学习与工作经历2003.9-2007.7,中国石油大学(华东),工学学士;2008.9-2010.7,中国石油大学(华东),硕博连读;2010.8-2014.7,中国石油大学(华东),工学博士;2012.10-2013.11,美国犹他大学地球与能源研究院,联合培养;指导研究生2017级:汪志璇,龚成;欢迎石油工程、力学、数学、岩土工程、计算机等相关专业学生报考硕士研究生!承担科研课题近三年承担国家自然科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、博士后基金等纵向项目4项:横向项目课题3项,参与国家重大专项、国家自然科学基金石油化工联合基金、国家自然科学基金重点项目3项,油田项目6项。1. 致密储层水平井定面射孔水力压裂裂缝起裂与扩展机理(51704324),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2018.1—2020.12,主持2. 页岩气储层注CO2增产开发的流-固耦合作用机理(2016ZRE28133),山东省自然科学基金,2016.12—2018.11,主持3. 页岩气超临界CO2钻井水平井井壁稳定性研究(17CX02040A),学校自主创新项目,2017.1—2019.12,主持4. 页岩气储层水平井重复压裂力学机理研究(YJ20170044),人才引进经费,2018.1—2020.12,主持5. 砂砾岩致密油示范区有利储层优选及建模,国家重大专项(2017ZX05070),2017.10-2020.6,参与6. 页岩油流动机理与开发优化的基础理论研究,国家自然科学基金石油化工联合基金(A类)重点支持项目(U1762213),2018/01-2021/12,参与7. 尉参1井岩石力学参数及地应力预测研究,横向课题,中国地质调查局,2014.9—2014.12,主持8. 柴页1井应力参数分析,横向课题,中国地质调查局,2018.6—2018.12,主持9. 深水地层钻井三压力预测理论研究及软件开发,横向课题,中石化胜利油田,2017.9—2018.12,主持10. 五峰-龙马溪组页岩基于岩屑的可压裂性地质评价方法研究,中石化重点实验室开放基金,2017.10—2018.10,第二负责人11. 环玛湖地区砂砾岩“甜点体”评价指标体系与评价方法研究,横向课题,中石油新疆油田,2017.12-2018.12,参与12. 鄂尔多斯盆地东缘致密砂岩储层可改造性评价,横向课题,中海油,2017.10—2018.12,,参与13. 安塞杏河区块特低渗油藏中高含水期堵水调驱宽带压裂技术研究,横向课题,长庆油田,2018.9—2019.9,参与14. 深层碳酸盐岩压裂导流能力评价与优化设计研究,横向课题,长庆油田,2017.11—2018.11,参与专利1. 利用大功率超声波结合分支水平井热采页岩气的工艺方法. CN107816340A.第一发明人2. 干热岩增强型地热系统的水力压裂模拟实验装置及方法. CN107893652A. 第一发明人3. 一种通过支持向量机技术的页岩储层可压性评价方法.CN108009705A. 第一发明人4. 超临界 CO2流体压裂增强型地热系统物理模拟实验装置及方法.CN107905778A. 第一发明人5. 模拟水力压裂裂缝和天然裂缝交叉扩展影响的实验装置与方法.CN107701160A. 第一发明人学术交流1. Xian Shi, et al. The Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation with Competing Perforations at the Defining Plane .SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 23-25 October, 2018.Brisbane, Australia. SPE-191887-MS. EI收录.2. Xian Shi, et al. Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Horizontal Wells With Modified Zipper Fracturing in Heterogeneous Formation. 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 17-20 June, Seattle, Washington, 2018. EI收录.3. Xian Shi, et al. Mechanical Characterization of Longmaxi marine shale by Nanoindentation10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium The ISRM International Symposium for 20189 October to 03 November, 2018 ,Singapore EI收录.4. Xian Shi, et al.A novel finite element technique with triangular gird for hydraulic fracture propagation simulation in reservoirs. 49th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2014.6. ARMA Paper No.15-20. EI收录.5. Xian Shi, et al. Pore structure and Mechanical Property Change of different rocks under nitrogen freezing. 51 th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2017.6. ARMA Paper No.17-212. EI收录.6. Xian Shi, et al. Brittleness Index Prediction from Conventional Well Logs in Unconventional Reservoirs using Artificial Intelligence.10th International Petroleum Technology Conference. Bangkok. Thailand. 2016. 11. Paper No.16IPTC-P-1135.2016.11. EI收录.7. Xian Shi, et al. Application of acoustic emission, anisotropy of acoustic velocity and palaeomagnetie technology to determine in-situ stress in tight sands. 