2023-05-17 14:45
  • 姚刚
  • 姚刚 - 研究员 博导-中国石油大学(北京)-非常规油气科学技术研究院-个人资料




姚 刚 博士现为中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院研究员,本科及硕士毕业于中国地质大学(北京)勘探地球物理专业,2013年在英国帝国理工大学获得博士学位,主要研究最小二乘逆时偏移,毕业后加入全球知名地球物理学家、帝国理工大学Mike Warner教授领导的Fullwave Consortium从事博士后工作,主要研究全波形反演理论及其工业化应用,期间和导师及同事作为技术创始人成立了帝国理工孵化的高科技创业公司S-Cube(原Sub-Salt Solutions Ltd),开发的全波形反演技术获得了工业界的推广和广泛应用。近五年发表了国际SCI论文20篇,其中第一作者13篇,已授权国家发明专利3项。
2020.07 – 至今 中国石油大学(北京),非常规油气科学技术研究院,研究员,博士/硕士生导师
2019.01 – 2020.06 中国石油大学(北京),非常规油气科学技术研究院,副研究员,博士/硕士生导师
2018.05 – 2018.12 Rice University, Department of Earth Science, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2014.01 – 2016.12 S-Cube Ltd., Technical Researcher
2013.08 – 2017.12 Imperial College London, Department of Earth Science, Research Associate
2009.09 – 2013.07 英国帝国理工, 地球物理
2005.09 – 2008.07 中国地质大学(北京),地球探测与信息技术
2001.09 – 2005.07 中国地质大学(北京),地球物理学
2018 SEG2018最佳论文奖 Best top 25 papers of SEG 2018 (25/1025)
2018 中国石油大学(北京)“优秀青年学者”
2009 中英优秀青年学者奖学金, UK-CHINA Scholarships for Excellence
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,各向异性介质中的全分量弹性波波形反演研究, 2019-2023, 主持
2. 中国石油大学(北京)优秀青年学者引进人才启动基金,针对深层油气藏的全波形反演研究,2019-2021, 主持
3. 国家重点研发计划,多信息相容约束高效全波形反演方法研究,2019-2024, 参与
1.姚刚,吴迪,全波形反演梯度计算中分离偏移和层析成像模式的方法,专利号:ZL201711462842.9 授权公告日2019-02-12
2.姚刚,吴迪. 一种全波形反演中原始梯度的层析分量提取方法. 专利号: 201810596430.2. 授权公告日2019-6-25
3.姚刚,吴迪. 一种克服全波形反演中周期跳跃的方法. 专利号: 201810875786.x. 授权公告日2019-09-13
(Last update: 2020/8/24)




1. Li, X., G. Yao* and D. Wu. 2020, An immersed boundary method with iterative symmetric interpolation for irregular surface topography in seismic wavefield modeling. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, no. 4, 643-660.
2. Yao, G., S.X. Wang*, D. Wu. 2020, A review on reflection waveform inversion. Petroleum Science, no. 2, 334-351.
3. Yao, G., N.V. da Silva, D. Wu*. 2019, Reflection-waveform inversion regularized with structure-oriented smoothing shaping. Pure and Applied Geophysics, no. 12, 5315-5335.
4. Yao, G.*, N. V. da Silva, V. Kazei, D. Wu, and C. Yang. 2019, Extraction of the tomography mode with non-stationary smoothing for full-waveform inversion. Geophysics, no. 4, R527-R537.
5. Yao, G.*, N. da Silva, M. Warner, D. Wu, and C. Yang. 2019, Tackling cycle-skipping in full-waveform inversion with intermediate data. Geophysics, no. 3, R411–R427.
6. Yao, G.*, N. V. Silva, M. Warner, and T. Kalinicheva. 2018, Separation of Migration and Tomography Modes of Full‐Waveform Inversion in the Plane Wave Domain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123, no. 2, 1486-1501.
7. Yao, G., N. da Silva, and D. Wu*. 2018, An effective absorbing layer for the boundary condition in acoustic seismic wave simulation. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15, no. 2, 495-511.
8. Yao, G., N. da Silva, and D. Wu*. 2018, Sensitivity analyses of acoustic impedance inversion with full-waveform inversion. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15, no. 2, 461-477.
9. Yao, G.*, N. V. da Silva, H. A. Debens, and D. Wu. 2018, Accurate seabed modeling using finite difference methods. Computational Geosciences, 22, no. 2, 469–484.
