2023-05-17 17:43
  • 高曙明
  • 高曙明 - 教授 博士生导师-浙江大学-计算机科学与技术-个人资料




1990年毕业于浙江大学应用数学系,获博士学位,毕业后留校在CAD&CG国家重点实验室工作至今,期间曾在美国Arizona State University做访问学者和访问教授,曾在德国IPK研究所做访问教授,现为浙江大学计算机学院教授和博士生导师。
长期从事CAD和图形学前沿课题研究。近年来,作为项目负责人承担了国家自然科学基金重点项目1项、面上项目6项、国家863计划项目3项、与GE和SIEMENS的国际合作项目5项。在Computer-Aided Design、IEEE Trans.on ASE、ASME Trans.of JCISE等国内外重要学术刊物和ACM SPM、IEEE SMI、ASME DETC、IMR等重要国际学术会议上发表学术论文100余篇,其中国际期刊论文40余篇,SCI、EI收录论文100余篇。Google论文引用1600余次。入选教育部跨世纪优秀人才培养计划,荣获“陆增墉CAD&CG高科技奖”一等奖,入选Elsevier2014、2015、2016、2017中国高被引学者榜单。
加工特征识别系统AFRS V1.0,2006
多模态沉浸式虚拟装配系统MIVAS V1.0,2004
一种基于三维草图的逆向工程CAD建模方法,卢科青、王文、吴尧锋、高曙明、陈子辰,2013.9.18,授权号ZL 2012 1 00529726




Wang,R.,Gao,S.,Zheng,Z.,Chen,J.Hex mesh topological improvement based on frame field and sheet adjustment.Computer Aided Design,2018,103:103-117.
Wu,H.,Gao,S.,Wang,R.,Chen,J.Fuzzy clustering based pseudo-swept volume decomposition for hexahedral meshing.Computer Aided Design,2018,96:42-58.
Wang,R.,Shen,C.,Chen,J.,Wu,H.,Gao,S.Sheet operation based block decomposition of solid models for hex meshing.Computer Aided Design,2017,85:123-137.
Qin,F.-W.,Gao,S.-M.,Yang,X.-L.,Bai,J.,Zhao,Q.-H.A sketch-based semantic retrieval approach for 3D CAD models.Applied Mathematics,2017,32(1):27-52.
Xu,C.,Li,M.,Huang,J.,Gao,S.Efficient biscale design of semiregular porous structures with desired deformation behavior.Computers and Structures,2017,182:284-295.
Jin,G.,Li,W.,Wang,S.,Gao,S.A systematic selective disassembly approach for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment with case study on liquid crystal display televisions.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2017,231(13):2261-2278.
Xu,C.,Gao,S.,Li,M.A novel PCA-based microstructure descriptor for heterogeneous material design.Computational Materials Science,2017,130:39-49.
Fu,J.,Chen,X.,Gao,S.Automatic synchronization of a feature model with direct editing based on cellular model.Computer-Aided Design and Applications,2017,14(5):680-692.
Li,L.,Gao,S.,Liu,Y.,Qin,X.Enhanced SPARQL-based design rationale retrieval.Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design,Analysis and Manufacturing:AIEDAM,2016,30(4):406-423.
Chen,J.,Gao,S.,Wang,R.,Wu,H.An approach to achieving optimized complex sheet inflation under constraints.Computers and Graphics(Pergamon),2016,59:39-56.
Qin,F.,Gao,S.,Yang,X.,Li,M.,Bai,J.An ontology-based semantic retrieval approach for heterogeneous 3D CAD models.Advanced Engineering Informatics,2016,30(4):751-768.
Chen,J.,Gao,S.,Zhu,H.An improved hexahedral mesh matching algorithm.Engineering with Computers,2016,32(2):207-230.
Pan,W.,Gao,S.,Chen,X.An approach to automatic adaptation of assembly models.Computers in Industry,2016,75:67-79.
Pan W.B.,Chen X.,Gao S.M..Automatic shape adaptation for parametric solid models.Computer-Aided Design,2015,62:78-97
Li L.Y.,Qin F.W.,Gao S.M.,Liu Y.An approach for design rationale retrieval using ontology-aided indexing.Journal of Engineering Design,2014,25(7-9):259-279.
