2023-05-17 13:56
  • 秦萍
  • 秦萍 - 教授 博导-中国人民大学-应用经济学院-个人资料




1999年 南京农业大学土地管理学院 工学士
2001年 中国农业科学院农业经济所 管理学硕士
2009年 (瑞典)哥德堡大学(University of Gothenburg) 经济学博士(环境经济学)
2019年6月-至今 中国人民大学应用经济学院 ,副教授
2019年6月-2020年7月 人才领导工作小组办公室副主任(挂职)
2019年1月-2019年6月 中国人民大学应用经济学院 ,副教授,院长助理
2012年9月-2019年1月 中国人民大学经济学院, 副教授
2010年7月-2012年6月 北京大学环境科学与工程学院博士后
2009年4月-2010年4月 (美国)未来资源研究所访问学者
2002年9月-2003年7月 中国科学院农业政策研究中心高级研究助理
1. 农户家庭决策行为分析(时间偏好, 风险偏好, 产权需求), 项目负责人,资金来源:瑞典海外发展合作署(SIDA), 2007-2009 。
2. “美国,瑞典和中国三国居民气候变化政策需求的比较分析(二氧化碳减排意愿支付和减排成本在各国间的分配)。 主要负责人, 资金来源: 瑞典海外发展合作署(SIDA),瑞典Adlerbertska Research Fund, Formas, Jan Wallander and Tom Hedelius Foundation, and Clipore (Mistra’s Climate Policy Research Program), 2009-2011.
3. 北京交通管理政策对环境和能源的影响,项目负责人,资金来源: 瑞典海外发展合作署(SIDA), 和北京交通政策研究中心, 2011-2013 。
4. 云南省农户社会偏好的实证研究,项目主要负责人,资金来源:中国人民大学校内基金, 2013-2015 。
5. 北京市居民出行方式实证研究,项目主要负责人,资金来源:中国人民大学校内基金, 2013-2015 。
6. 北京市摇号政策的福利经济学分析,项目主要负责人,资金来源:瑞典海外发展合作署(SIDA), 2013-2015 。
7. 小客车摇号政策的福利及行为影响分析,项目负责人,资金来源:国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目批准号:71403279),2014-2017 。
8. 北京市限行政策的社会成本分析,项目负责人,资金来源:瑞典海外发展合作署(SIDA), 2015-2016。
9. 中国家庭能源消费及能源价格改革的影响,项目负责人,资金来源:哥德堡大学,2015-2016。
10. 中美页岩气开发比较研究及对四川省的启示,项目负责人,资金来源:四川省委组织部,2015-2017。
11. 亚洲城市居民污染空气规避性支出比较研究,项目负责人,资金来源:哥德堡大学,2017-2019。




1. Carlsson, F., and P. Qin*. 2010. It is better to be the head of a Chicken than the tail of a phoenix: A study of concern for relative standing in rural China. Journal of Social-Economics. 39: 180-186.
2. Qin, P*., F. Carlsson, and J. Xu. 2011. Forestland reform in China: what do the farmers want? A choice experiment on farmers’ property rights preferences. Land Economics. 87 (3): 473-487.
3. Sandra Hoffmann, Ping Qin*, Alan Krupnick, Sereeter Lodoysamba, Burmaajar Burmaa, Altangerel Enkhjargal, Batbaatar Suvd. 2012. The Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reductions in Mongolia. Resource and Energy Economics. 34 (4): 493-513.
4. Qin, P*., and J. Xu. 2013.Forest land Rights, Tenure Types, and Farmers’ Investment Incentives in China: An Empirical Study in Fujian Province. China Agricultural Economic Review. 5 (1): 154-170.
5. Qin, P., Zheng, X., Wang. L. 2013. Travel Mode Choice and Impact of Fuel Tax in Beijing. Environment and Development Economics 19 (1): 92-110.
6. Wang, L., Xu, J., and Qin, P*. Will a Driving Restriction Policy Reduce Car Trips? ----The Case Study of Beijing, China. 2014. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 67:279-290.
7. Shanjun Li, Jun Yang, Ping Qin*, and Shun Chonabayashi, 2016. Wheels of Fortune: Subway Expansion and Property Values in Beijing. Journal of Regional Science 56 (5): 792-813.
8. Ping Qin, Lanlan Wang, 2017. Job opportunities, Institutions, and the jobs-housing spatial relationships: Case study of Beijing. Forthcoming at Transport Policy.
