学习与工作经历\r\r1982年7月毕业于华东石油学院石油炼制系,获学士学位并留校任教;\r\r1986年至1989年于石油大学(北京)应用化学专业攻读硕士研究生,获得工学硕士学位;\r\r1994年至1999年于石油大学(北京)应用化学专业攻读博士研究生,获得工学博士学位;\r\r2000年至2001年,在加拿大国家科学技术研究委员会(NSERC)博士后(PDF) 基金的支持下,在加拿大国家研究院(NRC)从事了博士后研究工作;\r\r1993年破格晋升为副教授;\r\r1999年晋升为教授;2000年聘为博士生导师;\r\r1995年5月-2005年6月石油炼制系副主任、化学化工学院副院长。研究领域
1. Chen K, Xue Z, Liu H, et al. A Temperature-programmed Oxidation Method for Quantitative Characterization of the Thermal Cokes Morphology[J]. Fuel, 2013, 113(2):274-279.(通讯)\r\r2. Chen K, Liu H, Xue Z, et al. Co-carbonization of Petroleum Residue Asphaltenes with Maltene Fractions: Influence on the Structure and Reactivity of Resultant Cokes[J]. Journal of Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, 2013, 102(7):131-136.(通讯)\r\r3. Ji S, Wang Z, Guo A, et al. Determination of Hydrogen Solubility in Heavy Fractions of Crude Oils by a Modified Direct Method[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2013, 58(12): 3453-3457.(通讯)\r\r4. Liu H, Lin C, Wang Z, et al. Ni, V, and Porphyrinic V Distribution and Its Role in Aggregation of Asphaltenes[J]. Journal of Dispersion Science & Technology, 2014, 36(8):1140-1146(7).(通讯)\r\r5. Ji S, Zhou Y, Chen K, et al. Synergistic hydrogen-donating ability of petroleum distillates and hydrogen during noncatalytic thermal processing[J]. Energy Technology, 2014, 2(11):877-881.(通讯)\r\r6. Guo A, Zhou Y, Chen K, et al. Co-processing of Vacuum Residue/Fraction Oil Blends: Effect of Fraction Oils Recycle on the Stability of Coking Feedstock[J]. Journal of Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, 2014, 109:109-115.(通讯)\r\r7. Guo A, Wei Z, Bo Z, et al. Separation of Toluene-Insoluble Solids in the Slurry Oil from a Residual Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit: Determination of the Solid Content and Sequential Selective Separation of Solid Components[J]. Energy Fuels, 2014, 8(28):1452-4.(通讯)\r\r8. Wang Z, Peng X, Chen K, et al. Correlation of Temperature-Programmed Oxidation with Microscopy for Quantitative Morphological Characterization of Thermal Cokes Produced from Pilot and Commercial Delayed Cokers[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(2):659-665.(通讯)\r\r9. Liu H, Mu J, Wang Z, et al. Transformation of Petroporphyrins-Enriched Subfractions from Atmospheric Residue during Noncatalytic Thermal Process under Hydrogen by Positive-Ion Electrospray Ionization FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2016.(通讯)\r\r10. Liu H, Mu J, Wang Z, et al. Characterization of Vanadyl and Nickel Porphyrins Enriched from Heavy Residues by Positive-Ion Electrospray Ionization FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(8).(通讯)\r\r11. Liu H, Ji S, Wang Z, et al. The Catalytic Performance of Metalloporphyrins during Hydrogenation of Anthracene[J]. Energy Technology, 2015, 3(2):145-154.(通讯)\r\r12. Wang Z, Ji S, Liu H, et al. Hydrogen Transfer of Petroleum Residue Subfractions During Thermal Processing under Hydrogen[J]. Energy Technology, 2015, 3(3):259-264.(通讯)标签: 化学工程学院 中国石油大学(华东)
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