2023-05-17 12:59
  • 郑浩
  • 郑浩 - 教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料






""1.肠道微生物与营养健康 2.基于蜜蜂模式生物体系研究宿主与肠道微生物的互作""""


15. Zheng H*, Powell JE, Steele MI, Dietrich C, Moran NA*\r
Honeybee gut microbiota promotes host weight gain via bacterial metabolism and hormonal signaling\r
2017 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: 4775–4780 PubMed DOI\r
F1000 Recommended\r
14. Zheng H, Dietrich C, Brune A*\r
Genome analysis of Endomicrobium proavitum suggests loss and gain of relevant functions during the evolution of intracellular symbionts\r
2017 Appl Environ Microbiol PubMed DOI\r
13. Kwong WK*, Zheng H, Moran NA \r
Convergent evolution of a modified, acetate-driven TCA cycle in bacteria\r
2017 Nat Microbiol 2:17067 PubMed DOI\r
12. Mikaelyan A, Thompson CL, Meuser K, Zheng H, Rani P, Plarre R, Brune A*\r
High-resolution phylogenetic analysis of Endomicrobia reveals multiple acquisitions of endosymbiotic lineages by termite gut flagellates\r
2017 Environ Microbiol Rep PubMed DOI\r
11. Zheng H', Dietrich C', Brune A*\r
Restriction-modification systems as mobile genetic elements in the evolution of an intracellular symbiont\r
2016 Mol Biol Evol 33:721–725 PubMed DOI\r
10. Zheng H*, Nishida A, Kwong W, Koch H, Engel P, Steele MI, Moran NA\r
Metabolism of toxic sugars by strains of the bee gut symbiont Gilliamella apicola\r
2016 mBio 7:e01326-16 PubMed DOI\r
9. Zheng H, Dietrich C, Radek R, Brune A*\r
Endomicrobium proavitum, the first isolate of Endomicrobia class. nov. (phylum Elusimicrobia) – an ultramicrobacterium with an unusual cell cycle that fixes nitrogen with a Group IV nitrogenase\r
2016 Environ Microbiol 18:191–204 PubMed DOI\r
F1000 Recommended; Highlighted Article; Cover Story\r
8. Zheng H, Dietrich C, Thompson CL, Brune A*\r
Population structure of Endomicrobia in single host cells of termite gut flagellates (Trichonympha spp.)\r
2015 Microbes Environ 30:92–98 PubMed DOI\r
Research Paper Award\r
7. Zheng H, Brune A*\r
Complete genome sequence of Endomicrobium proavitum, a free-living relative of the intracellular symbionts of termite gut flagellates (phylum Elusimicrobia)\r
2015 Genome Announc 3:e00679-15 PubMed DOI\r
6. Zheng H', Bodington D', Zhang C, Tanji Y, Miyanaga K, Hongoh Y, Xing XH*\r
Comprehensive phylogenetic diversity of [FeFe]-hydrogenase genes in termite gut microbiota\r
2013 Microbes Environ 28:491–494 PubMed DOI\r
5. Zheng H, Zhang C, Lu Y, Jiang PX, Xing XH*\r
Alteration of anaerobic metabolism in Escherichia coli for enhanced hydrogen production by heterologous expression of hydrogenase genes originating from the Synechocystis sp. \r
2012 Biochem Eng J 60:81–86 DOI\r
4. Liu Z, Lv FX, Zheng H, Zhang C, Wei F, Xing XH*\r
Enhanced hydrogen production in a UASB reactor by retaining microbial consortium onto carbon nanotubes (CNTs)\r
2012 Int J Hydrogen Energ 37:10619–10626 DOI\r
3. Feng Q, Wang YX, Wang TM, Zheng H, Chu LB, Zhang C, Chen HZ, Kong XQ, Xing XH*\r
Effects of packing rates of cubic-shaped polyurethane foam carriers on the microbial community and the removal of organics and nitrogen in moving bed biofilm reactors\r
2012 Bioresource Technol 117:201–207 PubMed DOI\r
2. Yan ST, Zheng H, Li A, Zhang X, Xing XH*, Chu LB, Ding GJ, Sun XL, Jurcik B\r
Systematic analysis of biochemical performance and the microbial community of an activated sludge process using ozone-treated sludge for sludge reduction\r
2009 Bioresour Technol 100:5002–5009 PubMed DOI\r
1. Yan ST, Li A, Zheng H, Luo MF, Xing XH*\r
Effects of ionic surfactants on bacterial luciferase and α-amylase\r
2009 Chinese J Chem Eng 17:829–834 DOI