2017 International Symposium on New Developments in Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (NDRMGE 2017). Jeuju-Si. Korea. EI收录.8. Xian Shi, et al. Induced stress interaction during multi-stage hydraulic fracturing from horizontal wells using boundary element method. 2017 International Symposium on New Developments in Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (NDRMGE 2017). Jeuju-Si. Korea. EI收录.9. Xin Chang, Xian Shi,et al. The fully coupled fluid flow and Geo-Mechanics model for simulating simultaneous multiple hydraulic fracture propagation for horizontal wells. 49th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2015.6. ARMA Paper No.15-607. EI 收录.10. Liu Yang, Xian Shi, et al .A New Method to Differentiate between Matrix and Micro-Fractures Using Diffusion Data in Gas Shale. 51th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2017.6. ARMA Paper No.17-533. EI 收录.11. Liu Yang, Shi Xian, et al. The Effects of Fracturing Fluid Imbibition on Fracture Conductivity in Tight Reservoirs. 51th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. San Francisco. U.S.A.2017.6. ARMA Paper No.17-528. EI 收录.研究领域
(1) 水力压裂、井壁稳定; (2) 地应力、岩石物理、油气井工程力学;(3) 石油工程大数据;近期论文
1. Xian Shi, et al. Brittleness index prediction in shale gas reservoirs based on efficient network models. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 35 (2016): 673-685. SCI收录.IF=2.045.2. Xian Shi, et al. A new method for shale brittleness evaluation in tight oil formation from conventional logs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering.151(2017):169-182. SCI收录 IF=1.655.3. Xian Shi, et al. Loading rate effect on the mechanical behavior of brittle Longmaxi shale in nanoindentation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. SCI收录.IF= 4.229.4. Xian Shi, et al. Removal of drilling and completion fluids induced formation damage with combination of ultrasonic and chemical technology. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 37(2017):471-478. SCI收录 IF=2.045.5. Xian Shi, et al. Application of extreme learning machine in total organic carbon content prediction in organic shale with wire line logs. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 33(2016) 687-702. SCI收录.IF=2.045. SCI收录6. 时贤,等. 利用纳米压痕实验研究层理性页岩岩石力学性质——以渝东南酉阳地区下志留统龙马溪组为例.石油勘探与开发.2019,46(1):1-10. SCI收录7. Xian Shi, et al. The parametric analysis in the horizontal Stress Calculation Based on Numerical Inversion Method. Electronic Journal of Geotechnica Engineering.2013,18,5673-5684. EI收录.8. 时贤,等.页岩储层裂缝网络延伸模型及其应用.石油学报.2014,35(6):1130-1137. EI收录.9. 时贤,等.页岩微观结构及岩石力学特征实验研究.岩石力学与工程学报.2014,33(2),3439-3445.EI收录.10. 时贤,等.缺失声波条件下的页岩储层地应力测井解释方法.天然气工业.2014,34(12):55-61 EI收录.11. 时贤,等.致密气藏压裂井产能预测方法.断块油气田. 2013,20(5):10-112. 时贤,等.基于测井资料的地层孔隙压力预测方法研究.石油与天然气学报.2012,34(8):94-9813. 时贤,等. 页岩气水平井段内多簇裂缝同步扩展模型建立与应用.石油钻采工艺.2018,40(1):47-53.14. 时贤,等. 基于 UFD 理论的致密气藏分段压裂优化设计.特种油气藏.2016,23(1):87-91.15. 时贤,等. 超重油溶解气驱后转驱提高采收率实验. 油气地质与采收率.2015, 22(1):98-100.16. 时贤,等. 稠油油藏多轮次蒸汽吞吐防砂后产能预测模型.油气地质与采收率. 2012,19(4):56-58.SPE会员国际岩石力学协会会员中国岩石力学协会会员标签: 石油工程学院 中国石油大学(华东)
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