2023-05-17 12:40
  • 马韫韬
  • 马韫韬 - 副教授 博导-中国农业大学-土地科学与技术学院-个人资料




1996.09-2000.07 中国农业大学 计算机及应用数学系 本科 理学学士
2000.09-2006.12 中国农业大学 资源与环境学院 土壤学 硕博连读 农学博士
2007.02-2009.02 中国科学院自动化研究所信息化博士后
2009.02-2010.01 中国农业大学资源与环境学院讲师
2010.02-2019.08 中国农业大学资源与环境学院副教授
2019.09- 中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院副教授
其中:2004.12-2005.02 法国国家计算机科学与控制研究所(INRIA) 访问学者
2008.01巴黎中央大学(ECP) 访问学者
2016.03-2017.03加州大学戴维斯分校 访问学者
2019.01-至今 农业人工智能与作物表型内蒙古自治区工程研究中心首席科学家




1. Xiao SF, Chai HH, Shao K, Shen MY, Wang Q, Wang RL, Sui Y and Ma YT*. 2020. Image-Based Dynamic Quantification of Aboveground Structure of Sugar Beet in Field. Remote Sensing, 12: 269-285
2. Liu YL, Cen CJ, Che YP, Ke R, Ma Yand Ma YT*. 2020. Detection of Maize Tassels from UAV RGB Imagery with Faster R-CNN. Remote Sensing, 12: 338-350
3. Zhu BL, LiuFS, XieZW, GuoY, LiBG, MaYT*. 2020. Quantification of light interception within image-based 3D reconstruction of sole and intercropped canopies over the entire growth season. Annals of Botany, mcaa046, https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcaa046  online
4. CheYP, Wang Q, Xie ZW, Zhou L, Li SW, Hui F, Wang XQ, LiBG, Ma YT*. Estimation of maize plant height andleaf area index dynamic using unmanned aerial vehicle with oblique and nadir photography. Annals of Botany, online
5. 柴宏红,邵科,于超,邵金旺,王瑞利,随洋,白凯,刘云玲,马韫韬*。甜菜根三维表型参数提取与根型判别.农业工程学报,2020,online
6. Li SW, Evers JB, van der Werf W, Wang RL, Xu ZL, Guo Y, Li BG1, Ma YT*. Plant architectural responses in simultaneous maize/soybean strip intercropping do not lead to a yield advantage. Annals of Applied Biology, accepted.
1. Chai HH, Shao K, Hui F, Wang RL , Ma YT*. Revealing the relationship between biomass, sugar content and image-based phenotyping in beetroot. 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium(IPPS 2019). Oral
1. Ma YT*, Chen YJ, Hu PC, Guo Y et al. 2018. Coupling individual kernel filling process with source-sink interactions into GREENLAB-MAIZE. Annals of Botany, 121(5): 961-973. 
2. Hui F, Hu PC, Guo Y, Li BG, Zhu JY, Ma YT*. 2018. Image-based dynamic quantification and high-accuracy 3D evaluation for of canopy structure of plant populations. Annals of Botany, 121(5): 1079-1088.
3. Zhu BL, Che YP, Hui F, Ma YT*. 2018. Three-Dimensional Quantification of Field Grown Crops by ground and aerial photography. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA18). Nov 4-8, in Hefei, Anhui province, China(EI)
4. Hui F, Guo Y, Ma YT *. 2018. Quantification of differences in root system architecture under maize/soybean interspecific interactions. 6th IEEE International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA18). Nov 4-8, in Hefei, Anhui province, China(EI).
5.朱冰琳, 刘扶桑, 朱晋宇,郭焱, 马韫韬*. 基于机器视觉的大田植株生长动态的三维定量化研究. 农业机械学报, 2018 (05):1-10.
1.惠放, 马韫韬, 朱晋宇,蒋卫杰. 2016. 利用多视角图像法分析番茄幼苗根构型对氮水平的响应. 植物营养与肥料学报, 22(5): 1418-1424.
2.徐照丽, 孙艳, 吴茜,惠放, 郭焱, 杨宇虹,马韫韬*. 2016. 烟草功能-结构模型GreenLab-Tobacco的构建.中国烟草学报, 22(3): 52-59.
