2023-05-17 17:43
  • 高云君
  • 高云君 - 教授 博士生导师-浙江大学-计算机科学与技术-个人资料




高云君,浙江大学求是特聘教授,博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2020)、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者(2015),现为浙江大学计算机软件研究所副所长,浙江省大数据智能计算重点实验室副主任。已在国内外顶级学术期刊或会议TODS、VLDBJ、TKDE、TOIS、TMC、SIGMOD、VLDB、ICDE、SIGIR、AAAI等发表论文80余篇,出版中英文学术专著4部,以第一发明人授权专利14项,并获ICDE 2019优秀论文(One of the Best Papers)、APWeb-WAIM 2018最佳论文奖、SIGMOD 2015最佳论文提名、ICDE 2015优秀论文等。主持国家杰出青年科学基金、优秀青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划、973计划、国家自然科学基金联合基金重点等项目/课题,并获2019年度中国电子学会科技进步特等奖、2016年度教育部科技进步一等奖、2011年度浙江省科学技术一等奖。指导多名博/硕士生获中国计算机学会(CCF)优秀博士学位论文奖、浙江省优秀硕士学位论文等。
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Xuan Song#,Zheng Li#,Xiaoye Miao#,and Christian S.Jensen.
Indexing Metric Spaces for Exact Similarity Search.
CoRR abs/2005.03468,2020.[Paper][Codes&Datasets]
Yunjun Gao*and Xiaoye Miao#.
Query Processing over Incomplete Databases.
Synthesis Lectures on Data Management,Morgan&Claypool Publishers,10(2):1-122,2018.
ISBN 978-7-111-59301-0,机械工业出版社,2018.(224页,14.8万字,大数据管理丛书,2018年3月出版,责任编辑:佘洁)
Yunjun Gao*and Qing Liu#.
Preference Query Analysis and Optimization.
Springer Briefs in Computer Science,Springer,ISBN 978-981-10-6634-4,pp.1-110,2017.
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Su Guo#,and Wanqi Liu#.
Incomplete Data Management:A Survey.
Frontiers of Computer Science(FCS),12(1):4-25,2018.(优青论坛特邀论文)
ICDE 2019优秀论文(One of the Best Papers in ICDE 2019)
APWeb-WAIM 2018最佳论文奖
SIGMOD 2015最佳论文提名
ICDE 2015优秀论文(One of the Best Papers in ICDE 2015)




Keyu Yang#,Yunjun Gao*,Lei Liang#,Song Bian#,Lu Chen,and Baihua Zheng.
Crowd-powered Learning for Text Classification.
To appear in ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data(TKDD),DOI:10.1145/3457216,2021.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Xingrui Huang#,Christian S.Jensen,and Bolong Zheng.
Efficiently Distributed Clustering Algorithms on Star-Schema Heterogeneous Graphs.
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2020.3047631,2020.(国际学术会议论文[13]扩展版本)
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Lu Chen#,Huanhuan Peng,Jianwei Yin,and Qing Li.
Towards Query Pricing on Incomplete Data.
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2020.3026031,2020.
Congcong Ge#,Yunjun Gao*,Xiaoye Miao*#,Bin Yao,and Haobo Wang.
A Hybrid Data Cleaning Framework Using Markov Logic Networks.
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2020.3012472,2020.
Yunjun Gao*,Tianming Zhang#,Linshan Qiu#,Qingyuan Linghu#,and Gang Chen.
Time-respecting Flow Graph Pattern Matching on Temporal Graphs.
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2020.2968901,2020.
Qing Liu#,Ziyuan Zhu#,Jianliang Xu,and Yunjun Gao*.
MaxiZone:Maximizing Influence Zone over Geo-Textual Data.
To appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),DOI:10.1109/TKDE.2020.2968908,2020.
Ziquan Fang#,Lu Chen,Yunjun Gao*,Lu Pan#,and Christian S.Jensen.
Dragoon:A Hybrid and Efficient Big Trajectory Management System for Offline and Online Analytics.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),30(2):287-310,2021.
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Su Guo#,Lu Chen#,Jianwei Yin,and Qing Li.
Answering Skyline Queries over Incomplete Data with Crowdsourcing.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),33(4):1360-1374,2021.