Zhao X.Y.,Yang B.,Gao S.M.,Chen Y.H.Multi-contour registration based on feature points correspondence and two-stage gene expression programming.Neurocomputing,2014,145:512-529
Cao,W.,Li,M.,Gao,S.Optimal Rotational Symmetry Cell Mesh Construction for FE Analysis by Symmetry-constrained Local Delaunay Refinement.Computer-Aided Design and Applications,2014,11(3):326-334.
Qin,F.-W.,Li,L.-Y.,Gao,S.-M.,Yang,X.-L.,Chen,X.A deep learning approach to the classification of 3D CAD models.Journal of Zhejiang University:Science C,2014,15(2):91-106.
Tang J.G.,Gao S.M.,Li M.Evaluating defeaturing-induced impact on model’s analysis.Mathematical and Computer Modelling,2013,57(3-4):413-424.
Gao S.M.,Zhang S.,Chen X.,Yang Y.A framework for collaborative top-down assembly design.Computers in Industry,2013,64:967-983.
Cao W.J.,Li M.,Gao S.M.Optimal Rotational Symmetry Cell Mesh Construction for FE Analysis by Symmetry-constrained Local Delaunay Refinement.Computer-Aided Design&Applications,2013,10(1-4):1-13
Li M.,Gao S.M.,Zhang K.A goal-oriented error estimator for the analysis of simplified designs.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,2013,255:89-103.
Li M.,Gao S.M.,Martin Ralph.Engineering analysis error estimation when removing finite-sized features in nonlinear elliptic problems.ACM Solid and Physical Modeling 2012;Also in Computer-Aided Design,2013,45:361-372.
Chen X.,Gao S.M.,Yang Y.,Zhang S.Multi-level assembly model for top-down design of mechanical products.Computer-Aided Design,2012,44(10):1033-1048.
Chen X,Gao S.M.,Guo S,Bai J.A flexible assembly retrieval approach for model reuse.Computer-Aided Design,2012,44(6):554-574.
Zhu H.,Gao S.M.,Li M.,Pan W.B.Adaptive Tetrahedral Remeshing for Modified Solid Models.Graphical Models,2012,74(4):76-86.
Li M.,Gao S.M.Estimating defeaturing-induced engineering analysis errors for arbitrary 3D features.Computer-Aided Design,2011,43(12):1587-1597.
Li M.,Gao S.M.,Martin R.R..Estimating the effects of removing negative features on engineering analysis.Computer-Aided Design,2011,43(11):1402-1412(ACM SPM’11 paper)
Xian C.H.,Gao S.M.,Zhang T.M.An approach to automated decomposition of volumetric mesh.Computers&Graphics,2011,35(3):461-470.
Xiao D.,Lin H.W.,Xian C.H.,Gao S.M.,Zhang T.M.CAD mesh model segmentation by clustering.Computers&Graphics,2011,35(3):685-691.
Chen J.J.,Zhao D.W.,Huang Z.G.,Zheng Y.,Gao S.M.Three-dimensional constrained boundary recovery with an enhanced Steiner point suppression procedure.Computers&Structures,2011,89(5-6):455-466.
Gao S.M.,ZhaoW.,Lin H.,Yang F.,Chen X.Feature suppression based CAD mesh model simplification.Computer-Aided Design,2010,42(12):1178-1188.
Bai J.,Gao S.M.,Tang W.,Liu Y.,Guo S.Design reuse oriented partial retrieval of CAD models.Computer-Aided Design,2010,42(12):1069-1084.
Gao S.M.Real-time exchange of CAD models based on neutral modelling commands.Int.J.Product Lifecycle Management,2010,4(4):331-337.
Sun R.,Gao S.M.,Zhao W..An approach to B-rep models simplification based on region suppression.Computers&Graphics.34(2010):556–564.
Hu B.K.,Liu Y.S.,Gao S.M.,Sun R.,Xian C.H.Parallel relevance feedback for 3D model retrieval based on fast weighted-center particle swarm optimization.Pattern Recognition,2010,43(8):2950-2961.
Wang H.B.,Liu Z.Y.,Tan J.R.,Gao S.M.Detachment avoidance of joint elements of a robotic manipulator with clearances based on trajectory planning.Mechanism and Machine Theory.2010,45(6):925-940.