9. Xiao-Bing Zhang, Ping Qin*, Xiaolan Chen, 2017 Strategic Oil Stockpiling for Energy Security: The Case of China and India. Energy Economics 61: 253-260.
10. Lanlan Wang, and Ping Qin*, 2017 Distance to Work in Beijing: Institutional Reform and Bargaining Power. Urban Studies. 54 (6): 1385-1406.
11. Yang, J., S. Chen, P. Qin*, F. Lu, Antung A. Liu. 2018 The Effects of Subway Expansion on Traffic Conditions: Evidence from Beijing. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 88: 114-133.
12. Luny Xie, Ying Huang and Ping Qin*, 2018 Spatial Distribution of Coal-Fired Power Plants in China. Environment and Development Economics 23 (4): 495-515.
13. Jie-Sheng Tan-Soo, Ping Qin*, Xiao-Bing Zhang, 2018 Power Stations Emissions Externalities from Avoidance Behaviors towards Air Pollution: Evidence from Beijing. Energy Policy 121:336-345.
14. Shuai Chen, Ping Qin*, Jie-sheng Tan Soo, Chu Wei, 2019 Recency and Projection Biases in Air Quality Valuation by Chinese Residents. Science of the Total Environment 648: 618-630.
15. Chunhua Wang, Xiaoyong Cao, Jie Mao, Ping Qin*, 2019 The Change in Coal Intensity of Electricity Generation in Chinese Coal-fired Power Plants. Forthcoming at Energy Economics 80: 491-501.
16. Chen, S., P. Qin*, Jie-sheng Tan-Soo, J. Xu, J. Yang. 2020. An Econometric Approach toward Identifying the Relationship between Vehicular Traffic and Air Quality in Beijing. Land Economics 96 (3): 333–348.
17. Yang, J., Antung A. Liu, P. Qin*, J. Linn. 2020. The Effect of Vehicle Ownership Restrictions on Travel Behavior: Evidence from the Beijing Licnese Plate Lottery. Journal of Environmental Economics and Mangement 99: 102269.
1. Ye, C., and P. Qin. 2008. Provision of Residential Solid Waste Management Service in Rural China. China & World Economy. 16 (5): 118-128.
2. Fredrik Carlsson, Mitesh Kataria, Alan Krupnick, Elina Lampi, Åsa Löfgren, Ping Qin, Susie Chung and Thomas Sterner. 2012. Paying for Mitigation: A Multiple Country Study (China, USA and Sweden). Land Economics. 88 (2): 326–340.
3. Fredrik Carlsson, Haoran He, Peter Martinsson, Ping Qin and Matthias Sutter. 2012. Household Decision-making in Rural China: Using Experiments to Estimate the Influences of Spouses. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84: 525-536.
4. Fredrik Carlsson, Peter Martinsson, Ping Qin and Matthias Sutter. 2013. Household Decision Making and the Influence of Spouses’ Income and Communist Party Membership: An Experiment in Rural China. Experimental Economics 16 (3): 383-401.
5. Fredrik Carlsson, Mitesh Kataria, Alan Krupnick, Elina Lampi, Åsa Löfgren, Ping Qin, and Thomas Sterner. 2013. The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth: A Multi Country Test of An Aath Script. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 89: 105-121.
6. Fredrik Carlsson, Mitesh Kataria, Alan Krupnick, Elina Lampi, Åsa Löfgren, Ping Qin, and Thomas Sterner. 2013. A Fair Share: Perceptions of Climate Justice in the US and China. Resource and Energy Economics. 25:1-17.
7.Yang, J., Liu, Y., Qin, P., Liu, A. 2014. “A Review of Beijing’s Vehicle Registration Lottery: Short-Term Effects on Vehicle Growth and Fuel Consumption”. Energy Policy (75): 157-166.
8. Zheng, X., Wei, C., Qin, P., Guo, J., Yu, Y., Song, F., Chen, Z. 2014 Characteristics of Residential Energy Consumption in China: Findings from a Household Survey. Energy Policy 75:126-135.
9. Zhanming Chen, Yu Liu, Ping Qin, Bo Zhang, Leo Lester, Guanghua Chen, Yumei Guo and Xinye Zheng, 2015. Environmental Externality of Coal Use in China: Welfare Effect and Tax Regulation. Applied Energy 156:16-31.