3. Li SW, Xu YF, Qiu C, Zhu JQ, Evers JB, Guo Y, Li BG, Ma YT*. 2016. Modelling the architectural responses of individual plants in maize/soybean intercropping system. International conferences on FSPMA, Oral.
4. Cao BS, Hua S, Ma YT, Sun CQ, Chen Y, Li BG*. 2016. Evaluation of ORYZA 2000 model for three rice cultivars with contrasting plant achitecture under two regions in china. International conference on functional-structural plant growth modeling,  simulation, visualization and application(FSPMA), Poster.
5. Hui F, Hu PC, Guo Y, Zhu JY and Ma YT*. 2016. Dynamic capture of three-dimensional plant architecture based on multi-view photographed image sequences. International conferences on FSPMA, Poster.
1.朱晋宇, 惠放, 李苗,马韫韬, 余宏军, 蒋为杰. 2015. 氮水平对盆栽沙培番茄苗期根系三维构型与氮素利用的影响. 农业工程学报, (23): 131-137.
2.胡鹏程, 郭焱, 李保国,朱晋宇, 马韫韬. 2015. 基于多视角立体视觉的植株三维重建与精度评估. 农业工程学报, 31 (11): 209-214.
3. Ren ST, L XH, Li BG, Zhu JY, Ma YT*. 2015. Simulation and analysis of light availability difference for inter-rows of subordinate crop within strip-intercropping system. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, S2: 246-255.
5. Chen YJ, Li SW, Hoogenboom G, Guo Y, Li BG, Ma YT*. 2015. Simulation of maize kernel growth using source-sink approach with priority function. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, S2: 152-158.
1. Chen YJ, Hoogenboom G, Ma YT, Li BG, Guo Y. 2013. Maize kernel growth at different floret positions of the ear. Field crop research, 149: 177-186.
1. Ma YT*, Wubs A M, Mathieu A, Heuvelink E, Zhu JY, Hu BG, Courne`de P H and de Reffye P. 2011. Simulation of fruit-set and trophic competition and optimization of yield advantages in six Capsicum cultivars using  functional-structural plant modelling. Annals of Botany, 107: 793-803.
2.郑邦友, 马韫韬, 李保国,郭焱, 邓启云. 2011. 基于三维模型评估全球变暗效应对水稻光合生产的影响. 中国科学, 41(3): 386-393.
3. Zheng BY, Ma YT, Li BG, Guo Y, Deng QY. 2011. Assessment of the influence of global dimming on the photosynthetic production of rice based on three-dimensional modeling. Science China Earth Sciences, 54, 290-297.
1.马韫韬,朱晋宇, 胡包钢, Heuvelink E, de Reffye P. 2010. 生态学报, 30(24): 7072-7078.
2.Qi R, Ma YT, Hu BG, de reffye P, COURNèDE PH. 2010. Optimization of source-sink dynamics in plant growth for ideotype breeding: a case study on maize. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 71(1): 96-105.
3. Ma YT, Wang CY, Zheng BY, Buck-Sorlin, GH, Li, BG, Wang, ZL. 2010. Assessment of light capture and carbon gain of two wheat canopies with 3-D modelling. In: Information Science and Technology (ICIST 2011) pp1312–1317. Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, IEEE.
4. Ma YT, Liu J, Zheng BY, Li BG, Guo Y. 2010. Assessment of light capture and carbon gain for maize/soybean intercropping with 3-D modelling. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 12-17, Nov, Davis USA. (Oral presentation).
5. Chen Y, Guo Y, Ma YT*. A source-sink model on individual kernel growth for field grown maize. 2010. Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 12-17, Nov, Davis USA. (Oral presentation).
1. Wubs AM, Ma YT*, Hemerik L, Heuvelink E. 2009. Fruit set and yield patterns in six Capsicum cultivars. Hort Science, 44(5): 1296-1301. (Corresponding author).
2. Wubs AM, Ma YT, Heuvelink E, Marcelis LFM. 2009. Genetic differences in fruit-set patterns are determined by differences in fruit sink strength and a source: sink threshold for fruit set. Annals of Botany, 104: 957-964.
3.郑邦友, 石利娟, 马韫韬,邓启云, 李保国, 郭焱. 2009. 水稻冠层的原位三维数字化及虚拟层切法. 中国农业科学, 42(4): 1181-1189.
