2023-05-17 12:31
  • 贺晓云
  • 贺晓云 - 副教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




2000.9 —2004.6中国农业大学食品学院,生物工程专业,获工学学士学位;\r
2004.9 —2009.6 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,食品科学专业,获工学博士学位.\r
2009.9 —2012.2 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院&北京资源亚太饲料科技有限公司,博士后;\r
2014.1-至今 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,副教授。


""食品安全风险评估技术与检测技术 转基因产品食用安全评价 食品分子营养与功能食品""""


ShiyingZou, Kunlun Huang, WentaoXu, YunboLuo, Xiaoyun He*. Safety assessment of lepidopteran insect-protected transgenic rice with cry2A* gene. Transgenic Res. 2016, 25(2):163-72.\r
Xiaoyun He, Paulo A.R. de Brum, AmechiChukwudebe, et al. Rat and poultry feeding studies with soybean meal produced from imidazolinone-tolerant (CV127) soybeans. Food ChemToxicol. 2016, 88:48-56.\r
Huan Song#, Xiaoyun He#, ShiyingZou, Teng Zhang, YunboLuo, Kunlun Huang, Zhen Zhu*, WentaoXu*. A 90-day subchronic feeding study of genetically modified rice expressing Cry1Ab protein in Sprague–Dawley rats. Transgenic Research,2015, 24(2):295-308.\r
ShiyingZou#, Xiaoyun He#, Yifei Liu, Delong Chen, YunboLuo, Kunlun Huang, Wei Zhang*, WentaoXu*. Toxicological evaluation of lactase derived from recombinant Pichiapastoris. PloS one, 2014, 9(9): e106470.\r
Maozhi Tang#, Xiaoyun He#, YunboLuo#, Liyan Ma, Xiaoge Tang, Kunlun Huang*. Nutritional assessment of transgenic lysine-rich maize compared with conventional quality protein maize. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2013, 93(5): 1049-1054.\r
Yaxi Zhu#, Xiaoyun He#, YunboLuo, ShiyingZou, Xin Zhou, Kunlun Huang*, WentaoXu*. A 90-day feeding study of glyphosate-tolerant maize with the G2-aroA gene in Sprague–Dawley rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2013, 51:280-287.\r
Bo Cao#, Xiaoyun He#, YunboLuo, Lina Ma, Pengfei Liu, Sishuo Cao, Yifei Liu, ShiyingZou, WentaoXu*, Kunlun Huang*. Safety assessment of dehydration-responsive element-binding (DREB) 4 protein expressed in E. coli. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50(11): 4077~4084.\r
Xiaozhe Qi#, Xiaoyun He#, YunboLuo#, Shuangying Li, ShiyingZou, Sishuo Cao, Maozhi Tang, Bryan Delaney, WentaoXu*, Kunlun Huang*. Subchronic feeding study of stacked trait genetically-modified soybean (3Ø5423×40-3-2) in Sprague-Dawley rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50(9): 3256~3263.\r
Pengfei Liu#, Xiaoyun He#, Delong Chen, YunboLuo, Sishuo Cao, Huan Song, Ting Liu, Kunlun Huang*, WentaoXu*. A 90-day subchronic feeding study of genetically modified maize expressing Cry1Ac-M protein in Sprague–Dawley rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2012, 50(9): 3215~3221.\r
Sishuo Cao#,Xiaoyun He#, WentaoXu*, YunboLuo, Wenjun Ran, Lixing Liang, Yunqing Dai, Kunlun Huang*. Potential allergenicity research of Cry1C protein from genetically modified rice. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2012, 63: 181~187.\r
Sishuo Cao#, Xiaoyun He#, WentaoXu*, YunboLuo, Yangfang Yuan, Pengfei Liu, Bo Cao, Hui Shi, Kunlun Huang*. Safety assessment of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis rice T1c-19 in Sprague–Dawley rats from metabonomics and bacterial profile perspectives. IUBMB Life, 2012, 64(3): 242~250.

