2023-05-17 17:46
  • 胡浩基
  • 胡浩基 - 教授 博导-浙江大学-信息与电子工程学院-个人资料




1979年7月出生,2002年清华大学电子工程系专业本科毕业,2007年英国南安普敦大学电子与计算机工程系博士毕业,2007-2009年在比利时鲁汶大学通信与遥感实验室从事博士后研究工作,期间从事三维物体的数字水印研究工作。2009年12月起为浙江大学信息与电子工程学院讲师,2013年晋升副教授。主要研究方向为人脸识别、声纹识别、图像分割、数字水印等。作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金(61202400)、教育部博士点基金(20110101120053)、浙江省自然科学基金(LQ12F02014)、浙江省重点科技创新团队项目(2011R09003-03)等。申请国家发明专利5项,在图像处理和模式识别方向的国际顶级期刊和会议上发表论文30余篇,包括Pattern Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, CVPR, ICME, ICPR, ICASSP, ICIP等。担任JVCI,TIFS, ICIP等国际期刊和学术会议审稿人。


图像分割、跟踪和识别 生物特征识别(人脸识别和声纹识别) 深度学习的理论和应用 深度神经网络的压缩和加速""


Huan Wang, Xinyi Hu, Qimin Zhang, Yuehai Wang, Lu Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Structured Pruning for Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks via Incremental Regularization, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2020.\r
Haoji (Roland) Hu, Hangguan Shan, Chuankun Wang, Tengxu Sun, Xiaojian Zeng, Lu Yu, Zhaoyang Zhang, Tony Q. S. Quek, Video surveillance on mobile edge networks – A reinforcement learning approach, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020.\r
Shuzhao Li, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Attributes-aided part detection and refinement for person re-identification, Pattern Recognition, 2020, Volume 97.\r
Mai Xu, Yufan Liu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Fei He, Find who to look at: Turning from action to saliency, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (9), 4529-4544, 2018.\r
Jingcao Yao, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Object segmentation framework based on dictionary-group and sparse shape representation, Electronics Letters, 2017, 53 (9), 584-586.\r
Jingcao Yao, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, A new sparse representation-based object segmentation framework, The Visual Computer, 2017, 33 (2), 179-192.\r
Houkui Zhou, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Junguo Hu, A survey on trends of cross-media topic evolution map, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, 164-175.\r
Houkui Zhou, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Topic discovery and evolution in scientific literature based on content and citations, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(10), 1511-1524.\r
Haoji (Roland) Hu, Li Xie, Huimin Yu, Baocang Ding, Applying 3D polygonal mesh watermarking for transmission security protection through sensor networks,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014 (1):1-13.\r
Yi Xie, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Probabilistic hypergraph based hash codes for social image search, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 2014, 15 (7), 537-550.\r
Fei Chen, Huimin Yu, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Shape sparse representation for joint object classification and segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2013, 22(3):992-1004。\r
Fei Chen, Haoji (Roland) Hu, Huimin Yu, Shiyan Wang, Reduced set density estimator for object segmentation based on shape probabilistic representation, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2012, 23 (7), 1085-1094.\r
Haoji (Roland) Hu, R. I. Damper, Optimal weighting of bimodal biometric information with specific application to audio–visual person identification, Information Fusion, 2009, 10 (2), 172-182。\r
Haoji (Roland) Hu, R. I. Damper, A `No Panacea Theorem’ for classifier combination, Pattern Recognition, 2008, 41 (8), 2665-2673.\r
王骕,胡浩基,于慧敏,R. I. Damper,基于数字水印的人脸与声纹融合识别算法,浙江大学学报(工学版),2015, 6-14.\r