Liu Y.,Gao S.,Cao Y.L.An Efficient Approach to Interpreting Rigorous Tolerance Semantics for Complicated Tolerance Specification.IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.6(4),670-684,2009.
Zhao W.,Gao S.,Liu Y.S.,Lin H.Poisson Based Reuse of Free-form Features with NURBS Representation.Computers in Industry,2009,60(1):64-74.
Li M.,Gao S.,Fuh J.Y.H.,Zhang Y.F.Replicated Concurrency Control for Collaborative Feature Modeling:A Fine Granular Approach.Computers in Industry,2008,59(9):873-881.
Wu Y.,Gao S.,Chen Z.Automated Modular Fixture Planning Based on Linkage Mechanism Theory.Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,2008,24(1):38-49.
Zhao W.,Gao S.,Lin H.A Robust Hole-filling Algorithm for Triangular Mesh.Visual Computer,2007,23(12):987-997.
Li J.,Gao S.,Liu Y.Solid-based CAPP for Surface Micromachined MEMS Devices.Computer Aided Design,2007,39(3):190-201.
Li M.,Gao S.,Wang C.L.C.Real-Time Collaborative Design with Heterogeneous CAD Systems Based on Neutral Modeling Commands.ASME Transaction of Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering,2007,7(2):113-125.
Chen Z.M.,Gao S.M.,Li W.D.An Approach to Incremental Feature Model Conversion.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2007,32(1-2):99-108.
Liu Y.,Gao S.Generating Variational Geometry of a Hole with Composite Tolerances.IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,2006,3(1):92-106.
Cai Y.,Fan Z.,Wan H.,Gao S.,Lu B.,Lim T.K.Hardware-accelerated Collision Detection for 3D Virtual Reality Gaming.Simulation and Gaming,2006,37(4):476-490.
Gao W.,Gao S.M.,Liu Y.S.,Bai J.,Hu B.K.Multiresolutional Similarity Assessment and Retrieval of Solid Models based on DBMS.Computer Aided Design,2006,38(9):985-1001.
Li J.,Gao S.,Liu Y.Feature-based Process Layer Modeling for Surface Micromachined MEMS.Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2005,15(3):620-635.
Liu Y.S.,Gao S.M.Variational Geometry Based Tolerance Pre-evaluation for Pattern of Holes.Int.J.of Production Research,2004,42(8):1658-1675.
Cui X.F.,Gao S.M.,Zhou G.P.An Efficient Algorithm for Recognizing and Suppressing Blend Features.Computer-Aided Design&Application,2004,1(1-4):421-428
Li J.H.,Gao S.M.,Liu Y.S.Generating Layered Model from Geometric Model for Surface Micro-Machined MEMS.Computer-Aided Design&Application,2004,1(1-4):137-146
Fan Z.W.,Wan H.G.,Gao S.M.IBCD:A Fast Collision Detection Algorithm Based on Image Space Using OBB.J.Visual.Comput.Animation,2003,14(3):169-181.
Wan H.G.,Gao S.M.,Peng Q.S.et al.Optimization Techniques for Assembly Planning of Complex Models in Large-scale Virtual Environments.Int.J.of Image and Graphics,2003,3(2):379-398.
Gao S.M.,Wan H.G.,Peng Q.S.An Approach to Solid Modeling in a Semi-immersive Virtual Environment.Computers&Graphics,2000,24(2):191-202.
Gao S.M.,Wan H.G.,Peng Q.S.Constraint-based Virtual Solid Modeling.J.of Computer Science&Technology,2000,15(1):56-63.
Gao S.M.,Shah J.J.Automatic Recognition of Interacting Machining Features based on Minimal Condition Subgraph.Computer-Aided Design,1998,30(9):727-739.
Wu,H.,Gao,S.,Wang,R.,Ding,M.A global approach to multi-axis swept mesh generation.26th International Meshing Roundtable,IMR 2017,414-426.
Shen,C.,Wang,R.,Gao,S.,Maehama,H.Feature moving operation of hexahedral mesh.26th International Meshing Roundtable,IMR 2017,65-77.
