2023-05-17 14:19
  • 竺效
  • 竺效 - 教授 博导-中国人民大学-法学院-个人资料




“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”哲学社会科学领军人才(中组部 2020)\r
文化名家暨“四个一批”理论界人才(中宣部 2019)\r
“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”青年拔尖人才(中组部、人社部 2014)\r
青年长江学者(教育部 2017)\r




ZHU Xiao, Lin Ding, Haoyang Li and Yazhen Gong, A New National Environmental Law with Harsh Penalties and Regulated Discretion: Experiences and Lessons from China,RESOURCES, CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING,181(2022), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106245.\r
ZHU Xiao, Taotao Qiu and Dongshu Liu, Resisting Public Monitoring in Authoritarian Regimes: Evidence from Local Environmental Litigation in China,GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY ADMINISTRATION AND INSTITUTIONS, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/gove.12675.\r
Driving Factors and Mechanism Improvement of Starting Identification and Assessment of Eco-Environmental Damage: An Empirical Study Based on 949 Cases, Research of Environmental Sciences, 2022(4) (co-author, third author, corresponding author)\r
Comparison and Reference for Ecological and Environmental Liability Book in Ecological and Environmental Code, China Law Review, 2022(2)\r
Functional Orientation and System Improvement of Regional Environmental Protection Inspection, Governance Studies, 2022(1) (co-author, first author)\r
Comparative Study on the Compilation Structure Model of Environmental Code, Contemporary Law Review, 2021(6)\r
“On the Judicial Application of the Normative Interpretation of the Green Principle”, China Legal Science, 2021(4), republished by Chinese Social Science Digest, 2021(11), and Civil and Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, 2021(12).\r
“County-level Environmental Power’s Reorganization and Optimization under the Background of Vertical Management Reform of Environmental Protection Institutions”, Chinese Public Administration, 2021(8) (co-author, second author, corresponding author).\r
“Central Environmental Protection Inspections Promote Local Environmental Law Enforcement”, Environmental Economy, 2020(24) (co-author, first author).\r
“Cultural Relics Protection Law Should Be More Systematic and Refined”, Guangming Daily, Democracy and Rule of Law, Dec. 12, 2020.\r
“Categorization of Administrative Public Interest Litigation on Cultural Relics Protection -- A Case Study of Hakka Enclosure Protection Public Interest Litigation by Longnan County Procuratorate of Jiangxi Province”, People’s Procuratorial Semimonthly, 2020(18) (co-author, first author).\r
“On the Perfection of Law Enforcement Information Disclosure Approaches of Three Supporting Measures of Environmental Protection Law”, Chinese Public Administration, 2020(6).\r
“The Civil Code: A Vane for Environmental Protection”, Guangming Daily, Democracy and Rule of Law, July 11, 2020.\r
“Protecting a Beautiful China through Rule of Law”, Renmin Daily, June 23, 2020.\r
“Civil Code Offers Subjective Legal Basis for Relief of Environmental Public Interest Damage”, Guangming Daily, Theoretical Edition, June 5, 2020.\r
“On the Subject Position of Procuratorial Organs in Sea-related ‘Public Interest Protection’ Litigation”, Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University, 2018(5) (co-author, first author).\r
“On Trust Management Mode of Ecological Damage Compensation Fund -- From the Perspective of Environmental Public Welfare”, Jinan Journal (Philosophy & Social Sciences) 2018(5) (co-author, first author).\r
“On the Daily Prevention of Ecological (Environmental) Damage”, Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition) , 2018 (2).\r
“The Outline of the Implementation of ‘Green Principles’ in the Civil Code”, China Legal Science, 2018 (1) (co-author, second author).\r
“On Legal Liability for Unauthorized Damage of Seals and Other Environmental Illegal Acts”, Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Science Edition), 2017(5) (co-author, first author).\r
“On the Improvement of the Application of Three Supporting Regulations of the New Environmental Protection Law”, Environmental Protection, 2017 (13) (co-author, first author).\r
ZHU Xiao (Correspondence author) and WU Kaijie, Public Participation in China’s Environmental Lawmaking: In Pursuit of Better Environmental Democracy,JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW,Vol.29, No. 3 (2017).\r
“Characteristics and Enlightenment of Swedish Environmental Codification”, The People’s Congress of China, 2017(15) (co-author, first author).\r
ZHU Xiao (Correspondence author), WANG Shenghang and Eva-Maria Ehemann, Development of Environmental Rights in China: Substantive Environmental Rights or Procedural Environmental Rights,FRONTIERS OF LAW IN CHINA,Vol. 12, No. 1 (2017).\r
“The Impact of Heavy Penalty Measures on Law Enforcement”, Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institutions, 2016(4).\r
