2023-05-17 14:22
  • 房景辉
  • 房景辉 - 副研究员 硕导-中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所-海水养殖生态与技术研究室-个人资料




房景辉,男,博士,副研究员、硕士生导师。现就职于中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所。主要从事水产养殖生态学研究,涉及浅海生态(多营养层次)养殖模式、养殖环境修复、养殖生物生理生态学等。主持科研项目包括国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目1项,挪威研究委员会国际合作项目1项、山东省重点研发计划项目1项以及中国水产科学研究院院级和所级基本科研业务费项目等,参与实施4项国际合作项目(欧盟地平线2020,欧盟第七框架,科技部和国家自然科学基金国际合作专项)、973计划、863计划、科技支撑计划等项目,多次参与国际合作与交流。发表论文50余篇(其中,第一作者SCI 11篇,第一作者和通讯作者中文核心11篇)、参编专著2部,其中参编英文专著1部,获授权发明专利17项(第一发明人7项),实用新型专利13项(第一发明人7项),受理在审发明专利5项(第一发明人)。获2015年农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队称号(团队核心成员),2018年青岛市科技进步二等奖(第7位), 2019年山东省科技进步二等奖(第4位),2019年中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖(第3位)。




(1)Fang, Jinghui, Tian, X.*, Dong, S. The influence of water temperature and ration on the growth, body composition and energy budget of tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Aquaculture, 2010, 299(1), 106-114.
(2)Fang, Jinghui, Tian, X.*, Dong, S., Fang, J., Zhang, J. An experimental study on the compensatory growth of tongue sole,Cynoglossus semilaevis(Günther, 1873), following lower temperature manipulation. Aquaculture Research, 2014, 45(9), 1523-1532.
(3)Fang, Jinghui, Tian, X.*, Dong, S., Fang, J., Zhang, J. Growth compensation in juvenile tongue sole,Cynoglossus semilaevis(Güther, 1873): responses to thermal stress and feed restriction. Aquaculture Research, 2015, 46(11): 2604–2614.
(4)Jinghui Fang, Jihong Zhang, Yi Liu, Jiang, Z., Mao, Y., Fang, J.* Effects of temperature and salinity on mortality and metabolism ofOphiopholis mirabilis. Marine Biology Research, 2015, 11(2): 157-167.
(5)Fang Jinghui, Zhang Jihong, Jiang Zengjie Xuewei Zhao, Xu Jiang, Meirong Du, Yaping Gao, Jianguang Fang*. Tolerance, Oxygen Consumption and Ammonia Excretion ofOphiopholis sarsii vadicolain Different Temperatures and Salinities. Journal of Ocean University of China 2015,14(3), 549-556.
(6)Jinghui Fang, Jihong Zhang, Zengjie Jiang, Meirong Du, Yi Liu, YuzeMao, Yaping Gao and Jianguang Fang*. Environmental remediation potential ofPerinereis aibuhitensis(Polychaeta) based on the effects of temperature and feed types on its carbon and nitrogen budgets. Marine Biology Research, 2016, 12 (6): 583-594.
(7)Fang, Jinghui, Jiang, Z., Jansen, H. M., Hu, F., Fang, J., Liu, Y., Gao, Y, Du, M. Applicability ofPerinereis aibuhitensisGrube for fish waste removal from fish cages in Sanggou Bay, PR China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2017, 16(2): 294-304.
(8) Wang, H., Wang, G., Fang, J., Jiang, Z., Du, M., Gao, Y.,Fang, Jinghui*. Acute sulphide toxicity inPerinereis aibuhitensisunder different salinities and temperatures: LC50and antioxidant responses.Aquatic Biology, 2017,26: 75-85.
(9)Jinghui Fang*, Zengjie Jiang*, Jianguang Fang, Bin Kang, Yaping Gao and Meirong Du. Selectivity ofPerinereis aibuhitensis(Polychaeta, Nereididae) feeding on sediment. Marine Biology Research, 2018, 14 (5): 478-483.
(10)Jinghui Fang, Ole B. Samuelsen*, Oivind Strand, Henrice Jansen.Acute toxic effects of hydrogen peroxide, used for salmon lice treatment, on the survival of polychaetes (Capitellasp. andOphryotrochaspp.). Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 2018, 10: 363-368.
(11)Jinghui Fang∗, Peng Zhang, Jianguang Fang, Zengjie Jiang, Yaping Gao, Meirong Du.The growth and carbon allocation of abalone (Haliotis discus hannai) of different sizes at different temperatures based on the abalone-kelp integrated multitrophic aquaculture model. Aquaculture Research, 2018, 49: 2676–2683.

