2023-05-17 14:16
  • 张晓兵
  • 张晓兵 - 副教授-中国人民大学-应用经济学院-个人资料




2010年–2015年 瑞典哥德堡大学 经济学 博士
2007年–2010年 中国科学院 管理科学与工程 硕士
2003年–2007年 中国科技大学 管理科学与工程 学士
2015.09–2019.06 中国人民大学能源经济系助理教授
2019.06– 中国人民大学能源经济系副教授
2017-2019 国家自然科学青年基金
2016-2018 中国人民大学海外人才启动基金
2015-2017 瑞典 Adlerbertska 基金会
2010 中国科学院院长奖学金
2006 中科大校长奖学金-郭沫若奖学金




Li Y., Fei Y., Zhang X.B., Qin P., 2019. Household appliance ownership and income inequality: Evidence from micro data in China. China Economic Review, 56:101309.
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Tan-Soo J.S., Zhang X.B., Qin P., Xie L, 2019. Using electricity prices to curb industrial pollution. Journal of Environmental Management, 248:109252.
Zhang X.B., Zheng X., Qin P., Xie L., 2018. Oil import tariff game for energy security: The case of China and India. Energy Economics, 72:255–262.
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Tan–Soo J.S., Qin P., Zhang X.B., 2018. Power stations emissions externalities from avoidance behaviors towards air pollution: Evidence from Beijing. Energy Policy, 121:336–345.
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Zhu L., Zhang X.B., L. Yuan, Wang. X., Guo, J., 2017. Can an Emission Trading Scheme Promote the Withdrawal of Outdated Capacity in Energy–Intensive Sectors? A Case Study on China's Iron and Steel Industry. Energy Economics, 63:332–347.
Zhang X.B., Hassen S., 2017. Household fuel choice in urban China: Evidence from panel data. Environment and Development Economics, 22:392–413.
Zhang X.B., Qin P., Chen X., 2017. Strategic oil stockpiling for energy security: The case of developing countires. Energy Economics, 61:253–260.
Zhang X.B., Zhu L, 2017. Strategic carbon taxation and energy pricing under the threat of climate tipping events. Economic Modelling, 60:352–363.
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Zhang X.B., 2014, Optimal strategic oil stockpiling and import tariffs: The case of China. Energy Economics, 45: 463–474.
Fan Y., Zhang X.B., 2010. Modeling the strategic petroleum reserves of China and India by a stochastic dynamic game. Journal of Policy Modeling, 32(4): 505–519.
Zhang X.B., Fan Y., Wei Y.M., 2009. A model based on stochastic dynamic programming for determining China’s optimal strategic petroleum reserve policy. Energy Policy, 37(11): 4397–4406.
Nature Energy, Energy Economics, Energy Journal, Environment and Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Resource and Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Climate Policy, Applied Energy