10. Michael L. Anderson, Fangwen Lu, Yiran Zhang, Jun Yang and Ping Qin. 2016. Superstitions, Street Traffic and Subjective Wellbeing. Journal of Public Economics 142: 1-10.
11. Xiaojun Yang, Ping Qin and Jintao Xu. 2016 Positional Concern, Gender, and Household Expenditures: A Case Study in Yunnan Province. China Agricultural Economic Review. 8 (4):574-594.
12. Sandra Hoffmann, Alan Krupnick and Ping Qin. 2017. Building a Set of Internationally Comparable VSL Studies: Estimates of Chinese Willingness to Pay to Reduce Mortality Risk. Forthcoming at Journal of Cost and Benefit Analysis.
13. Chin-Hsien Yu, Shih-Kai Huang, Ping Qin, Xiaolan Chen. 2017. Households’ Risk Perceptions in Response to Shale Gas: Evidence from China Energy Policy 113: 123-134.
14. Xiaobing Zhang, Xinye Zheng, Ping Qin and Lunyu Xie, 2018. Oil Tariff Import Game for Energy Security: the Case of India and China. Forthcoming at Energy Economics.
15. Antung A. Liu, Joshua Linn, P Qin, Jun Yang. 2018. Vehicle Ownership Restrictions and Fertility in Beijing Vehicle Lottery. Journal of Development Economics 135:85-96.
16. Tan-Soo J.S., Zhang X.B., Qin P., Xie L, 2019. Using Electricity Prices to Curb Industrial Pollution. Journal of Environmental Management 248:109252.
17. Li Y., Fei Y., Zhang X.B., Qin P., 2019. Household Appliance Ownership and Income Inequality: Evidence from Micro Data in China. China Economic Review 56:101309.
18 Chin-Hsien Yu, Huimin Tan, Ping Qin, Xiaolan Chen. 2020. Local Residents’ Attitudes toward Shale Gas Exploitation: A Case Study in Sichuan, China. Society & Natural Resources DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1716425
1. 秦萍,杨小军,徐晋涛. 农民对相对收入的偏好及其影响因素分析—以云南省为例, 《中国农村经济》, 2014年第10期:76-87.
2. 秦萍,陈颖翱,徐晋涛,王兰兰. 北京居民出行行为分析:时间价值和交通需求弹性估算,《经济地理》, 2014年第11期: 17-23.
3. 秦萍,胡鹏程,谢伦裕 2015, 光明日报《驱除雾霾中前行——交通排放对产生雾霾的影响及治理措施》
1. Qin, P., E. Meng, J. Huang, and R. Hu. 2008. “Determinants of Wheat Diversity in Chinese Household Farms.” In Economic Analysis of Diversity in the Production of Modern Wheat. E. Meng, J.P. Brennan (eds.). Science Press. In Press.
2. Wei Chu, Qin Ping, Song Feng, Zheng Xinye, Yu Yihua, Guo Jin, Chen Zhanming (2016). A Survey Analysis of Energy Use and Conservation Opportunities in Chinese Household. in B.Su and E.Thomson (eds.), China’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation. Springer.
1.徐晋涛,秦萍(主编),2004 ,《退耕还林和天然林资源保护工程的社会经济影响案例研究》,中国环境与发展国际合作委员会林草问题课题组出版物。中国林业出版社,北京。
2. 郑新业,魏楚,秦萍等著,2015,《中国家庭能源消费报告》,科学技术出版社,北京。
3. 郑新业,魏楚,宋枫,谢伦裕,秦萍等著,2016,《中国家庭能源消费报告》,科学技术出版社,北京。
5. 陈晓兰,秦萍 著,2017,《 中国页岩气产业发展研究》,四川大学出版社,成都。
6 秦萍 谢伦裕 于子超 李俊 著, 2020,《 中国电力行业政策与问题研究》,中国人民大学出版社,待出版。
2015年欧洲环境经济学会年会科学委员会成员 (土耳其伊斯坦布尔)
2016年欧洲环境经济学会年会科学委员会成员 (瑞士苏黎世)
2018年欧洲环境经济学会年会科学委员会成员 (瑞典哥德堡)
2019年欧洲环境经济学会年会科学委员会成员 (英国曼彻斯特)
2015年-2018年 北大大学环境经济学科建设项目副主任
2019年至今 北大国发院环境与能源经济学研究中心兼职副研究员
2015年-2019年 国际SSCI期刊Environment and Development Economics 副主编
2020年1月-至今 国际SSCI期刊Environment and Development Economics 编委会成员