4. Ma YT, Mathieu A, Wubs AM, Heuvelink E, Zhu JY, Hu BG, Cournède PH, de Reffye P. 2009. Parameter Estimation and Growth Variation Analysis in Six Capsicum Cultivars with the Functional - Structural Model GreenLab. In: BG Li, M Jaeger and Y Guo (eds.). The third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA09), 183-190.
5. Zheng BY, Ma YT, Li BG, Guo Y, Deng QY. 2009. Assessment of the effects of leaf angle combinations on potential photosynthesis capacity of rice with 3-D models using high performance computing. The third synposium on Plant Growth Modeling and Applications, 9-13, Nov, Beijing, China (Oral).
1. Ma YT, Wen MP, Guo Y, Li BG, Cournede PH. 2008. de Reffye P. Parameter optimization and field validation of the functional-structural model GREENLAB for maize at different population densities. Annals of Botany, 101: 1185-1194.
2. Zheng BY, Shi LJ, Ma YT, Deng QY, Li BG, Guo Y. 2008. Comparison of architecture among different cultivars of hybrid rice using spatial light model based on 3D digitizing. Functional Plant Biology, 35(9/10): 900-910.
3. Wang XP, Guo Y, Wang XY, Ma YT, and Li BG. 2008. Estimating photosynthetically active radiation distribution in maize canopies by a three-dimensional incident radiation model. Functional Plant Biology, 35(9/10): 867-875.
1. Ma YT, Li BG, Zhan ZG, Guo Y, Luquet D, de Reffye P, Dingkuhn M. 2007. Parameter stability of the functional-structural plant model GREENLAB as affected by variation within populations, among seasons and among growth stages. Annals of Botany, 99: 61-73.
2. Zheng BY, Shi LJ, Ma YT, Deng QY, Li BG, Guo Y. 2007. Canopy architecture quantification and spatial direct light interception modeling of hybrid rice. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models, 37. 4-9, Nov, Napier, New Zealand (Oral).
3.马韫韬, 文美平, 李保国,王锡平, 郭焱. 2007. 器官尺度的玉米冠层直射光分布快速计算模型. 农业工程学报, 23(10): 151-155.
1. Guo Y, Ma Y, Zhan ZG, Li BG, Dingkuhn M, Luquet D, de Reffye P.2006.  Parameter optimization and field validation of the functional-structural model GREENLAB for maize. Annals of Botany, 97: 217-230.
2.马韫韬, 郭焱, 展志岗,李保国, Philippe de Reffye. 2006. 玉米生长虚拟模型GREENLAB-Maize的评估. 作物学报, 32(7): 956-963.
3.马韫韬, 郭焱, 李保国. 2006. 应用三维数字化仪对玉米植株叶片方位分布的研究. 作物学报, 32(6): 791-798.
4. Wang XP, Guo Y, Li BG, Wang XY, Ma YT. 2006. Evaluating a three dimensional model of diffuse photosynthetically active radiation in maize canopies. International Journal of Biometeorology, 50: 349-357.
5. Ma YT, Wen MP, Li BG, Guo Y, Cournede PH, de Reffye P. 2006. Calibration of GREENLAB model for maize with sparse experimental data. In: Thierry Fourcaud and Xiaopeng Zhang (eds.). The second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA06). IEEE computer society, 188-193.
1.马韫韬, 郭焱, 李保国,展志岗, Philippe de Reffye. 2005. 基于GreenLab理论的玉米生长虚拟模型: 参数提取与模拟. 数字农业技术与标准研讨会文集(国家农业信息化工程技术研究中心编), 365-374. 3.19-20, 北京.
2.王锡平, 郭焱, 李保国,马韫韬. 2005. 玉米冠层内太阳直接辐射三维空间分布的模拟. 生态学报, 25 (1): 7-12.
3.马韫韬, 郭焱, 李保国. 2003. 数字农作物的研究. 首届全国博士生学术论坛, 10.17-19, 清华大学,北京.
4.高祥照, 胡克林, 郭焱,李保国, 马韫韬, 杜森,王运华. 2002. 土壤养分与作物产量的空间变异特征与精确施肥. 中国农业科学, 35(6): 660-666.
农业建模与仿真专业委员会委员(2019- 至今)

