苗昕扬,男,辽宁盘锦人,1992年10月生,讲师,硕士生导师,校青年拔尖人才1.基本简历2010.09-2014.07 北京科技大学无机非金属材料工程专业本科生2014.09-2019.09 中国石油大学(北京)材料科学与工程专业博士研究生2018.08-2019.08 新加坡国立大学 电子与计算机工程系 国家公派联合培养2019.09- 中国石油大学(北京)新能源与材料学院教师2.招生学科和材料科学与工程学科:矿物材料的功能特性研究与应用3.主讲课程(1)《油气光学》;(2)《油气光学探测材料与技术》4.在研主要项目(限5项)中国石油大学(北京)青年拔尖人才引进人才基金项目:基于材料分析新技术的矿物材料物性研究5.完成主要项目(限5项)无7.主要获奖情况【1】詹洪磊, 赵昆, 苗昕扬, 等. 井下油气激光探测技术, 2018年中国光学工程学会技术发明三等奖【2】宝日玛, 赵昆, 詹洪磊, 姜晨, 金武军, 李羿璋, 冷文秀, 赵卉, 覃方丽, 孟倩, 苗昕扬, 等.油气储层潜能的太赫兹光谱表征与评价, 2015年中国光学工程学会创新产品三等奖【3】北京市优秀毕业生;国家奖学金;国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目奖学金;中国石油大学(北京)优秀研究生、优秀三好学生等8.人才培养情况协助指导博士研究生1人,硕士研究生3人。近期论文
【1】赵昆, 苗昕扬, 詹洪磊, 祝静, 宋艳, 陈儒.《油气光学实验》, 科学出版社, 2019.【2】Xinyang Miao, Honglei Zhan, Kun Zhao, Yizhang Li, Qi Sun, Rima Bao. Oil yield characterization by anisotropy in optical parameters of the oil shale. Energy & Fuels. 2016, 30: 10365-10370. SCI【3】Xinyang Miao, Jing Zhu, Yizhang Li, Kun Zhao, Honglei Zhan, Wenzheng Yue. Ultraviolet laser-induced voltage in anisotropic shale. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2018, 51: 045503. SCI【4】Xinyang Miao, Honglei Zhan, Kun Zhao. Application of THz technology in oil and gas optics. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy. 2017, 60(2): 024231. SCI【5】Xinyang Miao, Honglei Zhan, Kun Zhao, Zhenwei Zhang, Lei Xu, Cunlin Zhang, Lizhi Xiao. Terahertz-dependent PM2.5 monitoring and grading in the atmosphere. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy. 2018. 61: 104211. SCI【6】Xinyang Miao, Shining Sun, Yizhang Li, Rima Bao, Kun Zhao. Real-time monitoring the formation and decomposition processes of methane hydrate with THz spectroscopy. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy. 2017, 60(1): 014221. SCI【7】Xinyang Miao, Jing Zhu, Kun Zhao, Wenzheng Yue. Ultraviolet laser?induced lateral photovoltaic response in anisotropic black shale. Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics. 2017, 123: 276. SCI【8】Xinyang Miao, Hao Li, Rima Bao, Chengjing Feng, Hang Wu, Honglei Zhan, Yizhang Li, Kun Zhao. Discriminating the mineralogical composition in drill cuttings based on absorption spectra in the terahertz range. Applied Spectroscopy. 2017, 71(2): 186-193. SCI【9】Xinyang Miao, Jing Zhu, Kun Zhao, Honglei Zhan, Wenzheng Yue. Determining the humidity dependent ortho-to-para ratio of water vapor at room temperature by terahertz spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy. 2018, 72(7): 1040-1046. SCI【10】Xinyang Miao, Limei Guan, Rima Bao, Yizhang Li, Honglei Zhan, Kun Zhao, Xiaodong Wang, Fan Xu. Layer caused anisotropic terahertz response of a 3D-printed simulative shale core Analytical Sciences. 2017, 33: 1327-1331. SCI【11】Xinyang Miao, Jing Zhu, Yizhang Li, Honglei Zhan, Kun Zhao, Wenzheng Yue. Transient laser-induced voltaic response in a partially illuminated dielectric core. Laser Physics. 2018, 28: 086001. SCI标签: 新能源与材料学院 中国石油大学(北京)
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