2023-05-17 14:31
  • 高之业
  • 高之业 - 副研究员-中国石油大学(北京)-非常规油气科学技术研究院-个人资料




2014年9月至今 中国石油大学(北京)非常规油气科学技术研究院
2005年9月-2009年6月 南京大学地球科学与工程学院 地球化学专业 本科
2010年8月-2014年5月 美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校 环境与地球科学专业 博士
高之业等.一种定量表征页岩储层岩石润湿性的方法和装置. 发明专利,授权,专利号:ZL201810431064.5
[1] 页岩储层孔隙结构演化及其润湿性对流体运移的影响(41972145),国家自然科学基金,主持,起止时间:2020.01.01-2023.12.31
[3] 非常规油气富集机制与地球物理甜点识别(U1562215),国家自然科学基金石油化工联合基金(A类)重点支持项目, 项目骨干,起止时间:2016.01.01 -2019.12.31
[4] 不同类型页岩气生成机理与富集规律研究(2016ZX05034-001),国家科技重大专项,项目骨干,起止时间:2016.01.01-2020.12.31
[5] 五峰-龙马溪组富有机质页岩储层精细表征与页岩气成藏机理(2017ZX05035-002),国家科技重大专项,项目骨干,起止时间:2017.01.01-2020.12.31




[1]高之业, 范毓鹏, 胡钦红, 等, 2020. 川南地区龙马溪组页岩有机质孔隙差异化发育特征及其对储集空间的影响.石油科学通报, 待刊.
[2] Zhiye Gao et al.2020. The effects of pore structure on wettability and methane adsorption capability of Longmaxi Formation shale from the southern Sichuan Basin in China. AAPG Bulletin, available online (DOI number: 10.1306/01222019079).
[3] Zhiye Gao et al.2019. A review of shale wettability characterization using spontaneous imbibition experiments. Marine and Petroleum Geology,109,330-338.
[4] Zhiye Gao et al.2019. Characterizing the pore structure of low permeability Eocene Liushagang Formation reservoir rocks from Beibuwan Basin in northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology,99,107-121.
[5] Zhiye Gao et al.2018.Investigating the spontaneous imbibition characteristics of continental Jurassic Ziliujing Formation shale from the northeastern Sichuan Basin and correlations to pore structure and composition. Marine and Petroleum Geology,98,697-705.
[6]Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu.2018. Pore structure and spontaneous imbibition characteristics of marine and continental shales in China. AAPG Bulletin,102(10),1941-1961.
[7]Zhiye Gao et al.2018. Using multi-cycle mercury intrusion porosimetry to investigate hysteresis phenomenon of different porous media. Journal of Porous Media,21(7),607-622.
[8]Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu. 2016.Initial water saturation and imbibition fluid affect spontaneous imbibition into Barnett shale samples. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34,541-551.
[9] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu.2016. Wettability of Mississippian Barnett Shale samples at different depths: Investigations from directional spontaneous imbibition. AAPG Bulletin, 100(1),101-114.
[10] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu.2015. Investigating the effect of median pore-throat diameter on spontaneous imbibition.Journal of Porous Media, 18(12),1231-1238.
[11] Zhiye Gao et al. 2013. Gas diffusivity in porous media: Determination by mercury intrusion porosimetry and correlation to porosity and permeability. Journal of Porous Media, 16(7), 607-617.
[12] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu. 2013. Estimating permeability using median pore-throat radius obtained from mercury intrusion porosimetry. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 10(2), 025014.
[13] Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu. 2012. Using spontaneous water imbibition to measure the effective permeability of building materials. Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal, 3(3),209-213.
[1]Wei, L.,Z. Gao*, M.Mastalerz, et al., 2019. Influence of water hydrogen on the hydrogen stable isotope ratio of methane at low versus high temperatures of methanogenesis. Organic Geochemistry,128,137–147.
[2] Zhang, K., Z. Jiang*, X. Xie, Z. Gao*, et al. 2018. Lateral Percolation and Its Effect on Shale Gas Accumulation on the Basis of Complex Tectonic Background. Geofluids.
[3] Zhang, K., Z. Jiang*, L. Yin, Z. Gao*, et al.2017. Controlling functions of hydrothermal activity to shale gas content-taking lower Cambrian in Xiuwu Basin as an example. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 85, 177-193.
[4] Ning, C., Z. Jiang, Z. Gao, et al. 2017.Characteristics and controlling factors of reservoir space of mudstone and shale in Es3x in the Zhanhua Sag.Marine and Petroleum Geology,88,214-224.
[5]Su,S., Z.Jiang, Z. Gao, et al. 2017. A new method for continental shale oil enrichment evaluation[J]. Interpretation, 5(2),T209-T217.
[6] 宁传祥, 姜振学, 高之业,等. 2017.用核磁共振和高压压汞定量评价储层孔隙连通性——以沾化凹陷沙三下亚段为例. 中国矿业大学学报, 46(3),578-585.
[7]黄睿哲, 姜振学, 高之业,等. 2017.页岩储层组构特征对自发渗吸的影响. 油气地质与采收率, 24(1),111-115.
[8]高之业,姜振学,胡钦红. 2015.利用自发渗吸法和高压压汞法定量评价页岩基质孔隙连通性.吉林大学学报(地球科学版).
[9]Hu, Q.H., X. Liu, Z. Gao, S. Liu, W. Zhou, W. Hu. 2015.Pore structure and tracer migration behavior of typical American and Chinese shales. Petroleum Science. DOI 10.1007/s12182-015-0051-8.
[10]Tang, X., Z. Jiang, Z. Li, Z. Gao, Y.Bai, S. Zhao, J. Feng. 2015.The effect of the variation in material composition on the heterogeneous pore structure of high-maturity shale of the Silurian Longmaxi formation in the southeastern Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,23:464-473.
[11]Qinhong Hu, Xubo Gao, Zhiye Gao,et al.2014.Pore accessibility and connectivity of mineral and kerogen phases in shales. URTeC1922943.
担任石油地质学领域国际知名SCI期刊《Marine and Petroleum Geology》副主编。

