2012年毕业于安徽大学哲学系应用心理学专业,获理学、管理学双学位(导师:杨志新副教授)\r2019年毕业于北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,获认知神经科学博士学位(导师:薛贵教授)\r2016年至2018年于美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校参加博士生联合培养项目,任研究专员(导师:Brad Postle)\r2019年至2021年,任浙江大学心理与行为科学系特聘副研究员\r2022年至今,任浙江大学心理与行为科学系特聘研究员\r\r学术兼职\r2022年至今中国脑计划青少年脑智发育项目专家委员会成员\r2020年至今中国神经科学学会、中国心理学会会员\r2018年至今 Cognitive Neurosicience society(CNS) 会员\r2016年至今 Society of Neuroscience(SfN) 会员 \r2014年至今 Orignization of Human Brain Mapping(OHBM)会员研究领域
Cai, Y., Fulvio, J. M., Samaha, J., & Postle, B. R. (2022). Context Binding in Visual Working Memory Is Reflected in Bilateral Event-Related Potentials, But Not in Contralateral Delay Activity. eNeuro, 9(6), ENEURO.0207-22.2022. https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0207-22.2022. Cai-eNeuro-2022.pdf\r\rCai, Y., Yang, C., Wang S., & Xue G(2022). The neural mechanism underlying visual working memory training and its limited transfer effect, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_01897 Cai-jocn-2022.pdf\r\rCai, Y., Fulvio, J.M., Yu, Q., Sheldon, A.D., & Postle, B.R. (2020). The Role of Location-Context Binding in Nonspatial Visual Working Memory, eNeuro, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0430-20.2020Cai-eNeuro-2020.pdf\r\rWan, Q., Cai, Y., Samaha, J., & Postle, B. R. (2020). Tracking stimulus representation across a 2-back visual working memory task. Royal Society Open Science, 7(8), 190228. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.1902282 rsos.190228.pd\r\rCai, Y.,Sheldon, D., Yu, Q., & Postle, B. R. (2019). Overlapping and Distinct Contributions of Stimulus Location and of Spatial Context to Nonspatial Visual Short-Term Memory. Journal of Neurophysiology. 121(4):1222-1231. https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.00062.2019 Cai-JNeurophys-2019.pdf\r\rCai, Y.,Urgolites, Z., Wood, J., Chen, C., Li, S., Chen, A., & Xue, G. (2018). Distinct neural substrates for visual short-term memory of actions. Hum Brain Mapp. 39(10):4119-4133. doi:10.1002/hbm.24236 Cai-hbm-2018.pdf\r\r Li, S., Cai, Y.,Liu, J., Li, D., Feng, Z., Chen, C., & Xue, G. (2017). Dissociated roles of the parietal and frontal cortices in the scope and control of attention during visual working memory. NeuroImage, 149, 210-219. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.01.061 Li-Neuroimage-2017.pdf\r\rCai, Y.,Li, S., Liu, J., Li, D., Feng, Z., Wang, Q., . . . Xue, G. (2016). The Role of the Frontal and Parietal Cortex in Proactive and Reactive Inhibitory Control: A Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Study. J Cogn Neurosci, 28(1), 177-186. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00888 Cai-jocn-2016.pdf\r\rFeng, J., Zhang, L., Chen, C. Sheng, J., Ye, Z., Feng,K., Liu, J., Cai, Y., ... & Xue, G.(2022). A cognitive neurogenetic approach to uncovering the structure of executive functions. Nat Commun 13, 4588 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32383-0 Feng-NC-2022.pdf\r\rFeng, J., Chen, C., Cai, Y., Ye, Z., Feng, K., Liu, J., ... & Xue, G. (2020). Partitioning heritability analyses unveil the genetic architecture of human brain multidimensional functional connectivity patterns. Human Brain Mapping, 41(12), 3305–3317. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25018 feng-HBM-2020.pdf\r\rYu, Q., Panichello, M. F., Cai, Y., Postle, B. R., & Buschman, T. J. (2020). Delay-period activity in frontal, parietal, and occipital cortex tracks noise and biases in visual working memory. PLOS Biology, 18(9), e3000854. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000854 Yu-2020-PlosBiology.pdf\r\rFeng, K., Zhao, X., Liu, J., Cai, Y, Ye Z.F., Chen C.S., Xue, G. (2019). Spaced Learning Enhances Episodic Memory by Increasing Neural Pattern Similarity Across Repetitions,Journal of Neuroscience, 39 (27) 5351-5360; http://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2741-18.2019 feng-JN-2019.pdf\r\rWang, Q., Chen, C., Cai, Y., Li, S., Zhao, X., Zheng, L., . . . Xue, G. (2016). Dissociated neural substrates underlying impulsive choice and impulsive action. NeuroImage, 134, 540-549. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.04.010 Wang-NeuroImage-2016.pdf\r\rYang, H.,Cai, Y.,Liu, Q., Zhao, X., Wang, Q., Chen, C., & Xue, G. (2015). Differential Neural Correlates Underlie Judgment of Learning and Subsequent Memory Performance. Front Psychol, 6. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01699 相关热点
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