2023-05-17 14:22
  • 范晓
  • 范晓 - 助理研究员-中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所-海水养殖生态与技术研究室-个人资料




范晓,男,助理研究员,主要事生物信息学以及海洋藻类基因组学和表观调控组学研究,聚焦海洋藻类进化早期内共生及水平基因转移。主持中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所基本科研业务费2项,在海洋生物基因组解析和功能调控及进化等方面获得多项突破性成果,共发表SCI论文33篇。以第一作者在Science Advances、Nature communications及New Phytologist等国际知名期刊上共发表论文11篇。获得授权发明专利4项;获得海洋工程科学技术奖二等奖、海洋科学技术奖二等奖、中国水产科学研究院大渔科学技术奖等多项奖励。




Fan Xiao#, Qiu huan#, Han Wentao, Wang Yitao, Xu Dong, Zhang Xiaowen, Bhattacharya Debashish*, Ye Naihao*. Phytoplankton pangenome reveals extensive prokaryotic horizontal gene transfer of diverse functions. Science Advances, 2020,doi.10.1126/sciadv.aba0111
Fan Xiao, Xu Dong, Wang Dongsheng, Wang Yitao, Zhang Xiaowen, Ye Naihao*. Nutrient uptake and transporter gene expression of ammonium,nitrate, and phosphorus in Ulva linza: adaption to variable concentrations and temperatures. Journal of Applied Phycology, 2020. doi.10.1007/s10811-020-02050-2.
Fan Xiao, Han Wentao, Teng Linhong, Jiang Peng, Zhang Xiaowen, Xu Dong, Li Chang, Pellegrini Matteo, Wu Chunhui, Wang Yitao, Kaczurowski Joyce Slade Michelle, Lin Xin, Tirichine Leila, Mock Thomas*, Ye Naihao*. Single-base methylome profiling of the giant kelp Saccharina japonica reveals significant differences in DNA methylation to microalgae and plants. New Phytologist, 2019, 225: 234-249.
Ye Naihao#*, Zhang Xiaowen#, Miao Miao#, Fan Xiao#, Zheng Yi, Xu Dong, Wang Jinfeng, Zhou Lin, Wang Dongsheng, Gao Yuan, Wang Yitao, Shi Wenyu, Ji Peifeng, Li Demao, Guan Zheng, Shao Changwei, Zhuang Zhimeng, Gao Zhengquan, Qi Ji*, Zhao Fangqing*, Saccharina genomes provide novel insight into kelp biology, Nature Communications, 2015, 6:6986(期刊论文)
Fan Xiao#, Xu Dong#, Wang Yitao, Zhang Xiaowen, Cao Shaona, Mou Shanli, Ye Naihao*. The effect of nutrient concentrations, nutrient ratios and temperature on photosynthesis and nutrient uptake by Ulva prolifera: implications for the explosion in green tides, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2013, 26: 537-544.