10. Yao, G.*, N. V. da Silva, and D. Wu. 2018, Forward modelling formulas for least-squares reverse-time migration. Exploration Geophysics, 49, no. 4, 506-518.
11. Yao, G., and D. Wu*. 2017, Reflection full waveform inversion. Science China Earth Sciences, 60, no. 10, 1783-1794.
12. Yao, G.*, and H. Jakubowicz. 2016, Least-squares reverse-time migration in a matrix-based formulation, Geophysical Prospecting, 64(3), 611-621.
13. Yao, G., Wu* D. and Debens H. A.. 2016, Adaptive finite difference for seismic wavefield modelling in acoustic media, Scientific Reports, 6, 30302.
14. Yao, G. and D. Wu*. 2015, Least-squares reverse-time migration for reflectivity imaging, Science China Earth Science, 58(11), 1982-1992.
15. Yao, G. and Liu X. 2010, Resolution of 3D Seismic Acquisition Geometries Based on the Double Focal Beam Method, Progress in Geophysics (in Chinese), 25(2).
16. Wu, D., G. Yao*., J. Cao and Y. Wang. 2016, Least-squares RTM with L1 norm regularisation, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 13(5), 666-673.
17. da Silva, N., G. Yao, and M. Warner. 2019, Wave modeling in viscoacoustic media with transverse isotropy. Geophysics, 84, no. 1,C41-C56.
18. da Silva, N. V., G. Yao, and M. Warner. 2019, Semiglobal viscoacoustic full-waveform inversion. Geophysics, 84, no. 2,R271-R293.
19. da Silva, N. V., and G. Yao. 2018, Wavefield reconstruction inversion with a multiplicative cost function. Inverse Problems, 34, no. 1,015004.
20. da Silva, N. V., G. Yao, and M. Warner. 2018, Semi-global inversion of v p to v s ratio for elastic wavefield inversion. Inverse Problems, 34, no. 11,115011.
1. Yao*, G., N. V. da Silva, M. Warner, D. Wu, and C. Yang. 2019, Tackling cycle-skipping in full-waveform inversion with intermediate data, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. 1560-1564.
2. Yao*, G., N. V. da Silva, and D. Wu. 2019, Reflection-waveform inversion constrained with structure-oriented smoothing, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. 1615-1619.
3. Yao*, G., N. da Silva, M. Warner, and D. Wu. 2018, Extraction of tomography mode for full-waveform inversion with nonstationary smoothing, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018.
4. Yao*, G., N. da Silva, M. Warner, and T. Kalinicheva. 2018, Separation of migration and tomography modes of full-waveform inversion in the plane-wave domain. In 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018. Cobenhagen: EAGE.
5. Yao*, G., N. da Silva, Warner M., Umpleby A. and Wu D. 2017, Improved FWI Convergence Using Efficient Receiver-side Spatial Preconditioning Employing Ray Theory, 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017
6. Yao*, G., Debens H., Silva N., Umpleby A. and Warner M. 2016, Keynote: Full-waveform seismic inversion with high-performance computing: Application to global inversion, in 2016 Workshop: Workshop High Performance Computing, Beijing, China, 14-16 November 2016, edited, pp. 36-36.
7. Yao*, G. and Warner M. 2015, Bootstrapped Waveform Inversion: Long-wavelength Velocities from Pure Reflection Data, 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015.
8. Yao*, G., Debens H.A., Umpleby A. and Warner M. 2015, Adaptive Finite Difference for Seismic Wavefield Modelling, 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015.
9. Yao*, G., Warner M. and Silverton A. 2014, Reflection FWI for both Reflectivity and Background Velocity, 76th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2014.
10. Yao*, G. and Jakubowicz H. 2013, Non-Linear Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration, 75th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2013.
11. Yao*, G. and Jakubowicz H. 2012, Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration, 82nd SEG Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, 1-5.
12. Yao*, G. and Jakubowicz H. 2012, Non-Linear Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration, 82nd SEG Meeting, Expanded Abstracts, 1-5.
13. Yao*, G. and Jakubowicz H. 2012, Least-Squares Reverse-Time Migration, 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2012.
14. Warner, M., L. Guasch, and G. Yao*. 2015, Adaptive Waveform Inversion: FWI Without Cycle Skipping, 2015 Workshop: Depth Model Building: Full-waveform Inversion, Beijing, China, 18-19 June 2015: Society of Exploration Geophysicists. 11-14.
15. da Silva* N.V., Yao G., Warner M., Umpleby A. and Debens H. 2017, Global Visco-Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion, 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017

