2023-05-17 13:04
  • 辛肇军
  • 辛肇军 - 副研究员--辛肇军-个人资料




2011年7月-2014年12月:中国农业科学院茶叶研究所 其间:2012年3月被聘为助理研究员




Xin Z, Yu Z, Erb M, Turlings TCJ, Wang B, Qi J, Liu S and Lou Y* (2012) The broadleaf herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid turns rice into a living trap for a major insect pest and a parasitic wasp. New Phytologist. 194: 498–510.
Li R, Afsheen R, Xin Z, Han X, Lou Y* (2013) OsNPR1 negatively regulates herbivore-induced JA and ethylene signaling and plant resistance to a chewing herbivore in rice. Physiologia Plantarum. 147(3): 340–351.
Zhang Z, Sun X, Xin Z, Luo Z, Gao Y, Bian L, Chen Z* (2013) Identification and field evaluation of non-host volatiles disturbing host location by the tea geometrid, Ectropis oblique. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 39: 1284–1296.
Xin Z, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Chen Z*, Sun X (2014) A tea hydroperoxide lyase gene, CsiHPL1, regulates tomato defense response against Prodenia Litura (Fabricius) and Alternaria Alternata f. sp. Lycopersici by modulating green leaf volatiles (GLVs) release and jasmonic acid (JA) gene expression. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 32: 62–69.
Xin Z, Wang Q, Yu Z, Hu L, Li J, Xiang C, Wang B, Lou Y* (2014) Overexpression of a xylanase inhibitor gene, OsHI-XIP, enhances resistance in rice to herbivores. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 32: 465–475.
Wang B, Zhou G, Xin Z, Ji R, Lou Y* (2014) (Z)-3-hexenal, one of the green leaf volatiles, increases susceptibility of rice to the white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 33: 377-387.
Sun X, Wang GC, Yu Gao Y, Zhang XZ, Xin ZJ, Chen ZM* (2014) Volatiles emitted from tea plants infested by Ectropis oblique larvae are attractive to conspecific moths. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 40:1080-1089.
Xin Z, Zhang Z, Chen Z*, Sun X* (2014) Salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) negatively mediates tea herbivore-induced direct and indirect defense against the tea geometrid Ectropis oblique. Journal of Plant Research. 127:565–572.
Xin Z, Li X, Li J, Chen Z*, Sun X* (2016) Application of chemical elicitor (Z)-3-hexenol enhances direct and indirect plant defenses against tea geometrid Ectropis obliqua. Biocontrol. 61:1–12
Xin ZJ, Li XW, Bian L, Sun XL (2016) Tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis, chooses suitable host plants by detecting the emission level of (3Z)-hexenyl acetate. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 107: 77-84.
Wang Q, Xin Z, Li J, Hu L, Lou Y, Lv J (2015) (E)-β-caryophyllene functions as a host location signal for the rice white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 91:106-112.
辛肇军, 孙晓玲, 张正群, 陈宗懋* (2013) 茶树脂氢过氧化物裂解酶基因CsiHPL1的克隆及表达. 植物研究. 33: 66-72.
辛肇军, 孙晓玲, 陈宗懋* (2013) 茶树醇脱氢酶基因的表达特征及番茄遗传转化分析. 西北植物学报. 33(5):864-871.
张正群, 孙晓玲, 罗宗秀, 高宇, 边磊, 辛肇军, 蔡晓明, 陈宗懋*(2014) 14 种植物精油对茶尺蠖行为的影响. 茶叶科学 2014,34(5):489-496
杜琴, 辛肇军, 杨子威, 李喜旺, 陈宗懋, 孙晓玲*(2015)茶尺蠖脂肪酶合成基因EoL2的克隆和组织表达特征. 中国生物防治学报. 31(1): 48-56.
雷舒, 李喜旺, 孙晓玲, 王志英, 辛肇军* (2016)茶尺蠖为害提高邻近茶苗对茶尺蠖幼虫的防御能力. 茶叶科学. 36(6):587-593.


