2023-05-17 13:47
  • 刘洋
  • 刘洋 - 助理教授-中国人民大学-法学院-个人资料




教育背景 \r
荣誉奖励 \r
哈佛大学Thayer Fellow\r




Yang Liu, The Judicial Construction of Gaps at the International Court of Justice, Proceedings of the American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Volume 110, Cambridge University Press, 2016, pp. 209-212.\r
刘洋, 普法、权力与文化:对“今日说法”的一个法律-文化分析,《清华法学》第11卷,清华大学出版社,2007年,41-62页。\r
刘洋 译,戴维·肯尼迪 著,《斗争的世界:权力、法律与专识是怎样塑造全球政治经济的》,中国政法大学出版社, 2019年待出。\r
刘洋 译,戴维·肯尼迪 著,全球治理之谜,《清华法治论衡》,第14辑,清华大学出版社,2011年。\r
刘洋 译,《习惯国际人道法》,第一卷,33-35章,法律出版社,2007年。\r
主要会议报告 (均为唯一作者)\r
Defining Ethnic Cleansing: Regime Complex and Network Analysis, 美国国际法学会研讨会,ASIL Research Forum, University of California, Los Angeles, November 9th. 2018.\r
Reinforced Boundary, Pseudo Universality, and China’s International Law Strategy– The Case of “A Community of Shared Future for Mankind”, 哈佛大学法学院全球法律与政策研究所会议,Harvard Law School IGLP Conference, Cambridge, MA, June 2018\r
The Law against the Use of Force: The Chinese Approach(es) and Methodological Reflections, 美国比较法学会青年比较法学者年会American Society of Comparative Law Younger Comparativist Committee Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, April 2018\r
The Doctrinalization of Effectivités in Law of Territory, 国际法中的有效控制研讨会Conference on Effective Control in International Law, Chinese University of Politics and Law, Beijing, China, November 11-12, 2017\r
The Ideology of International Adjudication: Origin and Critique, 2017世界华人法哲学年会, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 29-30, 2017\r
Development Lost: Development Lost: The Politics of Interpretation of Treaty Object at WTO, 亚洲国际法双年会青年学者论坛Asian Society of International Law Junior Scholar Workshop, Seoul, Korea, August 22, 2017\r
Courts in Eutopia, 迈向乌托邦-重新想象国际法(菲利普·阿洛特新著研讨会)Towards Utopia-Rethinking International Law Workshop, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, August 19-20, 2017\r
International Law Riddles in Constitutions: Legal Expertise, Founding Moments, and the Constitutional Silence on International Law, 欧洲中国法学会年会European Society of Chinese Law Annual Conference 2016, Rome, Italy, September 22-23, 2016\r
Active Avoidance: The Judicial Construction of Gaps at International Court of Justice, 美国国际法学会年会American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington D. C., March 30-April 2, 2016\r
Duality Lost: The Objects and Purposes in Treaty Interpretation in WTO, 哈佛大学东亚法律中心圆桌报告(Harvard EALS Round Table), Harvard Law School Cambridge, January 25, 2016\r
Regime Complex and the Doctrine of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’: the Network of UN and International Courts at Work, 第五届亚洲国际法学会双年会,5th Biennial Conference of Asian Society of International Law, Bangkok, Thailand, November 23-24, 2015\r
Regime Complex and the Doctrine of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’: the Network of UN and International Courts at Work, 加拿大国际法学会年会Canadian Council for International Law Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada, November 5-7, 2015\r
The Judicial Construction of Non Liquet at the International Court of Justice, 美国国际法学会研讨会ASIL Research Forum, Washington DC, October 23-24, 2015\r
Territorial Disputes before the I.C.J.: Why Do States Litigate?, 欧洲国际法学会研讨会ESIL Research Forum, 全会报告plenary session, EUI, Florence, May 14-15, 2015\r
Scholarship Citations in Environmental Cases before the ICJ: Is there a Trend? 《莱顿国际法杂志》 “国际法学术著作的变动角色”研讨会 The Changing Role of Scholarship in International Law Conference, Leiden Journal of International Law, The Hague, Netherlands, May 11, 2015\r
What is Cosmopolitan Law?,《剑桥国际法与比较法杂志》年会,Third Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law Conference, Cambridge, UK, May 10th, 2014.\r
Established for Peace: The Political Implications of China’s Air Defense Identification Zone, 约翰霍普金斯高等研究院亚洲研讨会 John Hopkins Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies Asia Conference, Washington D.C., April 2014.\r
The Meaning of ‘EC Treatment’ Concerning Establishment in EC External Agreement (in Chinese), 北京大学“欧洲:从民族国家到多族国家”研讨会 Conference on “Europe: from Nation States to the State of nations”, Peking University, Beijing, May 2007\r
On the Application and Implementation of Treaties in Hong Kong after Resumption (in Chinese), “基本法的回顾与前瞻研讨会”Conference on “Reviewing and Forecasting of the Basic Law”, Hong Kong, May 2007\r
The Recognition of “Market Economy”: European Union and India’s Anti-dumping policy towards China from the Perspective of International Law, 第五届青年学者国际研讨会, Fifth International Workshop for Young Scholars, Aix-Marseille III University, France, November 2006

