2023-05-17 14:26
  • 王伟继
  • 王伟继 - 研究员-中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所-种质资源与工程育种研究室-个人资料








Wei-Ji Wang, Han-Ping Wang, Hong Yao, Geoff K. Wallat, Laura G Tiu, Qing-Yin Wang, A first genetic linkage map of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) using AFLP markers,Aquaculture international, 2010, 18:825-835
Weiji Wang, Yulong Hu, YuMa, Liyong Xu, Jiantao Guan, Jie Kong* High-density genetic linkage mapping in turbot (Scophthalmus maximusL.) based on SNP markers and major sex- and growth-related regions detection,PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(3): e 0120410
Weiji Wang, Yi Tian, Jie Kong, Xiaojing Li, Xiaomin Liu, Cuihua Yang,Integration genetic linkage map construction and several potential QTLs mapping of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis) based on three types of molecular markers,Russian Journal of Genetics,2012,48(4):422-434
Weiji Wang,Kai Zhang, Kun Luo, Guangxia Xiao, Wenping Song, Jie Kong, Xianshi Jin,Assessment of recapture rates after hatchery release of Chinese shrimpFenneropenaeus chinensisin Jiaozhou Bay and Bohai Bay in 2012 using pedigree tracing based on SSR markers,Fisheries science,2014, 80: 749-755
Jiantao Guan, Yulong Hu, MosangWang,WeijiWang*, Jie Kong, Sheng Luan,Estimating genetic parameters and genotype-by-environment interactions in body traits of turbot in two different rearing environments,Aquaculture,2016, 450:321-327.
Kai Zhang, Guangxia Xiao,Weiji Wang*, Xianshi Jin, Wenping Song, and Yan Gao,Genetic variation analysis across six life periods in a natural population of the Chineses shrimpFenneropenaeus chinensisin Bohai Bay using SSR markers,Russian Journal of Marine Biology,2015,41(1):10-16
Kai Zhang,Weiji Wang*, Jie Kong, Kun Luo, Xianshi Jin,Accuracy of short sequence repeats on single-parent parentage identification in Chinese shrimpFenneropenaeus chinensis,Aquatic Biology,2014, 20:45-51
Hu Yulong, Guan Jiantao, Ma Yu, Kong Jie,Wang Weiji*Estimation of genetic parameters of growth traits in juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximusL.) using parental molecular relatednessActa Oceanologica Sinica,2016, 35(2):126-130
Lyu Ding†,Wang Weiji†, Luan Sheng,HU Yulong, Guan Jiantao, Li Zhixiang, Wu Huanhuan, Kong Jie*, Liu Shoutang,Genetic parameters and response to selection for body weight in turbot(Scophthalmus maximus, Linnaeus).Acta oceanologica sinica, 2018(6): 47-51
Ding Lyu, Yulong Hu, Huanhuan Wu, Song Sun,Weiji Wang*, Estimating breeding values for juvenile body weight using trait associated SNP assisted BLUP in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture, 2019, 508:46-51

