2023-05-17 15:58
  • 谢红光
  • 谢红光 - 教授-中国药科大学-基础医学与临床药学学院-个人资料




谢红光,医学博士,药理学教授,南京医科大学博士生导师。1995年于中南大学湘雅医学院获博士学位。1997年获美国默沙东 (MSD) 国际临床药理学奖学金,在范德堡 (Vanderbilt) 大学医学院临床药理学系接受博士后培训后留校继续从事临床药理学研究,曾先后在加州大学旧金山分校 (UCSF) 和美国联邦政府食品与药品管理局 (FDA) 学习与工作。2011年11月回国工作,应聘为南京医科大学药理学教授、博士生导师。现任南京市第一医院中心实验室主任,是江苏省特聘医学专家、江苏省药学会第一届药物基因组学专业委员会委员、江苏省心血管疾病临床医学研究中心之心 血管药物的临床药理学、药物基因组学与个体化治疗的临床和实验研究分中心主任。


1. 抗血小板药物的药物基因组学与个体化用药研究;
2. 药物代谢与转运及其机制研究;
3. 心血管药物的临床药理学研究


1. Tang HL, Shi WL, Li XG, Zhang T, Zhai SD, Xie HG*. Limited clinical utility of genotype-guided warfarin initiation dosing algorithms versus standard therapy: A meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of 11 randomized controlled trials. The Pharmacogenomics Journal 2015; in press.
2. Pan YQ, Mi QY, He BS, Zhao SL, Tai T, Xie HG*. The mechanism underlying the induction of hepatic MRP3 expression and function by omeprazole. Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition 2015; 36(4):232-244.
3. Zou JJ, Chen SL, Fan HW, Tang J, He BS, Xie HG*. The CES1A -816C as a genetic marker to predict greater platelet clopidogrel response in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 2014; 63(2):178-183. [pubmed]
4. Zou JJ, Chen SL, Tan J, Lin L, Zhao YY, Xu HM, Lin S, Zhang J, Fan HW, Xie HG*. Increased risk for developing major adverse cardiovascular events in stented Chinese patients treated with dual antiplatelet therapy after concomitant use of the proton pump inhibitor. PLoS One 2014; 9(1): e84985.
5. Wu HL, Duan ZT, Jiang ZD, Cao WJ, Wang ZB, Hu KW, Gao X, Wang SK, He BS, Zhang ZY, Xie HG*. Increased endoplasmic reticulum stress response is involved in clopidogrel-induced apoptosis of gastric epithelial cells. PLoS One 2013; 8(9):e74381. [pubmed]
6. Zou JJ, Fan HW, Chen SL, Tan J, He BS, Xie HG*. Effect of the ABCC3 -211T/C polymorphism on clopidogrel responsiveness in patients with percutaneous coronary intervention. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2013; 40(8):504-9. [pubmed]
7. Wu HL, Gao X, Jiang ZD, Duan ZT, Wang SK, He BS, Zhang ZY, Xie HG*. Attenuated expression of the tight junction proteins is involved in clopidogrel-induced gastric injury through p38 MAPK activation. Toxicology 2013; 304(1): 41-48.
8. Xie HG*, Wang SK, Cao CC, Harpur E. Qualified kidney biomarkers and their potential significance in drug safety evaluation and prediction. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2013; 137(1):100-107.
9. Li Y, Tang HL, Hu YF, Xie HG*. The gain-of-function variant allele CYP2C19*17: A double-edged sword between thrombosis and bleeding in clopidogrel-treated patients. Journal of Thrombosis & Haemostasis 2012; 10(2):199-206.
10. Xie HG*, Zou JJ, Hu ZY, Zhang JJ, Ye F, Chen SL. Individual variability in the disposition of and response to clopidogrel: Pharmacogenomics and beyond. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2011; 129 (3): 267-89.
11. Xie HG. Chapter 11. Pharmacoeconogenomics: A good marriage of pharmacoeconomics and pharmacogenomics. In: Feng X, Xie HG, eds. Applying Pharmacogenomics in Therapeutics. Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, 2016; pp. 271-286. (ISBN 978-1-4665-8267-5)
12. Xie HG, Zhang YD. Chapter 22. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine of the Antiplatelet Drugs. In: Barh D, Dhawan D, Ganguly NK, eds. Omics for Personalized Medicine. Springer India, New Delhi, India, 2013, pp. 469-506.

