2023-05-17 12:59
  • 朱鸿亮
  • 朱鸿亮 - 教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




2003.09-2008.07: 中国农业大学 博士 \r
1999.09-2003.07: 中国农业大学 学士\r
2013.04至今: 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院 教授(中国农业大学拔尖人才)\r
2010.02-2013.01: 美国得州农工大学 博士后\r
2008.08-2010.01: 美国得州理工大学 博士后


""果蔬采后生理与分子生物学, 果蔬营养物质代谢调控, 果实发育和成熟机制""""


Wang T, You L, Li R, Fu D, Zhu B, Luo Y, & Zhu H* (2016) Cloning, identification, and expression analysis of Dicer-Like gene family from Solanum lycopersicum. Biologia Plantarum, 13 April 2016 online. (*Corresponding author) \r
Li R, Zhu H*, Luo Y (2016) Understanding the functions of long non-coding RNAs through their higher-order structures. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(5):702. (*Corresponding author) \r
Zhu B, Yang Y, Li R, Fu D, Wen L, Luo Y*, Zhu H* (2015) RNA sequencing and functional analysis implicate the regulatory role of long non-coding RNAs in tomato fruit ripening. Journal of Experiment Botany 66: 4483-4495 (* Co-corresponding author) \r
Gao C, Ju Z, Cao D, Zhai B, Qin G, Zhu H*, Fu D, Luo Y, Zhu B* (2015) MicroRNA profiling analysis throughout tomato fruit development and ripening reveals potential regulatory role of RIN on microRNAs accumulation. Plant Biotechnology Journal 13: 370-382 (* Co-corresponding author) \r
Wang T, Li R, Wen L, Fu D, Zhu B, Luo Y, Zhu H* (2015) Functional Analysis and RNA Sequencing Indicate the Regulatory Role of Argonaute1 in Tomato Compound Leaf Development. PLOS ONE 10: e140756 (*Corresponding author)\r
Yang Y, Wen L, Zhu H* (2015) Unveiling the hidden function of long non-coding RNA by identifying its major partner-protein. Cell & Bioscience 5:59. (*Corresponding author) (*Corresponding author) \r
Zhou Y, Honda M, Zhu H, Zhang Z, Guo X, Li T, Li Z, Peng X, Nakajima K, Duan L, Zhang X (2015) Spatiotemporal sequestration of miR165/166 by Arabidopsis Argonaute10 promotes shoot apical meristem maintenance. Cell Reports 10: 1819-1827\r
Zhu H, Zhou Y, Castillo-Gonzalez C, Lu A, Ge C, Zhao YT, Duan L, Li Z, Axtell MJ, Wang XJ, Zhang X (2013) Bidirectional processing of pri-miRNAs with branched terminal loops by Arabidopsis Dicer-like1. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 20: 1106-1115\r
Zhu H†, Hu F†, Wang R†, Zhou X, Sze SH, Liou LW, Barefoot A, Dickman M, Zhang X. Arabidopsis Argonaute10 Specifically Sequesters miR166/165 to Regulate Shoot Apical Meristem Development. 2011. Cell, 145, 242–256. († Equal contribution)\r
Zhu H, Zhu B, Li Y, Shao Y, Wang X, Xie Y, Chen A, Luo J, Jia X, Luo Y (2008) Expression and DNA binding activity of the tomato transcription factor RIN (ripening inhibitor). Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry 72: 250-252\r
Zhu H, Zhu B, Shao Y, Lin X, Wang X, Gao H, Xie Y, Luo Y (2007) Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Ethylene Overproducer 1-Like 1 Gene, LeEOL1 from Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) Fruit: Full Length Research Paper. DNA Sequence 18: 131-137\r
Zhu H, Zhu B, Zhang Y, Shao Y, Wang X, Xie Y, Chen A, Li Y, Tian H, Luo Y (2007) Expression of a truncated ripening inhibitor (RIN) protein from tomato and production of an anti-RIN antibody. Biotechnology letters 29: 1425-1430\r
Zhu H, Zhu B, Shao Y, Wang X, Lin X, Xie Y, Li Y, Gao H, Luo Y (2006) Tomato fruit development and ripening are altered by the silencing of LeEIN2 gene. Journal of integrative Plant biology 48: 1478-1485\r
Zhu H, Zhu B, Fu D, Xie Y, Hao Y, Luo Y (2005) Role of ethylene in the biosynthetic pathways of aroma volatiles in ripening fruit. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology 52: 691-695

