2023-05-17 12:54
  • 张俊伶
  • 张俊伶 - 教授 博导-中国农业大学-资源与环境学院-个人资料




1987.09-1991.07 北京农业大学 农业环境保护 农学学士
1993.09-1996.07 中国农业大学 植物营养系 理学硕士
1998.09-2002.07 德国霍恩海姆大学 植物营养系 理学博士
1991.09-1993.07 山西职业师范学校 助教
1996.09-1997.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 讲师
2002.08-2002.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 副教授
2003.01- 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 教授
其中:2006.09-2006.09 英国女王大学访问 访问学者
2008.01-2008.10 美国哈佛大学 访问学者
2014.09-2015.02 美国印第安纳大学 高级访问学者
1. 国家973计划“华北区域高产旱作土壤有机质转化规律和微生物区系特征的研究”(2016-2020)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上“集约化农田丛枝菌根真菌群落构建机制及驱动因子分析”(2014-2017)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上“华北平原集约化玉米生产体系中丛枝菌根真菌生物多样性和菌根吸收磷的作用机理”(2013-2016)
4. 公益性行业计划“利用有机(类)肥料调控我国土壤微生物区系关键技术研究”(2011-2015)




1. Meng Xu, Xiaoliang Li, Xiaobu Cai, Peter Christie, Junling Zhang. 2017. Land use alters arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities and their potential role in carbon sequestration on the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/s41598-017-03248-0.
2. Wang Guangzhou, HaiGang Li Peter Christie FuSuo Zhang JunLing Zhang. 2017. Plant-soil feedback contributes to overyielding in wheat/faba bean intercropping by reducing negative effect of wheat caused by take-all and compensating the growth of faba bean. Plant and Soil (accepted).
3. Wang, G., Li, X., Zhang, J.L., Christie, P., Li, X.L. 2017. Response of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to soil phosphorus patches depends on context. Crop & Pasture Science. 10.1071/CP16168.
1. Xu Qiao, ShuiKuan Bei,HaiGang Li, Peter Christie, FuSuo Zhang, JunLing Zhang.2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi contribute to overyielding by enhancing crop biomass while suppressing weed biomass in intercropping systems. Plant and Soil.406, 1(2):173-185.
2. Liu W., Zhang, Y.L., Jiang S.S., Deng Y., Peter Christie1, Philip J. Murray, Xiaolin Li and Junling Zhang. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soil and roots respond differently to phosphorus inputs in an intensively managed calcareous agricultural soil. Scientific Reports, 10.1038/srep24902.
3. Xu, M., Wang G., Li, X., Cai, X., Li, L., Christie, P., Zhang, J. 2016. The key factor limiting plant growth in cold and humid alpine areas also plays a dominant role in plant carbon isotope discrimination.Doi:10.3389/fpls.2015.00961.
4. Zhang, Y., Li, C., Wang, Y., Hu, Y., Christie, P., Zhang, J., & Li, X. 2016. Maize yield and soil fertility with combined use of compost and inorganic fertilizers on a calcareous soil on the North China Plain. Soil and Tillage Research, 155, 85-94.
1. Li, X.L., Zhu, T.Y., Chen, Q., Lin, S., Chrisite, P., Zhang, J.L. 2015. Inner Mongolian steppe arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities respond more strongly to water availability than to nitrogen fertilization. Environmental Microbiology. 17:3051-3068.
2. Li, X.L., Zhang, J.L., Gai, J.P., Cai, X.B., Christie, P., Li, X.L. 2015. Contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of sedgesto soil aggregation along an altitudinal alpine grassland gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Microbiology. 17:2841-2857.
3. Zheng, C. Y., Ji, B. M., Zhang, J. L.,Zhang, F. S., Bever, J. D. 2015. Shading decreases plant carbon preferential allocation towards the most beneficial mycorrhizal mutualist. New Phytologist. 1: 361-368.
4. Brooker, R. W.,Bennett, A. E.,Cong, W. F.,Daniell, T. J.,George, T. S.,Hallett, P. D.,Hawes, C.,Iannetta, P. P. M.,Jones, H. G.;Karley, A. J.,Li, L.,McKenzie, B. M.,Pakeman, R. J.,Paterson, E.,Schob, C.,Shen, J. B.,Squire, G.,Watson, C. A.,Zhang, C. C.,Zhang, F. S.,Zhang, J. L.,White, P. J. 2015. Improving intercropping: a synthesis of research in agronomy, plant physiology and ecology. New Phytologist. 206: 107-117.
5. Qiao, X., Bei, S.K., Li C.J., Dong, Y., Li, H.L., Christie, P., Zhang, F.S., Zhang, J.L. 2015. Enhancement of faba bean competitive ability by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi is highly correlated with dynamic nutrient acquisition by competing wheat. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep08122.
6. Zheng, CY., Chai, M.M., Jiang, S.S., Zhang, S.B., Christie, P., Zhang, J.L. 2015 Foraging capability of extraradical mycelium of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to soil phosphorus patches and evidence of carry-over effect on new host plant. Plant and Soil. 387:201-217.
1. Liu, W., Jiang, S.S., Zhang, YL; Yue, SC; Christie,P., Li, XL., Zhang, JL. 2014. Spatiotemporal changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under different nitrogen inputs over a 5-year period in intensive agricultural ecosystems on the North China Plain. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 90: 436-453.
