2023-05-17 12:41
  • 倪元颖
  • 倪元颖 - 教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




1980、9-1984、7 北京农业大学 本科学习\r
1984、9-1992、5 北京食品工业研究所工作\r
1992、5-现在 中国农业大学食品学院工作学习\r
1984-1992年 北京食品工业研究所\r
1992年至今 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院 讲师/副教授/教授




Liu, F., Zhao, J. H., Wen, X., & Ni, Y. Y. (2015). Purification and structural analysis of membrane-bound polyphenol oxidase from fuji apple. Food Chemistry, 183, 72-77.\r
Liu, F., Zhao, J. H., Gan, Z. L., & Ni, Y. Y. (2015). Comparison of membrane-bound and soluble polyphenol oxidase in fuji apple (malus domesticaborkh. cv. red fuji). Food Chemistry, 173, 86-91.\r
Gan, Z., Liang, Z., Chen, X., Wen, X., Wang, Y., Li, M ., &Ni, Y., (2016). Separation and preparation of 6-gingerol from molecular distillation residue of yunnan ginger rhizomes by high-speed counter-current chromatography and the antioxidant activity of ginger oils in vitro. Journal of Chromatography B Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical & Life Sciences, 1011, 99.\r
Zhao, J. H., Liu, F., Wen, X., Xiao, H. W., &Ni, Y. Y.(2015). State diagram for freeze-dried mango: freezing curve, glass transition line and maximal-freeze-concentration condition. Journal of Food Engineering, 157, 49-56.\r
Yang, Y., Chen, Q., Shen, C., Zhang, S., Gan, Z., Hu, R.,Zhai, J.,& Ni, Y(2013). Evaluation of monosodium glutamate, disodium inosinate and guanylate umami taste by an electronic tongue. Journal of Food Engineering, 116(3), 627-632.\r
Chen Q. Q., Hu X. F., Li J. M., Liu P., Yang Y., Ni Y.Y.Preparative Isolation and Purification of Cuminaldehyde and P-Menta-1,4-Dien-7-Al from the Essential Oil of Cuminumcyminum L. by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatography. AnalyticaChimica ACTA, 2011, 689(1): 149-154 .\r
Qinqin Chen, Zhilin Gan, Jinhong Zhao, Yun Wang, Shuming Zhang, Jingming Li,Yuanying Ni. In vitro comparison of antioxidant capacity of cumin (Cuminumcyminum L.) oils and their main components [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2014, 55: 632-637.

