2023-05-17 12:29
  • 郭慧媛
  • 郭慧媛 - 副教授-中国农业大学-食品科学与营养工程学院-个人资料




2000-2004 中国农业大学,获学士学位\r
2004-2009 中国农业大学,获博士学位\r
2009-今 中国农业大学,讲师,副教授\r
2011-2012 美国康奈尔大学,访问交流


""1. 畜产品品质形成机理与加工技术 2. 乳蛋白分子营养机制与功能乳制品开发 3. 乳用益生菌开发""""


1. Jingxuan Wang, Yixuan Li, Liang Zhao, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo(*). Lactoferrin stimulates the expression of vitamin D receptor in vitamin D deficient mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 55:48-56\r
2. Jie Luo, Shuyu Jian, Pengjie Wang, Fazheng Ren, Fang Wang, Shuxing Chen, Huiyuan Guo(*). Thermal instability and characteristics of donkey casein micelles. Food Research International, 2019, 119:436-443\r
3. Ziyu Huang, Yingying Lin, Fazheng Ren, Sijia Song, Huiyuan Guo(*). Benzalkonium bromide is effective in removing Bacillus cereus biofilm on stainless steel when combined with cleaning-in-place. Food Control, 2019, 105: 13-20\r
4. Yixuan Li, Wei Zhang, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo(*). Activation of TGF-β Canonical and Noncanonical Signaling in Bovine Lactoferrin-Induced Osteogenic Activity of C3H10T12 Mesenchymal Stem Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20:2880\r
5. Jie Luo, Ziwei Wang, Yiran Li, Chong Chen, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo(*). The simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion of droplets covered with milk fat globule membrane polar lipids concentrate. Journal of Dairy Science, 2019, 102:2879-2889\r
6. Jingxuan Wang, Beibei Lei, Jingyu Yan, Jiaqi Li, Xiangshan Zhou, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo(*). Donkey milk oligosaccharides influence the growth-related characteristics of intestinal cells and induce G2/M growth arrest via the p38 pathway in HT-29 cells. Food & Function, 2019, 10:4823-4833\r
7. Jingxuan Wang, Yutong He, Kun Pang, Qingkun Zeng, Xiaoying Zhang, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo(*). Changes in milk yield and composition of colostrum and regular milk from four buffalo breeds in China during lactation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019; 99:5799-5807\r
8. Wenli Tian(#), Min Li(#),Huiyuan Guo(#), Wenjun Peng, Xiaofeng Xue, Yifan Hu, Yang Liu, Yazhou Zhao, Xiaoming Fang, Kai Wang, Xiuting Li, Yufeng Tong, Michael A. Conlon, Wei Wu, Fazheng Ren, Zhongzhou Chen(*). Architecture of the native major royal jelly protein 1 oligomer. Nature Communication, 2018, 9: 3373(并列一作)\r
9. Yixuan Li, Jingxuan Wang, Fazheng Ren, Wei Zhang, Hao Zhang, Liang Zhao, Ming Zhang, Wei Cui, Xiaobin Wang, Huiyuan Guo (*). Lactoferrin Promotes Osteogenesis through TGF-ss Receptor II Binding in Osteoblasts and Activation of Canonical TGF-ss Signaling in MC3T3-E1 Cells and C57BL/6J Mice. Journal of Nutrition, 2018, 148:1-8\r
10. Ling Xiong, Fazheng Ren, Jiayi Lv, Hao Zhang, Huiyuan Guo (*). Lactoferrin attenuates high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and lipid metabolic dysfunctions by suppressing hepatic lipogenesis and downregulating inflammation in C57BL/6J mice. Food & Function, 2018, 9: 4328-4339\r
11. Lun Jiang, Jiayi Lv, Jingwen Liu, Xianghui Hao, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo (*). Donkey milk lysozyme ameliorates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis by improving intestinal barrier function and gut microbiota composition. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 48: 144-152\r
12. Lingli Chen, Jingxuan Wang, Pingping Jiang, Fazheng Ren, Xingen Lei, Huiyuan Guo (*). Alteration of the colostrum whey proteome in mothers with gestational hypothyroidism. PLOS ONE, 2018, 13(10): e0205987\r
13. Yingying Lin, Fazheng Ren, Liang Zhao, Huiyuan Guo(*). Genotypes and the persistence survival phenotypes of Bacillus cereus isolated from UHT milk processing lines. Food Control, 2017, 82:48-56\r
14. Wei Zhang, Hongyan Wu, Yixuan Li, Fazheng Ren, Huiyuan Guo(*). Lactoferrin-induced growth factors and cytokines expression profile in pre-osteoblast MC3T3-E1 cell and LRP1 stable knockdown MC3T3-E1 cell. Journal of Functional Foods, 2017, 37:147-156\r
15. Jing Sun, Fazheng Ren, Ling Xiong, Liang Zhao, Huiyuan Guo(*). Bovine lactoferrin suppresses high-fat diet induced obesity and modulates gut microbiota in C57BL/6J mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 2016, 22: 189-200\r
16. Taojun Wang, Liang Zhao, Yanan Sun, Fazheng Ren, Shanbin Chen, Hao Zhang, Huiyuan Guo(*). Changes in the microbiota of lamb packaged in a vacuum and in modified atmospheres during chilled storage analysed by high-throughput sequencing. Meat Science, 2016, 121: 253-260\r
17. Wei Zhang(#), Huiyuan Guo(#), Hao Jing, Yixuan Li, Xiaoyu Wang, Hao Zhang, Lu Jiang, Fazheng Ren. Lactoferrin Stimulates Osteoblast Differentiation Through PKA and p38 Pathways Independent of Lactoferrin’s Receptor LRP1. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2014, 29:1232–1243(并列一作)\r
18. Xiaoyu Wang(#), Huiyuan Guo(#), Wei Zhang, Pengcheng Wen, Hao Zhang, Zirui Guo, Fazheng Ren. Effect of iron saturation level of lactoferrin on osteogenic activity in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Dairy Science, 2013, 96(1):33-39(并列一作)

