一、基本情况\r郭雅慧,女,1982年7月出生,2010年7月毕业于中国科学院大连化学物理研究所物理化学专业,获理学博士学位,现就职于中国石油大学(华东)理学院物理实验中心,大学物理实验课程主讲教师,主要从事物理实验、分子反应动力学、染料敏化太阳能电池方面的教学研究工作。\r二、学习及工作经历\r2003年山东师范大学物理教育本科毕业获理学学士学位;\r2006年山东师范大学原子与分子物理专业硕士毕业获硕士学位; \r2010年中国科学院大连化学物理研究所分子反应动力学国家重点实验室物理化学专业获博士学位;\r2010年7月至今,中国石油大学(华东)理学院,讲师。研究领域
1、Guo Yahui*,Zhang Fengyun,Ma Hongzhang,Theoretical study of stereodynamics for the abstraction reaction D′+DS(v=0,j=0) →D′D+S,Chin. Phys. B.,2013,22(5):053402-1-6。\r2、Guo Yahui*,Zhang Fengyun,Theoretical study of the stereodynamics of the N(4S)+D2→ND+D reaction on the DMBE surface,J. Theor .Comput. Chem.,2013,12(2):1250110。\r3、Guo Yahui*,Lu Bin,Zhang Fengyun,Shu Shishuang,Ma Hongzhang,Effect of reagent vibrational excitation on stereodynamical properties of N(4S)+H2→NH+H reaction,Journal of China University of Petroleum (Natural Science Edition),2013,37(1):190-194。\r4、Guo Yahui*,Zhang Fengyun,Ma hongzhang,Collision energies effect on cross sections and product alignments for the D+DS reaction,Communication in Computational Chemistry,2013,1(1):99-108。\r5、Guo Yahui*,He Haixiang,Liu Jianyong,He Guozhong,Sensitivity of high-order harmonic generation to nuclear motion,J. Mole. Struc: THEOCHEM,2010,947(1-3):119-122。\r6、Guo Yahui*,He Haixiang,Liu Jianyong,He Guozhong,Enhancement and extension of high-order harmonic emission and an isolated sub-100 as pulse generation from two-color laser fields,J. Theor. Comput. Chem.,2010,9(4):735-744。\r7、He Haixiang,Lu Ruifeng,Zhang Peiyu,Guo Yahui,Han Keli,He Guozhong,Theoretical investigation of the origin of the multipeak structure of kinetic-energy-release spectra from charge-resonance-enhanced ionization of H2+ in intense laser fields,Phys. Rev. A,2011,84(3):033418。\r8、He Haixiang,Guo Yahui,He Guozhong,Controls for the generation of high-order harmonics and attosecond pulses by an infrared laser field combined with a low-frequency pulse,Chin. Phys. B,2012,21(8):080202。标签: 理学院 中国石油大学(华东)
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