Wang,R.,Gao,S.,Zheng,Z.,Chen,J.Frame Field Guided Topological Improvement for Hex Mesh Using Sheet Operations.25th International Meshing Roundtable,IMR 2016,276-288.
Zheng,Q.,Zhang,S.,Gao,S.,Wang,C.Fast variational design based on a master model generated from part model series.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference,1B-2016,.
Xu,C.,Gao,S.,Li,M.Heterogeneous material design using a PCA-based microstructure representing method.Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference,2B-2015
Wang R.,Shen C.,Chen J.M.,Gao S.M.,Wu H.Y.Automated Block Decomposition of Solid Models Based on Sheet Operations.Proc.Of 24th International Meshing Roundtable,Oct.11-14,2015,Huston,ASU.
Wu H.Y.,Gao S.M.Automatic Swept Volume Decomposition Based on Sweep Directions Extraction for Hexahedral Meshing.Proc.of 23th International Meshing Roundtable,Oct.12-15,2014,London,UK
Zhu H.,Chen J.M.,Wu H.Y.,Gao S.M.Direct Editing on Hexahedral Mesh through Dual Operations.Proc.of 23th International Meshing Roundtable,Oct.12-15,2014,London,UK
Li L.Y.,Qin F.W.,Gao S.M.,Qin X.L.Ontology-Based Design Rationale Retrieval Supporting Natural Language Query.Proc.Of ASME IDETC2014,Aug.17-20,2014,Buffalo,USA(DETC2014-34350)该论文获ASME CIE的SEIKM2014最佳论文奖
Qin F.W.,Li L.Y.,Gao S.M.,Yang X.L.,Bai J.Semantic Based Retrieval for Heterogeneous 3D CAD Models.Proc.of ACDDE 2014,Oct.30-Nov.2,2014,Jinan,China
J.M.Chen,H.Zhu,S.M.Gao,H.Y.Wu.An Improved Hexahedral Mesh Matching Algorithm.Proc.Of 22st International Meshing Roundtable,Oct.12-15,2013,Orlando,Florida,USA
L.Y.Li,S.M.Gao,F.W.Qin.An approach to design rationale Retrieval using Ontology-Aided Indexing.Proc.Of ASME IDETC2013,Aug.4-7,2013,Portland,USA(DETC2013-12522)
F.W.Qin,L.Y.Li,S.M.Gao,X.L.Yang,X.Chen.3D CAD Model Classification with Deep Neural Networks.Proc.Of ACDDE 2013,Aug.12-14,2013,Seoul,Korea
Xian C.H.,Lin H.W.,Gao S.M.Automatic Generation of Coarse Bounding Cages from Dense Meshes.Proc.of IEEE Shape Modeling International,June 26-28,2009,Beijing,China.
Chen X,,Gao S.M.,Yang Y.D.,Zhang S.T.The Skeleton in the Multi-level Assembly Model for Top-down Design of Mechanical Product.Proc.of PLM09,July 6-8,Bath,UK.
Tang J.G.,Gao S.M.,Lin H.W.,Liu Y.S.An Evaluation Index for Estimating Defeaturing-Induced Impacts on Finite Element Analysis.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2009,Aug.30–Sept.2,2009,San Diego,USA.
Cao W.J.,Wu H.P.,Jiang Y.Q.,Liu Y.S.,Gao S.M.Automated Generation of Analysis Feature Model for Bidirectional Interaction of CAD and FEA.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2009,Aug.30–Sept.2,2009,San Diego,USA.
Zhang S.T.,Chen X.,Gao S.M.,Yang Y.D.Agent Based Approach to Variation Propagation for Collaborative Top-down Assembly Design.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2008,Aug.3-6,2008,New York,USA.
Gao S.M.,Yang F.Q.,Zhao W.,Chen X.Feature Suppression Based CAD Mesh Model Simplification.Proc.of IEEE Shape Modeling International,June 4-6,2008,New York,USA.
Zhang S.T.,Chen X.,Gao S.M.,Yang Y.D.A Framework for Collaborative Top-down Assembly Design.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2007,Las Vegas,USA,2007.
Zhu Z.H.,Gao S.M.,Wan H.G.,Yang W.Trajectory-Based Grasp Interaction for Virtual Environments.Proc.Of CGI2006,Hangzhou,China,2006:300-311.
