1. Xiangyu Luo, and Yingying Wei* (2018) Nonparametric Bayesian learning of heterogeneous dynamic transcription factor networks. The Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1749-1772. (Paper, parallel C code)2. Xiangyu Luo, and Yingying Wei* (2019) Batch effects correction with unknown subtypes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114:526, 581-594. (Paper, Software: Bioconductor R package BUScorrect)3. Xiangyu Luo, Can Yang*, and Yingying Wei* (2019) Detection of cell-type-specific risk-CpG sites in epigenome-wide association studies. Nature Communications, Volume 10, Article number: 3113. (Paper, Software: Bioconductor R package HIREewas)4. Xiangyu Luo, Joel Schwartz, Andrea Baccarelli, Zhonghua Liu* (2020) Testing cell-type-specific mediation effects in genome-wide epigenetic studies. Briefings in Bioinformatics. Accepted.5. Qiuyu Wu#, Xiangyu Luo*. A nonparametric Bayesian approach to simultaneous subject and cell heterogeneity discovery for single cell RNA-seq data. (Paper on arXiv, Software: R package SCSCwin for Windows users; R package SCSClinux for Linux/Mac OS users.)(* indicates corresponding author; # represents supervised student) 相关热点
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