Sai Wu,Zhifei Pang,Gang Chen,Yunjun Gao,Cenjiong Zhao,and Shili Xiang.
NEIST:A Neural-Enhanced Index for Spatio-Temporal Queries.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),33(4):1659-1673,2021.
Hao Huang#,Qian Yan,Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,and Christian S.Jensen.
Statistical Inference of Diffusion Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),33(2):742-753,2021.
Hao Huang#,Qian Yan,Wei Lu,Huaizhong Lin*,Yunjun Gao*,and Lei Chen.
LERI:Local Exploration for Rare-Category Identification.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),32(9):1761-1772,2020.
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Guanhua Mai#,Gang Chen,and Qing Li.
On Efficiently Monitoring Continuous Aggregate k Nearest Neighbors in Road Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing(TMC),19(7):1664-1676,2020.
Tianming Zhang#,Yunjun Gao*,Lu Chen#,Wei Guo#,Shiliang Pu,Baihua Zheng,and Christian S.Jensen.
Efficient Distributed Reachability Querying of Massive Temporal Graphs.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),28(6):871-896,2019.
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Linlin Zhou#,Wei Wang,and Qing Li.
Optimizing Quality for Probabilistic Skyline Computation and Probabilistic Similarity Search.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),30(9):1741-1755,2018.
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Su Guo#,and Gang Chen.
On Efficiently Answering Why-not Range-Based Skyline Queries in Road Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),30(9):1697-1711,2018.
Shaojie Qiao,Nan Han*,Yunjun Gao*,Rong-Hua Li,Jianbin Huang,Jun Guo,Louis Alberto Gutierrez,and Xindong Wu.
A Fast Parallel Community Discovery Model on Complex Networks Through Approximate Optimization.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),30(9):1638-1651,2018.
Jingwen Zhao#,Yunjun Gao*,Gang Chen,and Rui Chen#.
Towards Efficient Framework for Time-aware Spatial Keyword Queries on Road Networks.
ACM Transactions on Information Systems(TOIS),36(3):24:1-24:48,2018.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Aoxiao Zhong#,Christian S.Jensen,Gang Chen,and Baihua Zheng.
Indexing Metric Uncertain Data for Range Queries and Range Joins.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),26(4):585-610,2017.(国际学术会议论文[27]扩展版本)
Yunjun Gao*,Xiaoye Miao#,Gang Chen,Baihua Zheng,Deng Cai,and Huiyong Cui#.
On Efficiently Finding Reverse k Nearest Neighbors over Uncertain Graphs.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),26(4):467-492,2017.
Gang Chen,Jingwen Zhao#,Yunjun Gao*,Lei Chen,and Rui Chen#.
Time-Aware Boolean Spatial Keyword Queries.
EEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),29(11):2601-2614,2017.
Gang Chen,Keyu Yang#,Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,and Chun Chen.
Metric Similarity Joins Using MapReduce.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),29(3):656-669,2017.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Xinhan Li#,Christian S.Jensen,and Gang Chen.
Efficient Metric Indexing for Similarity Search and Similarity Joins.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),29(3):556-571,2017.(国际学术会议论文[31]扩展版本)
Qin Liu#,Yunjun Gao*,Gang Chen,Baihua Zheng,and Linlin Zhou#.
Answering Why-not and Why Questions on Reverse Top-k Queries.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),25(6):867-892,2016.(国际学术会议论文[29]扩展版本)
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao,Gang Chen*,Baihua Zheng,and Huiyong Cui#.
Processing Incomplete k Nearest Neighbor Search.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems(TFS),24(6):1349-1363,2016.
Yunjun Gao,Qing Liu#,Gang Chen*,Linlin Zhou#,and Baihua Zheng.
Finding Causality and Responsibility for Probabilistic Reverse Skyline Query Non-answers.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),28(11):2974-2987,2016.
Yunjun Gao*,Jingwen Zhao#,Baihua Zheng,and Gang Chen.
Efficient Collective Spatial Keyword Query Processing on Road Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(TITS),17(2):469-480,2016.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Gang Chen,and Haida Zhang#.
Metric All-k-Nearest-Neighbor Search.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),28(1):98-112,2016.
