2023-05-17 12:53
  • 杨利峰
  • 杨利峰 - 副教授-中国农业大学-动物医学院-个人资料




在Prion疾病中,错误折叠蛋白蓄积机制及其引起神经元损伤的分子机制方面做了较深入系统的研究。现任中国畜牧兽医学会兽医病理学分会第九届理事会副理事长兼秘书长、中国药学会毒性病理专业委员会委员、中国兽医协会标准化技术委员会委员、中国兽医协会实验动物兽医分会委员、中国兽医病理学家、国家科技专家库专家、中国无公害农产品评审委员会评审专家、北京市优秀人才评审专家、中国实验动物学会会员、中国药学会会员;担任《实验动物科学》期刊第七届编委会委员、Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences、Oncotarget、Neurobiology of Diseases、Scientific Reports、Journal of Alzheimer diseases、 Frontiers neuroscience、 Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 等杂志评审;《中国实验动物学报》、《中国比较医学杂志》、《遗传》、《中国农业科学》、《实验动物科学》杂志特约审稿人。作为项目主持人,已承担国家及省部级科研课题21项,获批国家发明专利6项(均为第一完成人);获得教育部成果鉴定2项(第三完成人);在国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文150余篇, SCI收录期刊论文80篇。以第一作者及通讯作者发表SCI收录期刊论文38篇;出版教材、著(译)作15部,累计900余万字。




1.Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Zhao De Ming, Tariq Hussain, Naveed Sabir and Lifeng Yang*. Regulation of MicroRNAs-Mediated Autophagic Flux: A New Regulatory Avenue for Neurodegenerative Diseases with Focus on Prion Diseases. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.2018,Online. IF:4.602(通讯作者)\r
2.Mengyu Lai#,Hao Yao#, Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Wei Wu, Di Wang, Ying Zhao, Lu Wang, Xiangmei Zhou, Deming Zhao, Lifeng Yang* . The NLRP3-Caspase 1 inflammasome negatively regulates autophagy via TLR4-TRIF in Prion peptide-infected microglia. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2018,Online. IF:4.602(通讯作者)\r
3.Chaosi Li, Di Wang, Wei Wu, Wei Yang, Ying Zhao, Yuhan Duan, Wang Lu, Xiangmei Zhou, Deming Zhao, Lifeng Yang*. DLP1-dependent mitochondrial fragmentation and redistribution mediate prion-associated mitochondrial dysfunction and neuronal death. Aging Cell, 2018 Feb;17(1). IF: 6.714(通讯作者)\r
4.Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Deming Zhao, Tariq Hussain and Lifeng Yang*. Role of the AMPK Pathway in Promoting Autophagic Flux via Modulating Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Insight into Prion Diseases. Ageing Research Reviews . 2017 Nov;40:51-63. IF: 8.084(通讯作者)\r
5.Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Deming Zhao, Tariq Hussain, Lifeng Yang*.The Role of Unfolded Protein Response and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Signaling in Neurodegenerative Diseases with Special Focus on Prion Diseases. Frontiers in aging neuroscience. 2017 May 1;9:120. IF: 4.504(通讯作者)\r
6.Wei Yang#, Li-feng Yang#, Zhi-qi Song, Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Yong-yong Cui, Chao-si Li, Hua-fen Zhao, Hong-li gao, Xiang-mei Zhou, and De-ming Zhao*. PRAS40 alleviates neurotoxic prion peptide-induced apoptosis via mTOR-AKT signaling, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2017 May;23(5):416-427. IF: 4.061(共同第一作者)\r
7.Syed Zahid Ali Shah#, Deming Zhao#, Giulio Taglialatela, Sher Hayat Khan, Tariq Hussain, Haodi Dong, Mengyu Lai, Xiangmei Zhou and Lifeng Yang*. Early Minocycline and Late FK506 Treatment Improves Survival and Alleviates Neuroinflammation, Neurodegeneration,and Behavioral Deficits in Prion-Infected Hamsters, Neurotherapeutics. 2017 Apr;14(2):463-483. IF:5.615(通讯作者)\r
8.Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Tariq Hussain, Deming Zhao, and Lifeng Yang*. A Central Role for Calcineurin in Protein Misfolding Neurodegenerative Diseases, Cellular and Molecular life Science. 2017 Mar;74(6):1061-1074. IF:5.788(通讯作者)\r
