学习与工作经历2006.09-2010.07 中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程 学士2010.09-2013.06 中国石油大学(华东) 油气田开发工程 硕士2013.09-2016.07 中国石油勘探开发研究院 油气田开发工程 博士2016.08-2018.07 中国石油大学(华东) 石油与天然气工程 师资博士后2017.12- 中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院 副教授(破格)承担科研课题1. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),低渗油藏双疏型纳米流体相界面调控驱油机理(51704310),2018-2020,项目主持人2. 山东省自然科学基金,水平井水力裂缝堵水堵剂充填形态与组分滤失分异规律研究(ZR2017BEE034),2017-2019,项目主持人3. 中国石油科技创新基金,低渗透油藏双弱亲纳米流体相界面调控与渗吸驱油规律(2017D-5007-0203),2017-2019,项目主持人4. 中国博士后科学基金(面上一等资助),多尺度裂缝堵水堵剂不均衡滤失与展布充填控制机制(2017M610456),2016-2018,项目主持人5. 青岛市博士后应用研究项目,多尺度裂缝堵水堵剂空间展布自适应封堵机制(2016221),2016-2018,项目主持人6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,分段压裂水平井堵水凝胶堵剂封堵机理研究(18CX02159A),2018-2020,项目主持人获奖情况1. 2017年度石油工程学院年度贡献奖;2. 中国石油学会第九届青年学术年会论文交流一等奖。荣誉称号1. 西海岸新区第三批区外引进高层次人才(紧缺人才)2. 北京市优秀毕业生3. 中国石油大学(华东)2016-2017学年青年教师上岗培训优秀学员4. 中国石油勘探开发研究院优秀毕业生5. 中国石油勘探开发研究院优秀博士学位论文专利1. 一种裂缝中铬离子损耗对冻胶封堵效果影响的评价方法,发明专利,授权公告号:ZL 201510888775.12. 一种有机碱/表面活性剂二元复合驱油体系及其制备方法与应用,发明专利,授权号:ZL201410147663.63. 一种深部调剖堵水用堵剂及其制备方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL201210341575.04. 模拟水力压裂裂缝堵水的实验模型,实用新型专利,授权公告号:ZL201520388889.55. 耐高盐自增粘疏水缔合聚合物凝胶调堵剂及其制备方法,发明专利,申请号:201510357770.66. 一种暂堵剂及其制备方法,发明专利,申请号:201711215210.27. 一种水平井水力裂缝堵水堵剂用量的计算方法,发明专利,申请号:201811060912.28. 一种油田污水配制的聚合物溶液表观粘度损失量化评价方法,发明专利,申请号:201811244960.79. 一种油田污水配制的聚合物溶液表观粘度稳定性量化评价方法,发明专利,申请号:201811244966.4学术交流1. Experimental investigation of a nanoclay-stabilized nitrogen foam flooding system: foam stability and displacement efficiency. Presented at 2017 International Conference of Bubble & Drop, Lyon, France, 2017.062. A novel chemical-consolidation sand control composition: Foam amino resin system. Presented at 2018 5th Global Conference on Polymer and Composite Materials (PCM 2018), Fukuoka, Japan, 2018.04研究领域
[1] Experimental Study on hydrophobically associating hydroxyethyl cellulose flooding system for enhanced oil recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, 6713−6725. (SCI二区Top, 本人位次1/4)[2] Experimental investigation of nanolaponite stabilized nitrogen foam for enhanced oil recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32, 3163–3175.(SCI二区Top, 本人位次1/5)[3] Experimental study of low molecular weight polymer/nanoparticle dispersed gel for water plugging in fractures. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018, 551, 95–107.(SCI三区, 本人位次1/4)[4] Experimental evaluation of a surfactantcompound organic alkalis flooding system for enhanced oil recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 5860-5869.(SCI二区Top, 本人位次1/6)[5] Leak-off behavior and water shut-off performance of a polymer/chromium (Ⅲ) gel in fractured media. Journal of Central South University, 2017, 24(6): 1418−1429. (SCI四区, 本人位次3/6, 通讯作者)[6] Effect of polymer on chromium (Cr3+) diffusion during gelant injection in fractured media. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 35(8): 1126-1134. (SCI四区, 本人位次1/6)[7] Effects of fracture width and matrix permeability on propagation behavior and water shut-off performance of a polymer gel. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29, 5534−5543. (SCI二区Top, 本人位次1/7)[8] Gelation study on a hydrophobically associating polymer/polyethylenimine gel system for water shut-off treatment. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29, 447−458.(SCI二区Top, 本人位次1/6)[9] Experimental study on ethanolamine/surfactant flooding for enhanced oil recovery. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28, 1829−1837. (SCI二区Top, 本人位次1/4)[10] Effects of a novel organic alkali on the interfacial tension and emulsification behaviors between crude oil and water. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014, 35(8): 1126-1134.(SCI四区, 本人位次1/5)[11] Low interfacial tension behavior between organic alkali/surfactant/polymer system and crude oil. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013, 34(6): 756-763. (SCI四区, 本人位次2/6, 通讯作者)[12] Study of a double cross-linked HPAM gel for in-depth profile control. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2016, 37(7): 1010-1018.(SCI四区, 本人位次3/6)[13] Effect of molecular structure on interfacial activity and emulsification property. Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2012, 49(5): 547-554.(SCI四区, 本人位次4/7)[14] Effects of the interfacial tension, emulsification, and mobility control on the tertiary oil recovery. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2015, 36(6): 811-820. (SCI四区, 本人位次4/5)[15] 十二烷基苯磺酸钠-乙二胺对原油的乳化影响研究. 东北石油大学学报, 2012, 36(2):91-95.[16] 石油磺酸盐-复合碱体系乳化稠油影响因素研究. 钻采工艺, 2012, 35(5):90-93. [17] 热-化学技术提高稠油采收率研究进展. 特种油气藏, 2012, 19: 8-13.[18] 无机盐对乳状液稳定性和转相的影响. 无机盐工业, 2012, 44: 25-28.[19] 高性能深部调驱体系试验. 科技导报, 2012, 30(6):40-43. [20] 含聚污水微生物降解研究进展. 工业水处理, 2012, 32 (5):10-13. [21] 十二烷基苯磺酸钠-碱复合体系乳化原油实验研究. 科学技术与工程, 2012, 12(16):3981-3984.担任《Energy & Fuels》、《Fuel》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Petroleum Science》、《Colloids and Surfaces A》等本专业国际知名期刊审核标签: 石油工程学院 中国石油大学(华东)
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