Liu Y.S.,Yu J.,Gao S.M.Generating Medial Axis by Local Adaptation for Polygons.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2006,Philadelphia,United States,2006.
Zhao W.,Gao S.M.,Liu Y.S.Poisson Based Reuse of Freeeform Features.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2006,Philadelphia,United States,2006.
Gao W.,Gao S.M.,Liu Y.S.3D CAD Model Similarity Assessment and Retrieval Using DBS.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2005,Long Beach,CA,United States,2005.
Gao S.M.,Zhou G.P.,Liu Y.S.,Chen X.A Divide-and-conquer Algorithm for Machining Feature Recognition over Network.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2005,Long Beach,CA,United States,2005.
Li M.,Gao S.M.,Li J.,et al.An Approach to Supporting Synchronized Collaborative Design within Heterogeneous CAD Systems.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2004,Salt Lake City,United States,2004.
Zhu Z.H.,Gao S.M.,Wan H.G.,et al.Grasp Identification and Multi-finger Haptic Feedback for Virtual Assembly.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2004,Salt Lake City,UT,United States,2004.
Wan H.G.,Gao S.M.,Peng Q.S.,et al.MIVAS:A Multi-Modal Immersive Virtual Assembly System.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2004,Salt Lake City,UT,United States,2004.
Wan H.G.,Gao S.M.,Peng Q.S.Virtual Grasping for Virtual Assembly Tasks.Proceedings-Third International Conference on Image and Graphics,Hong Kong,2004,pp.448-451.
Wan H.G.,Luo Y.,Gao S.M.,et al.Realistic Virtual Hand Modeling with Applications for Virtual Grasping.Proc.of ACM VRCAI 2004,Singapore,2004:81-87.
Fan Z.W.,Wan H.G.,Gao S.M..Simple and Rapid Collision Detection Using Multiple Viewing Volumes.Proc.Of ACM VRCAI2004,Singapore,2004:95-99.
Li J.,Gao S.M.,Zhou X.Direct Incremental Transmission of Boundary Representation.Proc.of ACM Solid Modeling and Applications,Seattle,United States,2003:298-303.
Zhou X.,Li J.,Gao S.M.,et al.Flexible Concurrency Control for Synchronized Collaborative Design.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2003,Chicago,USA,2003:591-598.
Liu Y.S.,Gao S.M.An Approach for Generating Variational Geometry of a Pattern of Holes with Composite Positional Tolerances,Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2002,Montreal,Canada
Wu Y.G.,Gao S.M.,Chen Z.C.Automatic Setup Planning and Operation Sequencing for Satisfying Tolerance Requirements.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2001,Pittsburgh,USA.
Wu Y.G.,Gao S.M.,Chen Z.C.An Incremental Approach to Manufacturability Evaluation,Proc.Of 34th CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems,Athens,Greece,2001.
Gao S.M.,Chen Z.M.,Peng Q.S.Feature Validity Maintaining Based on Local Feature Recognition.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE2000,Baltimore,U.S.A,2000.
Zhou Z.Y.,Gao S.M.,Gu Z.C.,et al.A Feature Based Approach to Automatic Injection Mold Design,Proc.of IEEE GMP,April 10-12,Hong Kong,2000,pp.57-68.
Gu Z.C.,Zhou Z.Y.,Gao S.M.,et al.Determination of Mold Parting Direction Based on Automatic Molding Feature Recognition.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE1999,Las Vegas,USA.
Gao S.M.,Wan H.G.,Peng Q.S.Constraint-Based Solid Modeling in a Virtual Reality Environment.Proc.of ASME DETC/CIE1998,Atlanta,U.S.A,1998.
Bai J.,Gao S.M.,Tang W.H.,etc.Semantic-based Partial Retrieval of CAD Models for Design Reuse.Proc.of ACM Solid and Physical Modeling,October 5-8,2009,San Francisco,USA.
2009--2012年间担任ASME Trans. of JCISE杂志编委,目前是Journal of computational design and engineering 的共同主编和计算机辅助设计与图形学学报编委,是ACM SPM、IEEE SMI、GMP、CSCWD、CAD/Graphics等国际会议的程序委员,曾应邀在CAD14和WASA2012国际会议上作大会特邀报告。

