2023-05-17 14:50
  • 郑树启
  • 郑树启 - 教授 博士生导师-中国石油大学(北京)-新能源与材料学院-个人资料




1988.09-1992.07 山东工业大学第二机械工程系本科生
1997.09-1999.12 山东工业大学材料科学与工程学院硕士生
1999.09-2002.07 山东大学材料科学与工程学院博士生
2002.10-2006.04 日本富山大学博士后
2006.06- 中国石油大学(北京)新能源与材料学院教师
【1】国家自然科学基金面上项目:全尺度分级结构结合能带调控进一步优化SnTe热电输运性能研究 (2019-2022)
【3】中石化石油工程设计有限公司:输送2%氢气含量的煤制气X80管材缺陷容限研究 (2018-2019)
【3】中石化石油工程设计有限公司:新疆煤制气外输管道工程介质组分对X80管材的影响及适用性评价 (2012-2015)


【1】Tian Zhou, Lijun Wang,*Shuqi Zheng. Self-Assembled 3D Flower-like Hierarchical Ti-doped Cu3SbSe4 Microspheres with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity and High zT. NANO ENERGY. 49(2018)221-229
【2】Zhiliang Li, Yudong Chen, Hong Chen, Shuqi Zheng*, Teng Fang, Ting Huang, Hui Cheng, Guiwu Lu. A Simple and Effective Route to Control Synthesize SnTe Nanoparticles, and Their Enhanced Thermoelectric Properties Depended on the Size Effect. Nano energy, 28(2016)78-86
【3】Juan Li, *Shuqi Zheng. Designing high-performance n-type Mg3Sb2-based thermoelectric materials through forming solid solution and biaxial strain,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6,20454-20462
【4】Zhiliang Li, *Shuqi Zheng, Yuzhuo Zhang, Renyuan Teng, Ting Huang, Changfeng Chen, Guiwu Lu. Controlled synthesis of tellurium nanowires and nanotubes via a facile, efficient, and relatively green solution phase method. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1(2013)15046–15052. SCI、EI收录
【5】Lijun Wang,*Shuqi Zheng. High Thermoelectric performance of co-doped SnTe via scalable bottom-up method. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 22612?22619
【6】Xiangli Wen, Pengpeng Bai, Bingwei Luo, *Shuqi Zheng. Recent progress in the corrosion products on steel in a hydrogen sulfide environment. Corrosion Science. 139(2018)124-140.
【7】Pengpeng Bai, Hui Zhao, *Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen. Initiation and developmental stages of steel corrosion in wet H2S environments. Corrosion Science, 93(2015)109-119.
【8】Pengpeng Bai, *Shuqi Zheng, Hui Zhao, Yu Ding, Jian Wu, Changfeng Chen. Investigations of the diverse corrosion products on steel in a hydrogen sulfide environment. Corrosion Science, 87(2014)397-406.
【9】*Shuqi Zheng, Chunyu Li, Yameng Qi, Liqiang Chen, Changfeng Chen. Mechanism of (Mg,Al,Ca)-oxide inclusion-induced pitting corrosion in 316L stainless steel exposed to sulphur environments containing chloride ion. Corrosion Science, 67(2013)20-31.
【10】Chengshuang Zhou, *Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen, Guiwu Lu. The effect of the partial pressure of H2S on the permeation of hydrogen in low carbon pipeline steel. Corrosion Science, 67(2013)184-192.
【11】*Shuqi Zheng, Yameng Qi, Changfeng Chen, Shengyi Li. Effect of hydrogen and inclusions on the tensile properties and fracture behaviour of A350LF2 steels after exposure to wet H2S environments. Corrosion Science, 60(2012)59-68.
【12】Yameng Qi, Hongyun Luo, Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen, Danni Wang. Effect of immersion time on the hydrogen content and tensile properties of A350LF2 steel exposed to hydrogen sulphide environments. Corrosion Science, 69(2013)164-174.
【13】Chengshuang Zhou, Xingyang Chen, Zheng Wang, Shuqi Zheng, Xiao Li, Lin Zhang. Effects of environmental conditions on hydrogen permeation of X52 pipeline steel exposed to high H2S-containing solutions. Corrosion Science, 89(2014)30-37.
【14】Pengpeng Bai, *Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen, Hui Zhao. Investigation of the iron-sulfide phase transformation in nanoscale. Crystal Growth & Design, 14(2014)4295-4302.
【15】Pengpeng Bai, Yuxuan Liang, *Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen. Effect of Amorphous FeS Semiconductor on the Corrosion Behavior of Pipe Steel in H2S-Containing Environments. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55(2016)10932-10940.