2. Xu, M., Li, X.L., Gai, J.P., Li, X.L., Christie, P., Zhang, J.L. 2014. Soil microbial community structure and activity along a montane elevational gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology. 64:6-14.
3. Li X.L., Gai J.P., Cai X.B., Li X.L., Christie P., Zhang F.S., Zhang J.L. 2014. Molecular Diversity of AMF associated with two co-occurring perennial plant species on a Tibetan altitudinal gradient. Mycorrhiza. 24:95-107.
4. Liu W., Zhang C.Y., Fu Z.F., Gai J.P., Zhang J.L., Christie P., Li X.L. 2014. Facilitation of seedling growth and nutrient uptake by indigeneous AMF in intensive agroecosytems. Biology Fertility of Soils. 50: 381-394.
1. Zheng C.Y., Zhang J.L., Li X.L. 2013. Phosphorus supply level affects the regulation of phosphorus uptake by different arbuscular mycorrzhial fungal species in a highly P-efficient backcross maize line. Crop and Pasture Science. 64: 881-891.
2. Tian H., Drijber R.A., Zhang J.L., Li X.L. 2013. Impact of long-term nitrogen fertilization and rotation with soybean on the diversity and phosphorus metabolism of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi within the roots of maize (Zea mays L.). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.164: 53-61.
1. Wang J.L., Li X.L., Zhang J.L., Yao T., Wei D., Wang Y.F., Wang J.G. 2012. Effect of soybean root exudation on beneficial microorganisms in continuous soybean monoculture. Plant Ecology. 213: 1883-1892.
1. Tian H., Drijber, R.A., Niu X.S., Zhang J.L., Li X.L. 2011. Spatio-temporal dynamics of an indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community in an intensively managed maize agroecosystem in North China. Applied Soil Ecology. 47: 141-152.
2. Shen J.B., Yuan L.X., Zhang J.L., Li H.G., Bai Z.H., Chen X.P., Zhang W.F. and Zhang F.S. 2011. Phosphorus dynamics: From soil to plant. Plant Physiology 156: 997-1005.
1. Zhang F., Shen J.B., Zhang J.L., Zuo Y.M., Li L. and Chen X.P. 2010.Rhizosphere processes and management for improving nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity: implications for China. Advances in Agronomy Journal 107: 1-32.
1. Zhang J.L., George E. 2009. Root proliferation of Norway spruce and Scots pine in response to local magnesium supply in soil. Tree Physiology.29: 199-206.
2. Liu Y., Christie P., Zhang J.L. Li X.L. 2009. Growth and arsenic uptake by Chinese brake fern inoculated with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Environmental and Experimental Botany.66: 435-441.
1. Xurong Chai, Chongyang Shen, Xiaoyong Yuan, Yuanfang Huang*. Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in the presence of different external trends with REML-EBLUP. Geoderma (2008), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2008.09.018.
2. Shen, C., Y. Huang, B. Li, and Y. Jin* (2008), Effects of solution chemistry on straining of colloids in porous media under unfavorable conditions, Water Resour. Res., 44, W05419, doi:10.1029/2007WR006580.
3. 苑小勇, 黄元仿*, 高如泰, 柴旭荣, 贺勇. 北京市平谷区农用地土壤有机质空间变异特征. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(2): 70-76.
4. 姜照伟, 翁伯琦, 黄元仿*, 江枝和, 王义祥. 镧对土壤微生物的影响.中国稀土学报, 2008, 26(4):498-502.
5. 柴旭荣, 黄元仿*, 苑小勇, 高如泰. 利用高程辅助进行土壤有机质的随机模拟. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(12): 210-214.
6. 姜照伟, 翁伯琦, 黄元仿*, 黄毅斌, 应朝阳. 不同施用条件下稀土元素镧在牧草体内的含量及分布特征.浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 2008, 34(3) : 281-288.
7. 文宏达, 李淑文, 高如泰, 张会永, 张立峰, 黄元仿. 冀西北高原聚土集水沟作的产量及水分效应研究. 河北农业大学学报, 2008, 31(2): 31-36.
8. 王义祥, 姜照伟, 翁伯琦, 黄元仿. 外源La 对种植圆叶决明土壤微生物数量的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 2008, 27(5): 1853-1856.
9. 姜照伟, 翁伯琦, 黄元仿*, 王义祥, 罗旭辉. 施用稀土元素镧对南非马唐生长及若干生理特性的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2008, 14(4): 713-720.
10. 姜照伟, 翁伯琦, 黄元仿*, 王义祥, 应朝阳. 喷施和土施镧对圆叶决明生长影响的比较. 作物学报, 2008, 34(7): 1273−1279.
1. Liu H.J., Zhang J.L., Zhang F.S. 2007. Role of iron plaque in Cd uptake by and translocation within rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings grown in solution culture. Environmental and Experimental Botany 59:314-320.
Zhang J.L., George E. 2002. Changes in the extractability of cations (Ca, Mg and K) in the rhizosphere of Norway spruce (Picea abies) roots. Plant and Soil. 243: 209-217.
1. 高级植物营养. 中国农业大学出版社, 2015, 参编.
中国菌物学会内生菌和菌根专业委员会主任(2017- )
土壤学会青年工作委员会副主任(2017- )
全球土壤生物多样性会员(2014- )