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Gang Chen,and Huiyong Cui#.
Top-k Dominating Queries on Incomplete Data.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),28(1):252-266,2016.
Yunjun Gao*,Lu Chen#,Xinhan Li,Bin Yao,and Gang Chen.
Efficient k-Closest Pair Queries in General Metric Spaces.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),24(3):415-439,2015.
Yunjun Gao*,Xu Qin#,Baihua Zheng,and Gang Chen.
Efficient Reverse Top-k Boolean Spatial Keyword Queries on Road Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),27(5):1205-1218,2015.
Xi Guo,Baihua Zheng,Yoshiharu Ishikawa,and Yunjun Gao*.
Direction-Based Surrounder Queries for Mobile Recommendations.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),20(5):743-766,2011.
Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Gencai Chen,Qing Li,and Xiaofa Guo.
Continuous Visible Nearest Neighbor Query Processing in Spatial Databases.
The VLDB Journal(VLDBJ),20(3):371-396,2011.(国际学术会议论文[40]扩展版本)
Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Gang Chen,Chun Chen,and Qing Li.
Continuous Nearest Neighbor Search in the Presence of Obstacles.
ACM Transactions on Database Systems(TODS),36(2),Article 9,2011.(国际学术会议论文[38]扩展版本)
Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Gencai Chen,Wang-Chien Lee,Ken C.K.Lee,and Qing Li.
Visible Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor Query Processing in Spatial Databases.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),21(9):1314-1327,2009.(国际学术会议论文[39]扩展版本)
Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Gencai Chen,and Qing Li.
Optimal-Location-Selection Query Processing in Spatial Databases.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),21(8):1162-1177,2009.
Ziquan Fang#,Lu Pan#,Lu Chen,Yuntao Du#,and Yunjun Gao*.
MDTP:A Multi-source Deep Traffic Prediction Framework over Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data.
To appear in Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),2021.
Ziquan Fang#,Yuntao Du#,Lu Chen*,Yujia Hu,Yunjun Gao,and Gang Chen.
E2DTC:An End to End Automatic Deep Trajectory Clustering Framework via Self-Training.
To appear in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),2021.
Keyu Yang#,Yunjun Gao*,Yifeng Shen#,Baihua Zheng,and Lu Chen#.
DisMASTD:An Efficient Distributed Multi-Aspect Streaming Tensor Decomposition.
To appear in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),2021.[Paper]
Xiaoye Miao#,Yangyang Wu,Jun Wang,Yunjun Gao,Xudong Mao,and Jianwei Yin.
Generative Semi-supervised Learning for Multivariate Time Series Imputation.
To appear in Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI),2021.
Ting Gan,Keqi Han,Hao Huang#,Shi Ying,Yunjun Gao,and Zongpeng Li.
Diffusion Network Inference from Partial Observations.
To appear in Proceedings of the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI),2021.
Qing Liu#,Minjun Zhao#,Xin Huang,Jianliang Xu,and Yunjun Gao*.
Truss-based Community Search over Large Directed Graphs.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(SIGMOD),pp.2183-2197,2020.
Ziquan Fang#,Yunjun Gao*,Lu Pan#,Lu Chen#,Xiaoye Miao#,and Christian S.Jensen.
CoMing:A Real-time Co-Movement Mining System for Streaming Trajectories.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(SIGMOD),pp.2777-2780,2020.(Demo)
Keyu Yang#,Yunjun Gao*,Lei Liang#,Bin Yao,Shiting Wen,and Gang Chen.
Towards Factorized SVM with Gaussian Kernels over Normalized Data.
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.1453-1464,2020.
Qing Liu#,Yifan Zhu#,Minjun Zhao#,Xin Huang,Jianliang Xu,and Yunjun Gao*.
VAC:Vertex-Centric Attributed Community Search.
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.937-948,2020.
Keqi Han,Yuan Tian,Yunjia Zhang,Ling Han,Hao Huang,and Yunjun Gao.
Statistical Estimation of Diffusion Network Topologies.
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.625-636,2020.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Ziquan Fang#,Xiaoye Miao#,Christian S.Jensen,and Chenjuan Guo.
Real-time Distributed Co-Movement Pattern Detection on Streaming Trajectories.
Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.1208-1220,2019.
