2023-05-17 14:59
  • 葛保胜
  • 葛保胜 - 教授 博导-中国石油大学(华东)-化学工程学院-个人资料




2003.2-2006.3 中国科学院海洋研究所 海洋生物学专业 博士\r
2007.9-2008.9 美国麻省理工学院生物医学工程中心 访问学者\r
2006.4-2011.12 中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心 讲师\r
2014.4-2015.4 美国俄亥俄州立大学生物物理系 访问学者\r
2012.1-2019.12 中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心 副教授\r
2020.1-至今 中国石油大学(华东)生物工程与技术中心 教授




Haotian Ma, Shuaihang Chen, Huaye Xiong, Meng Wang, Wei Hang, Xiaoli Zhu, Yubing Zheng, Baosheng Ge, Runzhi Li* and Hongli Cui*, Astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis ameliorates the chemotherapeutic drug (doxorubicin) induced liver injury through the Keap1/Nrf2/HO-1 pathway in mice, Food & Function, 2020, 11, 4659.\r
Baosheng Ge*†, Haonan Wang†, Jie Li, Hengheng Liu, Yonghao Yin, Naili Zhang*, Song Qin*, Comprehensive assessment of Nile tilapia skin (Oreochromis niloticus) collagen hydrogels for wound dressings, Marine Drugs, 2020, 18(4), 178.\r
Xu Y, Li S, Yan Z, Ge B, Huang F, Yue T, Revealing cooperation between knotted conformation and dimerization in protein stabilization by molecular dynamics simulations, J Phys Chem Lett. 2019, 10(19):5815-5822.\r
Ma, Chengbo, Li, Wenjun, Ge, Baosheng, Lin, Jian, Qin, Song, Biosynthesis of phycocyanobilin in recombinant Escherichia coli, Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2020, 38: 529-538.\r
Qian Yu, Haonan Wang , Xiao Li, Yonghao Yin, Song Qin, Baosheng Ge*, Enhanced biomass and CO2 sequestration of Chlorella vulgaris using a new mixotrophic cultivation method, Process biochemistry, 2019, accepted (DOI: 10.1016/j.procbio.2019.11.022).\r
Eugene G. Maksimov, Wen-Jun Li, Elena A. Protasova, Thomas Friedrich, Baosheng Ge, Song Qin, Nikolai N. Sluchanko, Hybrid coupling of R-phycoerythrin and the orange carotenoid protein supports the FRET-based mechanism of cyanobacterial photoprotection, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 (19)31234-3.\r
Zhijin Wei, Haonan Wang, Xiao Li, Qianqian Zhao, Yonghao Yin, Baosheng Ge*, Lijun Xi, Song Qin*, Enhanced biomass and lipid production by co-cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris with Mesorhizobium sangaii under nitrogen limitation, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019, Accepted (Doi.org/10.1007/s10811-019-01924-4).\r
Haotian Ma, Huaye Xiong, Xiaoli Zhu, Chunli Ji, Jinai Xue, Runzhi Li*, Baosheng Ge*, Hongli Cui*, Polysaccharide from Spirulina platensis ameliorates diphenoxylate-induced constipation symptoms in mice,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 133: 1090-1101.\r
Haihong Huang†, Baosheng Ge†, Shuai Zhang, Jiqiang Li, Chenghao Sun, Tongtao Yue *, Fang Huang *, Using fluorescence quenching titration to determine orientation of a model transmembrane protein in mimic membranes, Materials, 2019, 12(3): 349.\r
Wenjun Li, YangPu, BaoshengGe,YinchuWang,DaoyongYu*, SongQin*, Dye-sensitized solar cells based on natural and artificial phycobiliproteins to capture low light underwater, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(2): 1182-1191.\r
Baosheng Ge*†, Jiayi He†, Qiang Zhang, Yan Wei, Lijun Xi, Naseer Ullah Khan, Fang Huang*, Evaluation of various sulfides for enhanced photobiological H2 production by a dual-species co-culture system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Thiomonas intermedia, Process Biochemistry, 2019, 82: 110-116.\r
Yan Xu, Shixin Li, Zengshuai Yan, Zhen Luo, Hao Ren, Baosheng Ge, Fang huang, and Tongtao Yue, Stabilizing Effect of Inherent Knots on Proteins Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Biophysical Journal, 2018, 115(9): 1681-1689.\r
Baosheng Ge, Yanyan Xu, Haoru Zhao, Haixiang Sun *, Yaoli Guo, Wenguang Wang, High Performance Gas Separation Mixed Matrix Membrane Fabricated by Incorporation of Functionalized Submicrometer-sized Metal-Organic Framework, Materials, 2018, 11(8), 1421.\r
Jiayi He†, Lijun Xi†, Xinzu Sun, Baosheng Ge*, Dejian Liu, Zhongxiang Han, Xining Pu, Fang Huang*, Enhanced hydrogen production through co-cultivation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-503 and a facultative autotrophic sulfide-oxidizing bacterium under sulfurated conditions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(32): 15005-15013.\r
Haihong Huang, Baosheng Ge*, Chenghao Sun, Shuai Zhang, Fang Huang*, Membrane curvature affects the stability and folding kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin, Process Biochemistry, 2019, 76:111-117.\r
Baosheng Ge*, Yao Chen, Qian Yu, Xiaojun Lin, Jiqiang Li, Song Qin, Regulation of the heme biosynthetic pathway for combinational biosynthesis of phycocyanobilin in Escherichia coli, Process Biochemistry, 2018, 71: 23-30.\r
Baosheng Ge, Tao Wang, HaiXiang Sun*, Wen Gao, HaoRu Zhao, Preparation of mixed matrix membranes based on polyimide and aminated graphene oxide for CO2 separation, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2017, 29: 1334-1343.\r
Baosheng Ge, Jun Lao, Jiqiang Li, Yanzhuo Song, Fang Huang, Single-molecule imaging reveals dimerization of CXCR4 on plasma membrane closely related to its function, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):16873.\r
Baosheng Ge*, Jiqiang Li, Zhijin Wei, Tingting Sun, Yanzhuo Song, Functional expression of CCL8 and its interaction with chemokine receptor CCR3, BMC immunology, 2017, 18:54.\r
Yanzhuo Song; Baosheng Ge*; Jun Lao; Zhencai Wang; Bin Yang; Xiaojuan Wang; Hua He; Jiqiang Li; Fang Huang*, Regulation of oligomeric status of CCR3 with binding ligands revealed by single-molecule fluorescence imaging, Biochemistry, 2018, 57(5):852-860.

