2023-05-17 14:26
  • 夏斌
  • 夏斌 - 副研究员-中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所-渔业环境与生物修复研究室-个人资料








Xia, B.*,Sui, Q.,Sun, X., Han, Q., Chen, B., Zhu. L.*, Qu, K. 2018. Ocean acidification increases the toxic effects of TiO2nanoparticles on the marine microalgaChlorella vulgaris. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 346, 1-9
Yin, L.,Chen, B.,Xia, B.,* Shi, X., Qu, K. * 2018. Polystyrene microplastics alter the behavior, energy reserve and nutritional composition of marine jacopever (Sebastes schlegelii). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 360, 97-105
Xia, B.*, Zhang, J., Zhao, X., Feng, J., Teng, Y., Chen, B., Sun, X., Zhu, L., Sun, X.*, Qu, K. 2020.Polystyrene microplastics increase uptake, elimination and cytotoxicity of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in the marine scallopChlamys farreri. Environmental Pollution. 258:113657.
Sun, X., Chen, B.,Xia, B.*, Li, Q., Zhu, L., Zhao, X., Gao, Y., Qu, K. 2020. Impact of mariculture-derived microplastics on bacterial biofilm formation and their potential threat to mariculture: A case in situ study on the Sungo Bay, China. Environmental Pollution. 262:114336
Sui, Q., Zhang, L.,Xia, B.*, Chen, B., Sun, X., Zhu, L., Wang, R., Qu. K. 2020. Spatiotemporal distribution, source identification and inventory of microplastics in surface sediments from Sanggou Bay, China. Science of the Total Environment, 723:138064
Zhu, L., Wang H., Chen, B., Sun, X., Qu, K.,Xia, B*. 2019. Microplastic ingestion in deep-sea fish from the South China Sea, Science of the Total Environment, 677: 493-501.
Zhu, L., Bai, H., Chen, B., Sun, X., Qu, K.,Xia, B*. 2018. Microplastic pollution in North Yellow Sea, China: Observations on occurrence, distribution and identification. Science of the Total Environment, 636, 20-29
Sun, X., Chen, B., Li, Q., Liu, N.,Xia, B.,* Zhu, L., Qu, K. 2018. Toxicities of polystyrene nano- and microplastics toward marine bacteriumHalomonas alkaliphila. Science of the Total Environment, 642,1378-1385
Xia, B.*,Chen, B., Sun, X., Qu, K., Ma, F. Du M.Interaction of TiO2nanoparticles with the marine microalgaNitzschia closterium: Growth inhibition, oxidative stress and internalization. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 508: 525-533.
Wang, Z.,Xia, B., Chen. B.,Sun, X., Zhu. L., Zhao. J., Du. P., Xing. B.Trophic transfer of TiO2nanoparticles from marine microalga (Nitzschia closterium) to scallop (Chlamys farreri) and related toxicity. Environmental Science: Nano,2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6EN00365F.
Sun, X., Chen, B.,Xia, B.*, Han, Q., Zhu, L., Qu, K. Are CuO nanoparticles effects on hemocytes of the marine scallop (Chlamys farreri) caused by particles and/or corresponding released ions?Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017,139C: 65-72
Xia, B.*,Zhu, L., Han, Q., Sun, X., Chen, B., Qu, K. Effects of TiO2nanoparticles at predicted environmental relevant concentration on the marine scallopChlamys farreri: An integrated biomarker approach. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2017, 50: 128-135.
Xia, B.*, Cui, Y., Chen, B., et al. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes analysis and sources of organic matter in surface sediments from the Sanggou Bay and its adjacent areas, China. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(12): 48-57.
夏斌#*,杜雨珊#,赵信国,朱琳,陈碧鹃,孙雪梅,曲克明.微塑料在海洋渔业水域中的污染现状及其生物效应研究进展.渔业科学进展. 2019,40 (3):178-190.