Congcong Ge#,Yunjun Gao*,Xiaoye Miao#,Lu Chen#,Christian S.Jensen,and Ziyuan Zhu#.
IHCS:An Integrated Hybrid Cleaning System.
Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.1874-1877,2019.(Demo)
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Yuanliang Zhang#,Christian S.Jensen,and Bolong Zheng.
Incremental Clustering Algorithms on Star-Schema Heterogeneous Graphs.
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.256-267,2019.(优秀论文)
Keyu Yang#,Yunjun Gao*,Rui Ma#,Lu Chen#,Sai Wu,and Gang Chen.
DBSCAN-MS:Distributed Density-Based Clustering in Metric Spaces.
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.1346-1357,2019.
Hao Huang#,Qian Yan,Ting Gan,Di Niu,Wei Lu*,and Yunjun Gao.
Learning Diffusions without Timestamps.
Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(AAAI),pp.582-589,2019.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Zixian Liu#,Xiaokui Xiao,Christian S.Jensen,and Yifan Zhu#.
PTRider:A Price-and-Time-Aware Ridesharing System.
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.1938-1941,2018.(Demo)
Xin Ding#,Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Christian S.Jensen,and Hujun Bao.
UlTraMan:A Unified Platform for Big Trajectory Data Management and Analytics.
Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.787-799,2018.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Yuanliang Zhang#,Sibo Wang,and Baihua Zheng.
Scalable Hypergraph-based Image Retrieval and Tagging System.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.257-268,2018.
Jingwen Zhao#,Yunjun Gao*,Gang Chen,and Rui Chen#.
Why-not Questions on Top-k Geo-Social Keyword Queries in Road Networks.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.965-976,2018.
Lu Chen#,Qilu Zhong#,Xiaokui Xiao,Yunjun Gao*,Pengfei Jin#,and Christian S.Jensen.
Price-and-Time-Aware Dynamic Ridesharing.
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.1061-1072,2018.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Christian S.Jensen,Hanyu Yang#,and Keyu Yang#.
Pivot-based Metric Indexing.
Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.1058-1069,2017.
Jingwen Zhao#,Yunjun Gao*,Gang Chen,Christian S.Jensen,Rui Chen#,and Deng Cai.
Reverse Top-k Geo-Social Keyword Queries in Road Networks.
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.387-398,2017.
Qing Liu#,Yunjun Gao*,Linlin Zhou#,and Gang Chen.
IS2R:A System for Refining Reverse Top-k Queries.
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.387-398,2017.(Demo)
Xiaoye Miao#,Yunjun Gao*,Gang Chen,Huiyong Cui#,Chong Guo#,and Weida Pan#.
SI2P:A Restaurant Recommendation System Using Preference Queries over Incomplete Information.
Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.1509-1512,2016.(Demo)
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Kai Wang#,Christian S.Jensen,and Gang Chen.
Answering Why-not Questions on Metric Probabilistic Range Queries.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.767-778,2016.
Dong Xie,Guanru Li,Bin Yao,Xuan Wei,Xiaokui Xiao,Yunjun Gao,and Minyi Guo.
Practical Private Shortest Path Computation Based on Oblivious Storage.
Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.361-372,2016.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Xinhan Li#,Christian S.Jensen,Gang Chen,and Baihua Zheng.
Indexing Metric Uncertain Data for Range Queries.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(SIGMOD),pp.951-965,2015.
Hui Li,Sourav S.Bhowmick,Jiangtao Cui,Yunjun Gao,and Jianfeng Ma.
GetReal:Towards Realistic Selection of Influence Maximization Strategies in Competitive Networks.
Proc.of the ACM SIGMOD Int'l Conf.on Management of Data(SIGMOD),pp.1525-1537,2015.(最佳论文提名)
Yunjun Gao*,Qing Liu#,Gang Chen,Baihua Zheng,and Linlin Zhou#.
Answering Why-not Questions on Reverse Top-k Queries.
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.738-749,2015.
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Zhihao Xing#,Christian S.Jensen,and Gang Chen.
I2RS:A Distributed Geo-Textual Image Retrieval and Recommendation System.
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases(VLDB),pp.1884-1895,2015.(Demo)
Lu Chen#,Yunjun Gao*,Xinhan Li#,Christian S.Jensen,and Gang Chen.
