2023-05-17 13:35
  • 陈浩
  • 陈浩 - 讲师-中国人民大学-应用经济学院-个人资料




2009年9月-2013年6月 武汉科技大学 工学 学士
2013年9月-2018年6月 北京理工大学 管理学 博士
2016年10月-2017年11月 英国剑桥大学 能源经济 博士生联合培养
2018年7月-2020年6月 中国地质大学(武汉)经济管理学院 特任副教授
2020年7月-至今 中国人民大学应用经济学院 讲师
主持教育部人文社科项目《气候政策不确定性下的低碳电力技术投资决策优化研究》 (2018 年);




[1] Chen H, Chyong C K, Mi Z, Wei YM. Reforming the Operation Mechanism of Chinese Electricity System: Benefits, Challenges and Possible Solutions. Energy Journal, 2020, 41(2):192-217.
[2] Chen H, Liao H, Tang B J, Wei Y M. Impacts of OPEC's political risk on the international crude oil prices: An empirical analysis based on the SVAR models. Energy Economics, 2016, 57: 42-49.
[3] Chen H, Tang B J, Liao H, Wei Y M. A multi-period power generation planning model incorporating the non-carbon external costs: A case study of China. Applied Energy, 2016, 183: 1333-1345.
[4] Chen H, Kang J N, Liao H, Tang B J,Wei YM. Costs and potentials of energy conservation in China's coal-fired power industry: A bottom-up approach considering price uncertainties. Energy Policy, 2017, 104: 23-32.
[5] Chen H, Geng H P, Ling H T, Peng S, Yu S W, Wei YM.Modeling the coal-to-gas switch potentials in the power sector: A case study of China. Energy, 2020, 192: 1-9.
[6] Chen H, Gao X Y, Liu J Y,Zhang Q, Kang K N, Yu S W, Wei YM. The grid parity analysis of onshore wind power in China: a system cost perspective. Renewable Energy, 2019, 148: 22-30.
[7] Wei Y M, Chen H, Chyong C K, Kang J N, Tang B J, Liao H. Economic dispatch savings in the coal-fired power sector: An empirical study of China. Energy Economics, 2018, 74: 330-342.
[8] Hao Y, Chen H, Wei Y M, Li Y M. The influence of climate change on CO 2 (carbon dioxide) emissions: an empirical estimation based on Chinese provincial panel data. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 131: 667-677.
[9] Tang B J, Zhou H L, Chen H, Wang K, Cao H. Investment opportunity in China's overseas oil project: An empirical analysis based on real option approach. Energy Policy, 2017, 105: 17-26.
[10] Tang B J, Li R, Li X Y, Chen H. An optimal production planning model of coal-fired power industry in China: Considering the process of closing down inefficient units and developing CCS technologies. Applied Energy, 2017, 206: 519-530.
[11] Zhang K, Wang Q, Liang Q M, Chen H. A bibliometric analysis of research on carbon tax from 1989 to 2014. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 58: 297-310.
[12] Hao Y, Peng H, Temulun T, Liu L, Mao J, Lu Z, Chen H. How harmful is air pollution to economic development? New evidence from PM 2.5 concentrations of Chinese cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018,172:743-757.
[13] Hao Y, Deng Y X, Lu Z N, Chen H. Is Environmental Regulation Effective in China? Evidence from City-Level Panel Data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 188: 966-976.
[14] 陈浩, 郝宇, 廖华, 魏一鸣. 中国碳排放的空间分布格局-基于极化指数的分析. 城市与环境研究, 2014, (1): 68-79.
[15] 陈浩, 王茜, 唐葆君, 张皓,赵鲁涛. 中国海外油气投资的国际比较. 中国能源, 2015, 37(5): 30-33.
[16] 陈浩, 王茜, 唐葆君, 张皓,赵鲁涛. 中国海外油气投资的现状分析与对策. 中国能源, 2015, 37(4): 38-40.
[17] 迈克尔.波利特,杨宗翰,陈浩.电力改革:国际经验与中国选择. 财经智库, 2017, 4 (2): 5-83.
[18] 迈克尔.波利特,杨宗翰,陈浩. 重构中国电力供应行业:广东电力市场试点评价. 财经智库, 2018, 3(6): 107-135.
[19] 赵鲁涛, 姜寿明, 安润颖, 尹佳音,陈浩. 2016年国际原油价格分析与趋势预测. 北京理工大学学报: 社会科学版, 2016 (2): 8-12.
2019-至今  剑桥大学能源政策研究组Associate Researcher
2019-至今 中国“双法”研究会能源经济与管理研究分会理事
2018-至今  Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Energy Policy 和Applied Energy 等期刊审稿人