ZHU Xiao (Correspondence author), Michael T. Roberts and Kaijie Wu, Genetically Modified Food Labeling in China: In Pursuit of a Rational Path,FOOD AND DRUG LAW JOURNAL,Vol. 71, No. 1 (2016).\r
“On the Legislative Path of Comprehensive Prevention and Relief of Ecological Damage -- Taking the French Civil Code Tort Liability Clause Amendment Act as a Reference”, Journal of Comparative Law, 2016(3), Reprinted by Law Digest of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2017(1).\r
“Research on the Subject Mechanism of Public Interest Claims for Ecological Damage”, Law Science, 2016(3); Reprinted by Xinhua Digest, 2016(15); Reprinted in full by Economic Law and Labor Law of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China , 2016(8).\r
“On Entity Public Interest of Environmental Civil Public Interest Litigation Relief”, Journal of Renmin University of China, 2016(2).\r
“Green Development Concept and Environmental Legislation Innovation”, Law and Social Development, 2016 (2) (co-author, first author).\r
ZHU Xiao and Guo Xiaomin, General and Particular Applying Elements of the Precautionary Principle in International Trade, FRONTIERS OF LAW IN CHINA, Vol. 10, No. 2 (2015).\r
“On the Construction of a Single Law of Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance in China”, Modern Law Science, 2015(3); Reprinted in full by Economic Law and Labor Law of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2015(10).\r
“On the Legal Basis of Compulsory Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods with Information Sensitive Risks”, The Jurist, 2015(2).\r
“On the Legislation Development of the Causes of Environmental Tort”, China Legal Science, 2015(2). Reprinted in full by Economic Law and Labor Law of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2015 (6).\r
ZHU Xiao, Zhang Lei, Ran Ran and Arthur P.J. Mol, Regional Restrictions on Environmental Impact Assessment Approval in China: The Legitimacy of Environmental Authoritarianism, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 92 (2015) , pps.100-108.\r
“On the Environmental Rule of Law for the Normal Restriction of Odd and Even Number Vehicles”, Law Science, 2015(2).\r
“On the Construction of the Legal System of Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance”, Law Review, 2015 (1). Reprinted in full by Law Digest of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2015 (2).\r
“Pure Economic Loss Theory and Environmental Tort Relief”, Tsinghua Forum of Rule of Law, Tsinghua University Press, 2014(22), pp. 91-110.\r
“On the New Restricted Approval System of EIA Area in the Environmental Protection Law”, Law Science, 2014(6); Reprinted in full by Economic Law and Labor Law of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2014(9).\r
ZHU Xiao and Adam Moser, The Laws, Policies, and Politics of Regulating Lead Pollution in China, FRONTIERS OF LAW IN CHINA, Vol. 9, No. 2, pps.186-207.\r
“On Legislation Development and Re-development of Basic Principles of Environmental Law in China”, ECUPL Journal, 2014(3).\r
“On the Implementation System of Environmental Administration ‘Environmental Protection Law’: From the Perspective of the Balance and Balance of Environmental Private Rights to Environmental Public Rights ”, Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 2014(3) (co-author, first author).\r
“On the Balance between National Environmental Management Rights and Citizens’ Environmental Rights, Jianghan Tribune, 2014(3) (co-author, first author), Reprinted in full by Law Digest of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2014(3).\r
ZHANG Lei, He Guizhen, Arthur P.J. Mol and Zhu Xiao, Power Politics in Revising China’s Environmental Protection Law, ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS, Vol. 22, No. 6, pps.1029–1035.\r
ZHU Xiao and Charles Wharton, The Development of Legal Standing on Chinese Environmental Social Organizations and An American Comparative Perspective,CHINA LEGAL SCIENCE, Vol. 1, No. 3, pps.76-105.\r
“Comment on the Information Disclosure Clause Group of the Amendment to the Environmental Protection Law (Draft)”,Journal of Zhengzhou University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2013(4); Reprinted in full by Economic Law and Labor Law of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2013(10).\r
“On Six Links and Priorities of Ecological Civilization Legal Construction”, Environmental Protection, 2013(13).\r
“Ensuring the Construction of Ecological Civilization by Law”, Renmin Daily, Theoretical Edition, July 5, 2013.\r
“On Ecological Civilization Construction and Improving the Legislative Purpose of ‘Environmental Protection Law’”, Legal Forum, 2013(2); Reprinted in full by Economic Law and Labor Law of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2013(6).\r
“On the Basic Principles of Public Participation in the Basic Law of the Environment”, Law Science, 2012 (12); Reprinted in full by Law Digest of Replicated Journals of Renmin University of China, 2013(2).

