2023-05-17 12:34
  • 刘楠
  • 刘楠 - 副教授 博导-中国农业大学-草业科学与技术学院-个人资料




教学工作:副主编教材《草地管理学》;主讲本科生“饲草加工与质量评定实验”,“苜蓿生产学”,“草业科学综合实习一”,“牧草栽培实践与生长发育观察”;主讲研究生课程“草地土壤微生物生态学应用”,参讲 “草地管理学研究进展”。担任班主任,所带班级多次获得“北京市先进班集体”等荣誉称号。
1. 林草青拔-放牧影响草地土壤有机碳稳定性的微生物调节机制,在研,主持
2. 国家自然基金面上项目“放牧影响草地植物源碳输入及其形成土壤有机碳的过程机制”,在研,主持;
3. 宁夏回族自治区科技厅宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划“现代人工草地高效利用关键技术研究与示范”项目,子课题“草畜一体化区域示范与草畜平衡模式研究”,主持;
4. 国家自然基金青年基金,“放牧对草地凋落物分解的影响及其碳输入对土壤碳库的贡献分析”,结题,主持;
5. 国家自然基金重点项目“放牧草地植物多样性形成与维持机制”,在研,参加;
6. 国家牧草产业技术体系,“草畜平衡”岗位,在研,参加。
1. 大北农科技奖环境工程奖:退化草原生产力提升及机械化改良关键技术与应用(9/10),2019
2. 教育部科学技术进步奖:北方草原合理利用技术体系创建与应用(12/13)一等奖 2015-2
3. 中华农业科技奖:退化草原恢复及适应性利用关键技术研究与示范 二等奖(12/15),2015-9




1. 张英俊, 周冀琼, 杨高文, 荆晶莹, 刘楠. 退化草原植被免耕补播修复理论与实践. 科学通报 65, 1546-1555 (2020).
2. Xiong X, Wei Y-q, Chen J-h, Liu N, Zhang Y-j. Transcriptome analysis of genes and pathways associated with salt tolerance in alfalfa under non-uniform salt stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 151, 323-333 (2020).
3. Zhang H, et al. The potential application of plant wax markers from alfalfa for estimating the total feed intake of sheep. Animal 13, 2782-2791 (2019).
4. Yang C, Liu N, Zhang Y. Soil aggregates regulate the impact of soil bacterial and fungal communities on soil respiration. Geoderma 337, 444-452 (2019).
5. Yang C, Li J, Liu N, Zhang Y. Effects of fairy ring fungi on plants and soil in the alpine and temperate grasslands of China. Plant and Soil 441, 499-510 (2019).
6. Bi Y, et al. Interspecific interactions contribute to higher forage yield and are affected by phosphorus application in a fully-mixed perennial legume and grass intercropping system. Field Crops Research 244, 107636 (2019).
7. Yang X, Shen Y, Liu N, Wilson GWT, Cobb AB, Zhang Y. Defoliation and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi shape plant communities in overgrazed semi‐arid grasslands. Ecology, (2018).
8. Yang C, Zhang Y, Rong Y, Bei Y, Wei Y, Liu N. Temporal variation of Q10 values in response to changes in soil physiochemical properties caused by fairy rings. European Journal of Soil Biology 86, 42-48 (2018).
9. Yang C, Zhang F, Liu N, Hu J, Zhang Y. Changes in soil bacterial communities in response to the fairy ring fungus Agaricus gennadii in the temperate steppes of China. Pedobiologia, (2018).
10. Yang C, Li J, Zhang F, Liu N, Zhang Y. The optimal Redfield N: P ratio caused by fairy ring fungi stimulates plant productivity in the temperate steppe of China. Fungal Ecology 34, 91-98 (2018).
11. Xiong X, et al. Effects of non-uniform root zone salinity on growth, ion regulation, and antioxidant defense system in two alfalfa cultivars. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 132, 434-444 (2018).
12. Gui W, et al. Plant functional group influences arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance and hyphal contribution to soil CO 2 efflux in temperate grasslands. Plant & Soil, 1-14 (2018).
13. Yang C, Liu N, Zhang Y. Effects of aggregates size and glucose addition on soil organic carbon mineralization and Q 10 values under wide temperature change conditions. European Journal of Soil Biology 80, 77-84 (2017).
14. Shen Y, et al. Increased precipitation modulates the influence of nitrogen and litter inputs on the nutrient resorption proficiency rather than efficiency of Leymus chinensis. Plant Ecology 219, 217-230 (2017).
15. Lu W, Liu N, Zhang Y, Zhou J, Guo Y, Yang X. Impact of vegetation community on litter decomposition: Evidence from a reciprocal transplant study with 13C labeled plant litter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 112, 248-257 (2017).
16. Yang GW, et al. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect plant community structure under various nutrient conditions and stabilize the community productivity. Oikos 125, 576-585 (2016).
17. Shen Y, et al. Can litter addition mediate plant productivity responses to increased precipitation and nitrogen deposition in a typical steppe? Ecological Research 31, 579-587 (2016).
18. Zhang YJ, et al. Reduced grazing pressure delivers production and environmental benefits for the typical steppe of north China. Scientific Reports 5, 16434 (2015).
19. Liu N, Kan H, Yang G, Zhang Y. Changes in plant, soil and microbes in typical steppe from simulated grazing: explaining potential change in soil carbon. Ecological Monographs 85, 269-286 (2015).
20. Chen W, et al. Improved grazing management may increase soil carbon sequestration in temperate steppe. Scientific Reports 5, 10892 (2015).
21. Zhen LN, Yang GW, Yang HJ, Chen YL, Liu N, Zhang YJ. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect seedling recruitment: a potential mechanism by which N deposition favors the dominance of grasses over forbs. Plant and soil 375, 127-136 (2014).
22. Zhang YJ, Zhang XQ, Wang XY, Liu N, Kan HM. Establishing the carrying capacity of the grasslands of China: a review. The Rangeland Journal 36, 1-9 (2014).
23. Yang GW, et al. The interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil phosphorus availability influences plant community productivity and ecosystem stability. Journal of Ecology 102, 1072-1082 (2014).
1. 《草地管理学》第2版,北京:中国农业大学出版社,2019.9. 副主编
2. 《世界草原》.中国农业出版社. 2011.11. 参编
3. 《现代草原畜牧业生产技术手册》.中国农业出版社.2012. 参编

