2023-05-17 15:32
  • 闫统江
  • 闫统江 - 教授,硕士生导师-中国石油大学(华东)-理学院-个人资料






序列密码也称为流密码(Stream Cipher),它是对称密码算法的一种.序列密码具有实现简单、便于硬件实施、加解密处理速度快、没有或只有有限的错误传播等特点,因此在实际应用中,特别是专用或机密机构中保持着优势,典型的应用领域包括无线通信、外交通信. 1949年Shannon证明了只有一次一密的密码体制是绝对安全的,这给序列密码技术的研究以强大的支持,序列密码方案的发展是模仿一次一密系统的尝试,或者说“一次一密”的密码方案是序列密码的雏形.如果序列密码所使用的是真正随机方式的、与消息流长度相同的密钥流,则此时的序列密码就是一次一密的密码体制.若能以一种方式产生一随机序列(密钥流),这一序列由密钥所确定,则利用这样的序列就可以进行加密.我们把这种可控条件下产生的具有特定随机性质的序列称为伪随机序列.伪随机序列的常用理论设计工具是近世代数、数论和群论等.""


6 .Tongjiang Yan,Zhixiong Chen,Guozhen Xiao.Linear complexity of ding generalized cyclotomic sequences. Journal of Shanghai University (English edition),11(1):22-26,(2007).\r
7. Tongjiang Yan,Rong Sun,Guozhen Xiao. Autocorrelation and linear complexity of the new generalized cyclotomic sequences. IEICE Transactions,90-A(4):857-864,(2007).(SCI: 000253184800009,EI: 20071710564568)\r
8. Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Enjian Bai,Guozhen Xiao.Some notes on form functions with difference-balanced property. WAIFI 11-17,2007.(ISTP: 000247854300002,EI: 2008041,105\r
9. Tongjiang Yan,Javed Ahsan,Xiangli Fei,Guozhen Xiao.Monoid characterized by their injectivity and projectivity classes. Advances in Mathematics,36(3):321-326,(2007)\r
10. Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Guozhen Xiao.Trace representations and multi-rate constructions of two classes of generalized cyclotomic sequences. International Journal of Network Security,7(2):269-272,(2008).(EI :20131216132507)\r
11. Tongjiang Yan,Bingjia Huang,Guozhen Xiao. Cryptographic properties of some binary generalized cyclotomic sequences with the length . Information Sciences,178(4):1078-1086,(2008).(SCI: 0002531848000,EI: 20074910961270)\r
12. Tongjiang Yan,Li Hong,Guozhen Xiao. The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order four. Information Sciences. 178(3): 807-815,(2008),(SCI:000251621700017,EI: 20074510912943)\r
13.Tongjiang Yan,Shengqiang Li,Guozhen Xiao.On the linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences with the period . Applied Mathematical Letter, 21(2):187-193,(2008).(SCI:000252954600015, EI: 20074910961435)\r
14.Tongjiang Yan,Xiaoni Du,Guozhen Xiao,Xiaolong Huang.Linear complexity of binary Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order . Information Sciences,179(7): 1019-1023,(2009)(SCI:000263385400012, EI:20090411873690)\r
15. Tongjiang Yan,Li Hong.On constructions of some difference-balanced form functions. IEEE Fifth International Conference on Information Assurance and Security.IAS2009,I:635-638(2009)(ISTP: 000275852000145,EI: 20100312642517)\r
16. TongjiangYan. New binary sequences of period with low values of correlation and large linear complexity. International Journal of Network Security, 10(2):153-157,(2010). (EI: 20131316154404)\r
17. Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du,Yuhua Sun,Guozhen Xiao.Construction of form sequences with ideal autocorreation. IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,94-A (8) :1696-1700, (2011)(SCI,EI 20113214211789).\r
18.Tongjiang Yan. Generalized injectivity S-acts on monoid. Advances in Mathematics (Chinese), 40(4): 421-432, (2011).\r
19. Tongjiang Yan, Pan Xu,Yuhua Sun,Kai Fan.The k-error linear complexity of Whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of period pq of order 2. ICSPS, 473-476,( 2011 ).\r
20. Tongjiang Yan,Yuhua Sun, ZilongWang, Bao Li.Cross-correlation of some extended d-form sequences. Proceedings of IWSDA 11:56-59 (2012). (EI 20121214883360 )\r