Efficient Metric Indexing for Similarity Search.
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.591-602,2015.(优秀论文)
Hao Huang#,Yunjun Gao,Kevin Chiew,Lei Chen,and Qinming He.
Towards Effective and Efficient Mining of Arbitrary Shaped Clusters.
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.28-39,2014.
Hao Huang#,Yunjun Gao*,Lu Chen#,Rui Li,Kevin Chiew,and Qinming He.
Browse with a Social Web Directory.
Proc.of the ACM SIGIR Int'l conf.on research and development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR),pp.865-868,2013.(Short)
Yunjun Gao*,Lu Chen#,Rui Li,and Gang Chen.
Mapping Queries to Questions:Towards Understanding Users'Information Needs.
Proc.of the ACM SIGIR Int'l conf.on research and development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR),pp.977-980,2013.(Short)
Hao Huang#,Yunjun Gao*,Kevin Chiew,Qinming He,and Lu Chen#.
Commodity Query by Snapping.
Proc.of the ACM SIGIR Int'l conf.on research and development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR),pp.985-988,2013.(Short)
Yunjun Gao*,Jiacheng Yang#,Gang Chen,Baihua Zheng,and Chun Chen.
On Efficient Obstructed Reverse Nearest Neighbor Query Processing.
Proc.of the 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL Int'l Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems,pp.191-200,2011.
Gang Chen,He Bai,Lidan Shou,Ke Chen,and Yunjun Gao.
UPS:Efficient Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search.
Proc.of the ACM SIGIR Int'l conf.on research and development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR),pp.615-624,2011.
Yunjun Gao*and Baihua Zheng.
Continuous Obstructed Nearest Neighbor Queries in Spatial Databases.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data(SIGMOD),pp.577-590,2009.
Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Gencai Chen,Wang-Chien Lee,Ken C.K.Lee,and Qing Li.
Visible Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor Queries.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.1203-1206,2009.(Short)
Yunjun Gao*,Baihua Zheng,Wang-Chien Lee,and Gencai Chen.
Continuous Visible Nearest Neighbor Queries.
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Extending Database Technology(EDBT),pp.144-155,2009.
Yunjun Gao*,Jing Zhang,Gencai Chen,Qing Li,Shen Liu,and Chun Chen.
Optimal-Nearest-Neighbor Queries.
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering(ICDE),pp.1454-1456,2008.(Short)
[编委/(青年)副编辑 (Associate Editor)]
Distributed and Parallel Databases (DAPD), 2018-Present (Springer, SCI)
Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS), 2019-Present (Springer, SCI)
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), 2019-Present (Springer, SCI)
World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWWJ), 2017-2018 (Springer, SCI)
Data Science and Engineering (DSE), 2017-2018 (Springer & CCF-TCDB)
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), 2014-2015 (SAGE, SCI)
ICWL 2020、IEEE ICBK 2019、SIGMOD China 2019、MLDQ 2019、WISE 2017程序委员会共同主席
WISE 2020、APWeb-WAIM 2020、WISE 2019 Panel/Tutorial共同主席
VLDB Summer School 2018学术委员会共同主席
MDM 2019、WAIM 2013 Workshop共同主席
NDBC 2017、DASFAA 2015宣传共同主席
VLDB 2014本地Poster主席
WAIM 2010论文集出版主席
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)
The VLDB Journal (VLDBJ)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC)
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD)
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS)
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD)
Information Systems (IS)
Information Sciences (INS)
World Wide Web Journal: Internet and Web Information Systems (WWWJ)
Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS)
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST)
Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS)
Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA)
International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS)
IEEE Access
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS)
Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS)
Journal of Systems and Software (JSS)
VLDB 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
ICDE 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
SIGIR 2020, 2021
IJCAI 2021
EDBT 2021
ICDCS 2020
WSDM 2021
CIKM 2017, 2018
ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
DASFAA 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
MDM 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
WISE 2010, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
APWeb/WAIM 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
SSTD 2019, 2021
PAKDD 2020, 2021
ER 2018, 2019, 2020
ADMA 2018, 2019, 2020
GeoRich 2018
APWeb 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016
WAIM 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
DEXA 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
NDBC 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

