2023-05-17 12:40
  • 毛立科
  • 毛立科 - 副教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




2010.9-2014.5,爱尔兰科克大学(University College Cork),食品科学与技术专业,博士\r




1. Mao, L., Lu, Y., Cui, M., Song, M., Gao, Y. Design of gel structures in water and oil phases forimproved delivery of bioactive food ingredients. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2019, in Press. DOI. 10.1080/10408398.2019.1587737.\r
2. Lu, Y.,Mao, L*., Cui, M., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Effect of the solid fat content on properties of emulsion gels andstability of β‑carotene. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67, 6466-6475.\r
3. Lu, Y., Mao, L*., Hou, Z., Miao, S., Gao, Y. Development of emulsion gels for the delivery of functional food ingredients: from structure to functionality. Food Engineering Reviews, 2019, in Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12393-019-09194-z.\r
4. Cui, M., Mao, L*., Lu, Y., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Effect of monoglyceride content on the solubility and chemical stability of β-carotene in organogels. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 106, 83-91.\r
5. Mao, L., Pan, Q., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Formation of soy protein isolate-carrageenan complex coacervates for improved viability of Bifidobacterium longum during pasteurization and invitro digestion. Food Chemistry, 2019, 276, 307-314.\r
6. Mao, L., Miao, S., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Study on the textural and volatile characteristics of emulsion filled protein gels as influenced by different fat substitutes. Food Research International, 2018, 103, 1-7.\r
7. Mao,L., Wang, D., Liu, F., Gao, Y.,Emulsion design for the delivery of b-carotene in complex food systems. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2018, 58, 770-784.\r
8. Yang, J.1,Mao, L.1, Yang, W., Sun, C., Dai, L., Yanxiang Gao. Evaluation of non-covalent ternary aggregates of lactoferrin, high methylated pectin, EGCG in stabilizing β-carotene emulsions. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240, 1063-1071.(Co-first author)\r
9. Li, Z., Dai, L., Wang, D.,Mao, L.*, Gao, Y.*Stabilization and rheology of concentrated emulsions using natural emulsifiers Quillaja saponins and rhamnolipids. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66, 3922-3959.\r
10. Mao, L., Pan, Q., Hou, Z., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Development of soy protein isolate-carrageenan conjugates through Maillard reaction for the microencapsulation of bifidobacterium longum. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 84, 489-497.\r
11. Mao, L., Wang W., Tai, K., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Development of a soy protein isolate–carrageenan–quercetagetin non-covalent complex for the stabilization of β-carotene emulsions. Food & Function, 2017, 8, 4356-4363.\r
12. Mao, L., Roos, Y.H.,Biliaderis, C.G.,Miao, S. Food emulsions as delivery systems for flavour compounds – A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2017, 57, 3173-3187.\r
13. Mao, L., Roos, Y.H., Miao, S. Effect of maltodextrins on the stability and volatile release behavior of oil-in-water emulsions subjected to freeze-thaw treatment. Food Hydrocolloids, 2015, 50, 219-227.\r
14. Mao, L., Miao, S. Structuring food emulsions to improve nutrient delivery during digestion. Food Engineering Reviews, 2015, 7, 439-451.\r
15. Mao, L., Boiteux, L., Roos, Y.H., Miao, S. Evaluation of volatile characteristics in whey protein isolate-pectin mixed layer emulsions under different environmental conditions. Food Hydrocolloids, 2014, 41, 79-85.\r
16. Mao, L., Roos, Y.H., Miao, S. Study on the rheological properties and volatile release of cold-set emulsion filled protein gels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2014, 62, 11420-11428.\r
17. Mao, L., Calligaris, S., Barba, L., Miao, S. Monoglyceride self-assembled structure in O/W emulsion: formation, characterization and its effect on emulsion properties. Food Research International, 2014, 58, 81-88.\r
18. Mao, L., Roos, Y.H., Miao, S. Flavour release from monoglyceride structured oil-in-water emulsions through static headspace analysis. Food Biophysics, 2014, 9, 359-367.\r
19. Mao, L., Roos, Y.H., O’Callaghan, D.J., Miao, S. Volatile release from whey protein isolate-pectin multilayer stabilized emulsions: effect of pH, salt, and artificial salivas. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 6231-6239.\r
20. Mao, L., Roos, Y.H., Miao, S. Volatile release from self-assembly structured emulsions: effect of monoglyceride content, oil content, and oil type. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 1427-1434.\r
21. Mao, L., O’Kennedy, B.T., Roos, Y.H., Hannon, J.A., Miao, S. Effect of monoglyceride self-assembled structure on emulsion properties and subsequent flavor release. Food Research International, 2012, 48, 233-240.\r
22. Mao, L., Yang, J., Xu, D., Yuan, F., Gao, Y. Effect of homogenization models and emulsifiers on the physicochemical properties of b-carotene nanoemulsions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2010, 31, 986-993.\r
23. Mao, L., Xu, D., Yang, J., Yuan, F., Gao, Y., Zhao, J. Effects of small and large molecule emulsifiers on the characteristics of b-carotene nanoemulsions prepared by high pressure homogenization. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2009, 47, 336-342.