21. Yan Tongjiang, Xu, Pan. Linear complexity of two classes of binary generalized cyclotomic sequences of any order. Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 7(14):98-106, (2012). (EI 20123415359800)\r
22. Yan, Tongjiang ,Xiao, Guozhen.Divisible difference sets, relative difference sets and sequences with ideal autocorrelation. Information Sciences, 2013 (SCI, EI IP52653966)\r
23. Xiaoni Du,Tongjiang Yan,Guozhen Xiao.Trace representation of some generalized cyclotomic sequences of length . Information Sciences,178(16): 3307-3316,(2008).(SCI: 000258052400014,EI: 20082611340815)\r
24. Tongjiang Yan, Yanyan Liu. Linear Complexity of Binary Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order 6 over Zpq. International Workshop on Communications and Network Theory (CNT 2013).( EI源) \r
25. Li Ming, Yan Tong-Jiang, Fei Shao-Ming,Entanglement detection and lower bound of the convex-roof extension of the negativity, J. Phys. A,(2012). (SCI)\r
26. Sun, Yuhua; Yan, Tongjiang; Li, Hui. The linear complexity of a class of binary sequences with three-level autocorrelation..Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 7, :1586-1592, (2013). (SCI, EI 20133116546319)\r
27. Li, Xiaoping; Ma, Wenping; Yan, Tongjiang; Zhao, Xubo Linear complexity of binary whiteman generalized cyclotomic sequences of order 4. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A(1):363-366, (2013), Cryptography and Information Security. (EI:20130215882812)\r
28. Li Xiaoping; Ma Wenping; Yan Tongjiang; Zhao Xubo.Linear complexity of a new generalized cyclotomic sequence of order two of length pq. Source: IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E96-A, 5:1001-1005, (2013).(EI:20132216383716)\r
29. Yuhua Sun, Hui L,Tongjiang Yan, Crosscorrelation of m-sequences with decimation ,, ICSPS 428-430,(2011).\r
30. Tongjiang Yan, Pan Xu.A New polyphase Generalized Sequence of Length pq and Its Linear\r
Complexity. International Workshop on Communications and Network Theory (CNT 2013). ( EI源)\r
31. Yuhua Sun, Zilong Wang, Hui Li, Tongjiang Yan. on the cross-correlation of a ternary m-sequence of period and its decimated sequence by . Proceedings of IWSDA’11:48-51. (EI 20121214883358)\r
32. Niu Zhihua, Li Zhe, Chen Zhixiong, Yan Tongjiang.Computing the k-error linear complexity of q-ary sequences with period 2pn, IEICE Transactions, 95-A(9): 1637-1641 (2012). (SCI, EI:20123715417782)\r
33. Zhao Xubo, Ma Wenping, Yan Tongjiang.The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order two of length pq .Li Xiaoping, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(19): 8193-8200,(2012). (EI核心)\r
34. 孙玉花, 李晖,闫统江.不同周期的p-元m-序列之间的互相关性质,西安电子科技大学学报,39(5):30-34,(2012).(EI20124715691809)\r
35. Li, Xiaoping; Zhao, Xubo; Ma, Wenping; Yan, Tongjiang. The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order two of length pq. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 8(19):8193-8200, (2012) (EI:20130215882812)\r
36. Sun, Yuhua ;Li, Hui; Wang, Zilong; Yan, Tongjiang. A new decimation (pn/2)2/2+1 of Niho type: p-ary sequences with six-valued cross-correlation function. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 9( 4): 1361-1367, (2013) (EI 20131516191864)\r
37 . 李淑清,闫统江. 6 阶W-广义割圆序列的线性复杂度.计算机工程,36(4): 150-154 .(2011)\r
38. 闫统江.审美观照下的高等数学教学(教学论文)中国石油大学学报2009Z\r
39. 闫统江.简谈高等数学教学中创新能力的培养(教学论文).读与写(教育教学刊),(2009)\r
40. 闫统江.幺半群的投射类刻画,中国石油大学学报(自然科版).(2002)\r
41. 闫统江,亓健. 多媒体教学的信息论分析与策略优化.中国石油大学学报(社会科学版).(2002)\r
42. 李淑清,闫统江.如何提高学生的问题意识.中国石油大学胜利学院学报.2007.\r
43. Tongjiang Yan, Xiaoping Li,Some notes on the generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of length 2p^m and p^m. IEICE Transactions, 95-A,(2013) ,(SCI,EI源刊)

