and Jizhong Zhao,“GenePrint:Generic and Accurate Physical-Layer Identification for UHF RFID Tags”,IEEE ICNP,2013(CCF B,通信作者)
Zhiping Jiang,Jizhong Zhao,Xiang-Yang Li,Jinsong Han,and Wei Xi,“Rejecting the Attack:Source Authentication for Wi-Fi Management Frames using CSI Information”,IEEE INFOCOM,2013.(CCF A)
Yi Guo,Lei Yang,Xuan Ding,Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,“OpenSesame:Unlocking Smart Phone through Handshaking Biometrics”,Short Paper,IEEE INFOCOM,2013.(CCF A)
Lei Yang,Jinsong Han,Yong Qi,Cheng Wang,Tao Gu,Yunhao Liu,“Season:Shelving Interference and Joint Identification in Large-scale RFID Systems”,IEEE INFOCOM,2011.(CCF A)
Qingsong Yao,Jinsong Han,Saiyu Qi,Zhuo Liu“MAP:Authenticating Multiple-Tags”,IEEE MASS,2011.(CCF C)
Qingsong Yao,Jinsong Han,Yong Qi,Lei Yang,and Yunhao Liu,“Privacy Leakage in Access Mode:Revisiting Private RFID Authentication Protocols”,IEEE ICPP,2011.(CCF B)
Lei Yang,Jinsong Han,Yong Qi,and Yunhao Liu,“Identification-Free Batch Authentication for RFID Tags”,IEEE ICNP 2010.(CCF B)
Lei Yang,Jinsong Han,Yong Qi,Cheng Wang,Zhuo Li,Qingsong Yao,Ying Chen,and Xiao Zhong,“Utilizing RF Interference to Enable Private Estimation in RFID Systems”,IEEE ICPADS 2010.(CCF C)
Lei Yang,Jinsong Han,Yong Qi,Cheng Wang,and Yunhao Liu,“Revisiting Tag Collision Problem in RFID Systems”,IEEE ICPP,2010.(CCF B)
Li Lu,Jinsong Han,R.Xiao,and Yunhao Liu,“ACTION:Breaking the Privacy Barrier for RFID Systems”,IEEE INFOCOM,2009.(CCF A)
Qingsong Yao,Yong Qi,Jinsong Han,Jizhong Zhao,XiangYang Li,and Yunhao Liu,'Randomizing RFID Private Authentication',the IEEE International Conference in Pervasive Computing and Communications(IEEE PerCom),2009.(CCF B)
Qingsong Yao,Yong Qi,Jizhong Zhao,Jinsong Han,“An Enhanced Synchronization Approach for RFID Private Authentication”,IEEE MASS 2009.(CCF C)
Jun Gao,Jinsong Han,Dongqing Yang,Tengjiao Wang,“Road Network Based Adaptive Query Evaluation in VANET”,the International Conference on Mobile Data Management(IEEE MDM),2008.(CCF B)
Xucheng Luo,Zhiguang Qin,Jinsong Han,Hanhua Chen,“DHT-assisted Probabilistic and Exhaustive Search in Unstructured P2P Networks”,IEEE IPDPS,2008.(CCF B)
Li Lu,Jinsong Han,Lei Hu,Yunhao Liu,and L.M.Ni,“Dynamic Key-Updating:Privacy-Preserving Authentication for RFID Systems”,the IEEE International Conference in Pervasive Computing and Communications(PerCom),2007.(CCF C)
Xiaoqiu Shi,Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,and L.M.Ni,“Popularity Adaptive Search in Hybrid P2P Systems”,the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS),2007.(CCF B)
Li Lu,Jinsong Han,Lei Hu,J.Huai,Yunhao Liu,and L.M.Ni,“Pseudo Trust:Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols”,the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS),2007.(CCF B)
Jinsong Han and Yunhao Liu,“Rumor Riding:Anonymizing Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems”,IEEE ICNP,2006.(CCF B)
Xiaoming Chen,Zhoujun Li,Yongzhen Zhuang,Jinsong Han,and Lei Chen,“HAND:An Overlay Optimization Algorithm in Peer-to-Peer Systems”,the International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications(HPCC),2006.(CCF C)
Jinsong Han,Yanmin Zhu,Yunhao Liu,Jianfeng Cai,Lei Hu,“Provide Privacy for Mobile P2P Systems”,IEEE ICDCS Workshop on Mobility of P2P Systems,2005.
Yanmin Zhu,Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,Lionel M.Ni,Jinpeng Huai,and Chunming Hu,“TruGrid:A Self-Sustaining Trustworthy Grid”,IEEE ICDCS Workshop on Mobility of P2P Systems,2005.
Jinsong Han,Yunhao Liu,Li Xiao,Renyi Xiao,and Lionel M.Ni,“A Mutual Anonymous Peer-to-peer Protocol Design”,the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS),2005.(CCF B)
Yunhao Liu,Jun Miao,L.M.Ni,and Jinsong Han,“Efficient Data Retrieving in Distributed Data-streaming Environments”,the 14th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks(ICCCN),2005.(CCF C)
担任多个国际一流会议的程序委员会委员,如INFOCOM, ICNP, ICCCN, DCOSS, ICPADS等;