9.Chunyu Wang#, Deming Zhao#, Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Wei Yang, Chaosi Li, and Lifeng Yang* . Proteome Analysis of Potential Synaptic Vesicle Cycle Biomarkers. Molecular Neurobiology. 2017 Sep;54(7):5177-5191. IF:6.190(通讯作者)\r
10.Khan SH#, Zhao D#, Shah SZ, Hassan MF, Zhu T, Song Z, Zhou X, Yang L*. Parkin Overexpression Ameliorates PrP106-126-Induced Neurotoxicity via Enhanced Autophagy in N2a Cells .Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 2017 May, 37:717–728. IF:2.939(通讯作者)\r
11.Li Chaosi, Syed Zahid Ali Shah, Zhao Deming, Lifeng Yang*. Role of Retromer Complex in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2016 Mar 1;8:42. IF:4.725(通讯作者)\r
12.Ting Zhu#, Deming Zhao#, Zhiqi Song, Zhen Yuan, Chaosi Li, Yunsheng Wang, Xiangmei Zhou, Xiaomin Yin, Muhammad Farooque Hassan, Lifeng Yang*. HDAC6 alleviates prion peptide-mediated neuronal death via modulating PI3K-Akt-mTOR pathway. Neurobiology of Aging. 2016 Jan;37:91-102.IF: 5.22 (通讯作者)\r
13.Syed Zahid Ali Shah#, Deming Zhao#, Khan SH, Lifeng Yang*. Unfolded Protein Response Pathways in Neurodegenerative Diseases. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2015 Dec;57(4):529-37.IF:2.891(通讯作者)\r
14.Yongyao Fu#, Deming Zhao#, Bo Pan, Jihong Wang, Yongyong Cui, Fushan Shi, Chunyu Wang, Xiaoming Yin, Xiangmei Zhou, Lifeng Yang*. Proteomic analysis of protein expression throughout disease progression in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2015 Aug 11;47(4):915-26.IF:4.365(通讯作者)\r
15.Yunsheng Wang#, Deming Zhao#, Bo Pan, Zhiqi Song, Syed Zahid Ali Shah , Xiaomin Yin, Xiangmei Zhou, Lifeng Yang *. Death receptor 6 and caspase 6 regulate Prion Peptide -induced axonal degeneration in rat spinal neurons. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2015 Aug;56(4):966-76. IF:2.891(通讯作者)\r
16.Zhiqi Song, Deming Zhao, Huajia Zhao, Lifeng Yang*. NRSF:an angel or a devil in Neurogenesis and neurological diseases. Journal of molecular neuroscience. 2015 May;56(1):131-44. IF:2.891(通讯作者)\r
17.Zhu Lin#, Deming Zhao #, Yunsheng Wang, Wei Zhao, Xiaomin Yin, Xiangmei Zhou, Zhongqiu Zhang, Lifeng Yang *. Downregulation of Beta-soluble NSF Attachment Protein (β-SNAP): Proteomics-based Identification in Early-stage Prion Disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases. 2015;15(4):193-201. IF:3.454(通讯作者)\r
18.Zhen Yuan#, Lifeng Yang#, Baian Chen, Ting Zhu, Mohammad Farooque Hassan, Xiaomin Yin, Xiangmei Zhou, Deming Zhao*. Protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) induces the conversion of recombinant prion protein to PrP oligomers causing neuronal apoptosis. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2015 Jun;133(5):722-9. IF:4.244(共同第一作者)\r
19.Syed Zahid Ali Shah#, Deming Zhao#, Lifeng Yang*. Regulatory Mechanisms of Endoplasmic Reticulum Resident IP3 Receptors. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience. 2015 Aug;56(4):938-48. IF:2.891(通讯作者)\r
20.Bo Pan#, Lifeng Yang#, Jin Wang, Yunsheng Wang , Jihong Wang, Xiangmei Zhou, Xiaomin Yin,Zhongqiu Zhang, Deming Zhao*. c-Abl tyrosine kinase mediates neurotoxic prion peptide-induced neuronal apoptosis via regulating mitochondrial homeostasis. Molecular Neurobiology. 2014, Apr;49(2):1102-16. IF:5.535(共同第一作者)

