2023-05-17 15:13
  • 马洪超
  • 马洪超 - 讲师 硕导-中国石油大学(华东)-化学工程学院-个人资料








(1) Hongchao Ma, Jinbo Fei, Qi Li and Junbai Li*, Photo-induced Reversible Structural Transition of Cationic Diphenylalanine Peptide Self-Assembly, Small, 2015,11,1787-1791.
(2) Qi Li§, Hongchao Ma§, Anhe Wang, Yi Jia, Luru Dai and Junbai Li*, Self-Assembly of Cationic Dipeptides Forming Rectangular Microtubes and Microrods with Optical Waveguiding Properties, Advanced Optical Materials, 2015,3,194-198. (§ These two authors contributed equally to this work.)
(3) Qi Li§, Hongchao Ma§,Yi Jia,Junbai Li* and Baohua Zhu, Facile fabrication of diphenylalanine peptide hollow spheres using ultrasound-assisted emulsion templates, Chem. Commun.,2015,33, 7219-7221. (§ These two authors contributed equally to this work.)
(4) Hongchao Ma, Jinbo Fei, Yue Cui, Jie Zhao, Anhe Wang and Junbai Li*, Manipulating assembly of cationic dipeptides by sulfonic azobenzenes, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 9956-9958.
(5) Hongchao Ma, Xiangtao Bai, and Liqiang Zheng*, Fabrication of CdTe/Au nanohybrids, Materials letters, 2012,66, 212-215.
(6) Hongchao Ma, Xiangtao Bai, and Liqiang Zheng*, Self-assembly of CdTe QDs into urchin-like microspheres by the assistance of a long-chain ionic monolayer, CrystEngComm, 2011,13, 3788-3797.
(7) Anhe Wang, Yang Yang, Yanfei Qi*, Wen Qi, Jinbo Fei, Hongchao Ma, Jie Zhao, Wei Cui, and Junbai Li*,Fabrication of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle with Well-Defined Multicompartment Structure as Efficient Drug Carrier for Cancer Therapy in Vitro and in Vivo, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8,8900–8907.
(8) Jinbo Fei, Jie Zhao, Cuiling Du, Hongchao Ma, He Zhang, Junbai Li*, The facile 3D self-assembly of porous iron hydroxide for removing dyes from wastewater, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013,1, 10300-10305.
(9) Jie Zhao, Jinbo Fei, Cuiling Du, Wei Cui, Hongchao Ma, Junbai Li*, Assembly of catalase-based bioconjugates for enhanced anticancer efficiency of photodynamic therapy in vitro, Chem. Commun.,2013,49,10733-10735.
(10) Hong Li, Yi Jia, Anhe Wang, Wei Cui, Hongchao Ma, Xiyun Feng, Junbai Li*, Self-assembly of hierarchical nanostructures from dopamine and polyoxometalate, Chem. Eur. J., 2014,20, 499-504.
(11) Xiangtao Bai, Hongchao Ma, Xinwei Li, Bin Dong, and Liqiang Zheng*, Patterns of gold nanoparticles formed at the air/water interface: effects of capping agents, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 14970-14974.
(12) Na Li, Shaohua Zhang, Hongchao Ma, and Liqiang Zheng*, Role of solubilized water in micelles formed by Triton X-100 in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids, Langmuir, 2010,26, 9315-9320.
(13) Shaohua Zhang, Jie Yuan, Hongchao Ma, Na Li, Liqiang Zheng*, and Tohru Inoue, Aqueous phase behavior of ionic liquid-related gemini surfactant revealed by differential scanning calorimetry and polarized optical microscopy, Colloid and Polymer Science, 2011, 289, 213-218.

